From the Devices View, you can right-click on a device, then go through the steps needed to enforce a previously defined policy on that specific device.

Enforce Policy allows you to take a policy and immediately apply it against one device, or an entire group of devices. When Enforce Policy is selected, every other policy associated with that device is also enforced.

  1. Select one or more devices from the Devices view.

  2. Right-click, and select Enforce Policy from the options. A confirmation message displays.



  3. If Yes is selected, all policies are then loaded, and enforcement is completed in the background. Click Yes to continue, or click No to stop the processing.

Note: Devices are flagged as to their policy status (in or out-of-Policy).You can remove the device status (or state) flags. For example, if you prefer not to see any non-compliant flags for devices (for any reason). Go to Clearing Flags for more information and instructions.