Use the Command Line feature to Import Devices .  

See Setting the Number of Devices before you begin this task.

To import devices,

  1. Go to Accessing the Command Line Interface if you have not already done so.

  2. Here is the import devices command format you need to enter. importDevices <network name> <device server name> devicesCSVFile <updateFlag> 

  3. Make sure the format and syntax is entered at the cmd > prompt, exactly as shown in the example.

     cmd> importDevices Network1 DeviceServer1 devices.csv false  

    The input file names should be quoted only if the file name contains special characters - this applies to various commands.  

    Note: You do not have to enter the Credential Name or the Device Name using double quotes inside the file. The different values need only to be separated by a comma.


    • hostfile names

    • The hostfile format is the following:

    (Single-Level Mode)

    #IP Address, HostName, DeviceAlias,DevicePkg,InMech,InAcct,In-Snmp,In-CTMech,InCutCre,OOBMech,OOBCre,OOBCTMec,OOBCTCre,OOBDS,OOBP,PP Field,PP Field,PP Field,PP Field,Test1-Device1,TestAliasName,1,SNMP / TFTP,global:Cisco-Account,global:Cust1,Telnet,global:Cisco-Account,global:r2511,global:Cisco-Account,global:rlocal,global:Cisco-Account,972,1112,PPIBP:global:ciscop,PPIBC:global:level14,PPOBP:global:level11,PPOBC:global:level12, SNMPV2:global:Cust1,SNMPV3:global:testuser,SNMPPORT:162,ACTIVESNMPVERSI


    Notice PP information has been added after the 15th column and has to be qualified with either (in Normal Mode : 4 new entries):

    [PPIBP|PPIBC|PPOBP|PPOBC]::<global/network>:<pp cred>

    Note: Privilege Password values.

    The last 4 fields in the CSV are for Priv Pass credentials.  They each require a prefix to define which Priv Pass you are setting.  The prefixes are:

    • "PPIBP:"  aka. Priv Pass In-Band Primary management

    • "PPIBC:" aka. Priv Pass In-Band Cut-thru

    • "PPOBP:" aka. Priv Pass Out-of-Band Primary management

    • "PPOBC:" aka Priv Pass Out-of-Band Cut-thru

    (Multi-Level Mode) - (requires each priv pass to be appended with @<level> : up to 15 new privlevel entries)

    #IPAddress,HostName,DeviceAlias,DevicePkg,InMech,InAcct,In-Snmp,In-CTMech,InCutCre,OOBMech,OOBCre,OOBCTMec,OOBCTCre,OOBDS,OOBP,PP Field,PP Field,PP Field,PP Field,Test1-Device1,TestAliasName,1,SNMP / TFTP,global:Cisco-Account,global:Cust1,Telnet,global:Cisco-Account,global:r2511,global:Cisco-Account,global:rlocal,global:Cisco-Account,972,1112,PPLEV:global:ciscop@15,PPLEV:global:level14@14,PPLEV:global:level11@11,PPLEV:global:level12@11, SNMPV2:global:Cust1,SNMPV3:global:testuser,SNMPPORT:162,ACTIVESNMPVERSI


    Notice format : PPLEV:<global>:<ppcred>@<level>  

    Note: For SNMPv3 Credentials there is no change in command but the .csv format should indicate v2 ,v3 ,snmpport , snmpactiveversion params with qualifiers in the above example. These parameters must be added to the end of the .csv record for the specific device.

    • These field names are mandatory in the input deviceCSVfile.

    • IP Address

    • HostName

    • DevicePkg

    • A combination of ip address and hostname is used to check for uniqueness.

    • All the field names