The Find and Replace feature allows you to locate and replace information in a Config, Configlet, Command, or Interface Editor file. Find and Replace allows you to:

  • locate "like text" for review

  • locate text to remove or replace within a file

  • locate template variables for single or global replacements

To find and replace lines,

  1. In an open editor window, click the Search icon.  

    The Find window opens.

  2. In the Find field, enter a word or partial words.

    Note: Previously entered words are available be clicking the drop-down arrow to the right of the Find field.
  3. In the Replace with field, enter the full or partial words that will replace the text in the Find field.

  4. To match exactly the text in the Find field, check Match Case

    There are three Find options:  

  5. Using one of the above options, Find and Replace the word or words as needed.

    Note: If your search started in the middle of a window, you are asked: "Restart from the top?". If needed, click Yes. The search restarts from the top of the window to locate any matches.
  6. Repeat steps 2-5 until all changes have been made.

  7. When finished, click Close.


Locates each instance of the words, one at a time. Works in conjunction with the Replace button by allowing you to review the words with the option to leave the words unchanged, or to replace the instance.


Works in conjunction with the Find button. Once an instance of the words is located, you can complete a single change to the highlighted instance of the words.

Replace All

When Replace All is clicked, all instances of the words are changed to the text in the Replace with field . Unlike the clicking Find, you do not have the option to skip any instances of the matching words.