Communication security settings enable the establishment of secure communication channels between the product components, as well as between product components and external systems or components.

Table 1. Port usage
Service Protocol Destination Port Application server (AS)/ Direction Device server (DS)/ Direction Combination server (CS)/ Direction Database server (DB)/ Direction
Apache TCP 80 Client to AS N/A Client to CS N/A
NCM AS TCP 8881 Client to AS DS to AS,

DS to CS

Client to CS N/A
NCM AS SSL TCP 8880 Client to AS N/A Client to CS N/A
Apache SSL TCP 443 Client to AS,

DS to AS

AS to DS,

CS to DS

Client to CS,

DS to CS

SNMP UDP 161 N/A DS to Device CS to Device N/A
Telnet TCP 23 N/A DS to Device CS to Device N/A
SSH TCP 22 N/A DS to Device CS to Device N/A
SCP TCP 22 N/A DS to Device CS to Device N/A
TFTP UDP 69, >1023 N/A DS to Device,

Device to DS

CS to Device,

Device to CS

FTP TCP 21 N/A DS to Device CS to Device N/A
SNMP Traps UDP 162 N/A Device to DS Device to CS N/A
Syslog UDP 514 N/A Device to DS Device to CS N/A
Cut-Through TCP 11965 Client to AS N/A Client to CS N/A
Cut-Through TCP 11966 AS to DS CS to DS N/A N/A
TACACS+ TCP 49 AS to TACACS+ Server N/A CS to TACACS+ Server N/A
Radius TCP 1645, 1646, 1812, 1813 AS to Radius Server N/A CS to Radius Server N/A
LDAP TCP 389 AS to LDAP Server N/A CS to LDAP Server N/A
Telnet Cut-Through Proxy TCP 1029 Client to AS N/A Client to CS N/A
SSH Cut-Through Proxy TCP 1031 Client to AS N/A Client to CS N/A
SMTP TCP 25 AS to SMTP Server N/A CS to SMTP Server N/A
DNS TCP 53 N/A DS to DNS Server CS to DNS Server N/A
Tomcat SSL TCP 8443 Client to AS N/A N/A N/A
PostgreSQL TCP 5435 AS to DB N/A CS to DB AS to DB,

CS to DB

NCM AS TCP 1099 Registry port N/A Internal bean registration N/A
NCMMSA Tomcat TCP 9443 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Tomcat TCP 8005 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Voyenced TCP 9991 AS to DS AS to DS CS to DS N/A
Voyenced TCP 9992 DS to AS DS to AS DS to CS N/A
Active MQ broker TCP 61616 Client to AS N/A Client to CS N/A
Commgrd TCP 9995 AS to DS

DS to AS

AS to DS

DS to AS

CS to DS

DS to CS

Autodiscd TCP 9996 AS to DS

DS to AS

AS to DS

DS to AS

CS to DS

DS to CS

Syssyncd Master TCP 9997 AS to DS AS to DS

CS to DS

CS to DS N/A
Syssyncd Server TCP 9998 DS to AS DS to AS DS to CS N/A
Smarts Adapter TCP 11805 Client to Adapter N/A Client to Adapter N/A
Smarts Adapter TCP 11880 Client to Adapter N/A Client to Adapter N/A
Smarts Adapter TCP 11843 Client to Adapter N/A Client to Adapter N/A