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VMware Smart Assurance 10.1.8 | 26 MAY 2022

Check for additions and updates to these release notes.

Product Description

VMware Smart Assurance Network Configuration Manager (NCM) is:

  • An automated compliance, change and configuration management solution that delivers industry-recognized best practices.
  • A collaborative network infrastructure design that controls change processes, provides network device and service configuration transparency, and ensures compliance with corporate and regulatory requirements — to enable you to ensure the security, availability, and operational efficiency of your network.
  • An automated support for all facets of the network infrastructure lifecycle, seamlessly integrating critical design, change, and compliance management requirements.

What's New

  • Support for OpenWebStart, to launch NCM interface.
  • OpenWebStart support is added to launch NCM interface using powerup.jnlp in Windows.
  • Enhanced CreatedBy column value in DCS revision.
  • CreatedBy column value in DCS revision is displayed as EXTERNAL:Device if it is UNKNOWN.
  • New API support to search simple text or regex in device configuration data.
  • A new API executeGlobalSearch() is added to search simple text or regex in device configuration data, similar to the global search option in GUI.
  • Support for rebooting of Cisco IOS Switches and Routers from NCM GUI.
  • A Quick command is added to reboot Cisco IOS Switches and Routers through NCM GUI.
  • Addition of confirmation pop-up window, after Approve and Submit job.

    When user clicks on Approve and Submit job, a confirmation pop up window appears, asking the user to confirm if the job really needs to be submitted.

  • New API support to check if credential is assigned to device.

    A new API getCredentialAssociation() is added to check if the given credential is associated with any device or not.

  • New API support to get the latest compliance report on a particular device.
  • A new API getLatestComplianceReport(deviceRII) is added to get the latest compliance report for the given device.
  • Enhanced API to search for a device based on device name, hostname, FQDN, and alias.
  • The newly added API executeGlobalSearch() is modified to search for a device based on device name, hostname, FQDN, and alias, similar to the global search option in GUI
  • NCM services location are now moved under systemd.
  • From this release, systemctl utility is used to start, stop, restart, and display NCM services status. 
  • systemctl stop|start|restart|status <service_name>
  • For example, to stop the ncm-as service, following command is used:
  • systemctl stop ncm-as
  • Also, all NCM service init scripts are moved under $VOYENCE_HOME/bin/service/
  • For example, ncm-as service init script has been moved from /etc/init.d/ncm-as to $VOYENCE_HOME/bin/service/ncm-as.
  • Note:  The command systemctl status vcmaster , shows the status of parent (vcmaster) process. It will not show the status of all the NCM services individually. To check the status of all the services individually, use the command: $VOYENCE_HOME/bin/vcmaster status

Third-party software component upgrades

Following third-party software components are upgraded in Smart Assurance Network Configuration Manager 10.1.8:

  • Log4j is upgraded to 2.17.1.
  • H2-database is upgraded to 2.1.210.
  • Expat is upgraded to 2.4.6.
  • BouncyCastle is upgraded to bc-fips-
  • Spring-framework is upgraded to 5.3.19.
  • Spring-security is upgraded to 5.6.3.
  • Postgresql is upgraded to 14.2.
  • Tomcat is upgraded to 9.0.62.
  • Xerces-j is upgraded to 2.12.2.
  • OpenJDK is upgraded to 11.0.15.
  • OpenJDK for local RA is upgraded to 1.8.0_332.
  • Activemq is upgraded to 5.16.4.
  • Dom4j is upgraded to 2.1.3.
  • Commons-beanutils is upgraded to 1.9.4.
  • Snakeyaml is upgraded to 1.30.
  • Micronaut is upgraded to 3.3.4.
  • Jgroups is upgraded to 5.2.2.Final.

NOTE : Third-party software component upgrade is not applicable for the jars coming from 9.6 Report Advisor and InstallAnywhere.

For Open Source License(OSL) file open_source_licenses.txt, navigate to <VOYENCE_HOME>/osl directory.

Platform Support

The VMware Smart Assurance Network Configure Manager Support Matrix available from the VMware Support website provides the latest platform and interoperability information. For detailed information about platform support and interoperability, refer support matrix for your release.

Note: In NCM 10.1.8 release, some of the document(s) do not require modification. The older version document(s) are released as it is.

Resolved Issues

  • SMARTA-1514 / SR 21267291610: NCM Console times out after 40 minutes without recognizing console activity.

  • SMARTA-1587 / SR-21269572610: snmpSet() function returns incorrect status.

  • SMARTA-1466 / SR-21254256109: NCM is not able to pull configuration file for F5 devices via SSH/SCP.

  • SMARTA-1674 / SR 22307783902 : getLatestConfigFile API returns NULL for multi-config files.

  • SMARTA-1569 / SR 21278591511 : Requirement of changing existing capabilities of commmgrd process.

  • SMARTA-1713 / SR 22312932803 : Unable to use the UCS file of F5 device for restoration.

  • SMARTA-1480 / SR 21261957509 : Typo detected in https://<NCM IP Address>/detect.html.

  • SMARTA-1602 / SR 21285952712 : STIGs detected in Apache Tomcat Application Server and Tomcat servers used by NCM.

    Note: V-222932 is not implemented in ncm-as and V-223002 is not implemented in NCMSmartsAdapter and local RA(in case of upgrade)

  • SMARTA-841 / SR 20126740405: Readable_Run_Config configuration file is not being fetched successfully via API.

  • SMARTA-1607 / SR 22292141901 : NCM - Spring Security vulnerabilities CVE-2021-22112 and CVE-2021-22119 detected on NCM 10.1.4 and 10.1.6 servers.

  • SMARTA-1506 / SR 21262406610 : NCM API getDeviceVlans() is failing.

  • SMARTA-1562 / SR 21279843611 : Error “java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Comparison method violates its general contract!” is observed in NCM GUI.

  • SMARTA-1529 / SR 21274590711 : Exclusion / Mapping Rules issue observed in NCMSmartsAdapter.

  • SMARTA-1535 / SR 21268981410 : "An unexpected error has occurred" appears in GUI when Attribute: IP Address, Operator, subnet (IP/CIDR) and Expression is used while creating a new view.

Known Issues

  • HealthCheckStatus is in failed state by default, and error appears in the upgraded environment.

    The issue appears, when the status is checked before starting the healthcheck service, there is no functional impact.

    Run the command systemctl start healthcheck to start the healthcheck service.

Known issues from previous release

For older known issues and fixed issues, refer previous VMware Smart Assurance Network Configuration Manager Release Notes.

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