The Server Manager builds a topology of the deployed vCD components. The topology objects represent the vCD deployed components, their relationships, and their association with tenants and virtual infrastructure.
vCloud Director(vCD) version 10.3.2a is supported.
vCD topology objects include:
- VirtualAppliance: A vApp is an application container containing one or more virtual machines.
- OrganizationVDC: Organization vDC allocates resources to organization. An organization vDC is partitioned from a provider vDC.
- ProviderVDC: A Provider VDC is a collection of compute, memory, and storage resources from one vCenter server. A Provider VDC provides resources to organization VDCs.
- Tenant: User of cloud computing service, who shares resources and cost of underlying hardware resources like compute, storage and network with other users.
- CloudController: Represents vCloud Director, which is deployment, automation and management software for virtual infrastructure resources in multi-tenant cloud environments.
VirtualAppliance relationships and attributes
VirtualAppliance has the following relationships:
- Contains with VirtualMachine
- PartOf with OrganizationVDC
Attribute | Description | Allowed values |
AllocatedCPU | Indicates the CPU allocated to this vApp in MHZ. | String |
AllocatedMemory | Indicates the memory allocated to this vApp in MB. | String |
AllocatedStorage | Indicates the Storage Allocated to this vApp in KB. | String |
IsApplianceDown | Indicates the Appliance is down or not. | Boolean |
numberOfCpus | Indicates the number of CPUs of the vApp. | String |
numberOfVMs | Indicates the number of VMs in this vApp. | String |
OrgVDCId | Id of the Organization VDC this vApp belongs to. | String |
OrgVDCName | Name of the Organization VDC this vApp belongs to. | String |
Status | Represents the status of the vCloud Director managed vApp. | Enum |
vAppId | Indicates Id of the vApp. | String |
vmIPAddressList | Comma separated list of Virtual Machine IP Addresses. | String |
vmMACAddressList | Comma separated list of Virtual Machine/Interface MAC Addresses. | String |
OrganizationVDC relationships and attributes
OrganizationVDC has the following relationships:
- ComposedOf with VirtualAppliance
- OwnedBy with Tenant
- ResourcesProvidedBy with ProviderVDC
- AccessesNetwork with LogicalSwitch
Attribute | Description | Allowed values |
AllocationModel | Defines how resources are allocated from the Provider VDC. | String |
FreeMemory | The free memory units in MB as reported by vCloud Director Rest API. | Int |
FreeMemoryPct | The percentage of free memory of the total memory. | Double |
FreeMemoryThreshold | The threshold for minimum amount of free memory expressed as a percentage of total amount of memory. | Unsigned-int |
networkQuota | Network Quota allocated to this Organization VDC | String |
nicQuota | Nic Quota allocated to this Organization VDC. | String |
orgVDCId | Unique Identifier for the Organization VDC. | String |
ProcessorUtilizationThreshold | The upper threshold for processor utilization expressed as a percentage of the total capacity of the processor. | Unsigned-int |
TotalCPU | The total Allocated CPU/Processor in MHZ as reported by vCloud Director Rest API. | Int |
TotalMemory | The total Allocated memory in MB as reported by vCloud Director Rest API. | Int |
UsedCPU | The utilized CPU/Processor in MHZ as reported by vCloud Director Rest API | Int |
UsedCpuPct | The percentage of used CPU/Processor of the total allocated CPU/Processor | Double |
vmQuota | VM Quota allocated to this Organization VDC. | String |
ProviderVDC relationships and attributes
ProviderVDC has the following relationships:
- AssociatedVC with VirtualCenter
- ProvidesResourcesTo with OrganizationVDC
- VDCManagedBy with CloudController
Attribute | Description | Allowed values |
providerVDCId | Unique Identifier for the Provider VDC. | String |
vimServerID | Unique identifier of the vCenter this ProviderVDC uses resources. | String |
vimServerIPAddress | IPaddress of the vCenter this ProviderVDC uses resources. | String |
Tenant relationships and attributes
Tenant has the following relationships:
- Owns with OrganizationVDC
- ConsistsOf VirtualMachine
- SupervisedBy with CloudController
Attribute | Description | Allowed values |
IPAddress | IP Address of the OpenStack management Server. | String |
NumberOfVirtualMachine | Number of Virtual machine used by this Tenant. | Int |
UUID | Unique identifier of this Tenant. | String |
VirtualMachinesTotal | The total number of Virtual Machines that belong to this tenant. | Float |
CloudController relationships and attributes
CloudController has the following relationships:
- ManagesVDC with ProviderVDC
- Supervises with Tenant
- HostedBy with Host
Attribute | Description | Allowed values |
IPAddress | IP Address of the OpenStack management Server. | String |
SystemName | The Name of the ICIM_System hosting this service. | String |
SystemVendor | The name of the System's supplier. | String |
Vendor | The name of the Application's supplier. | String |
Version | Version of the CloudContoller Instance. | String |