The following OIDs are queried to determine process availability and count the number of instances for each process:

  • . - hrSWRunName

  • . - hrSWRunPath

  • . - hrSWRunParameters

    The following additional OIDs are queried for computing CPU/Memory utilization for Applications.

  • If IsProcessorGroupUtilizationHigh is TRUE, the following OID is included in the Polling:

    . - hrSWRunPerfCPU

    The number of centi-seconds of the total system’s CPU resources consumed by this process. On a multi-processor system, this value may increment by more than one centi-second in one centi-second of real (wall clock) time. (Integer32)

  • If IsMemoryGroupUtilizationHigh is TRUE, the following OID is included in the polling:

    . hrSWRunPerfMem

    The total amount of real system memory allocated to this process. (Integer32).