A certificate error displays when connecting to the Change Detail Report from M&R in the SolutionPack for Network Configuration Manager.

Note: Firefox is the recommended browser for viewing reports in the M&R SolutionPack. If the problems with Internet Explorer persist, try using a different browser.

The steps may vary slightly depending on your browser version.


  1. On the report that generates the Content was blocked error message, click Show Content.
  2. Click Proceed to the Page.
  3. Click the certificate error and select View Certificate.
  4. Follow the prompts to save the certificate under Trusted Root Certificates.
  5. Log in to the M&R server (defaults: admin/changeme).
  6. Go back to the report.
  7. In the Smarts Network Configuration Manager authentication pane, log in to the NCM EMC Data Access API (EDAA) with the msa-user account credentials (defaults: msa-user/sysadmin).
    The report displays in the frame.