Client tools are programs the operator invokes by right-clicking on a notification.

The default client tool, Launch M&R, launches the M&R home page. You can create others by editing the SmartsTools.json file.


  1. To create client tools, log in to Centralized Management and expand Logical Overview > Miscellaneous > Custom.
  2. Click Webapps-Resources::Default and expand the list of Configuration files.
  3. Select the checkbox for /conf/SmartsTools.json and click the pencil icon to edit the file.
    Use this file to add or modify options that appear in the Notifications Client Tools right-click menu. You can edit the tool to launch any URI and pass in any notification property as a parameter by surrounding it with brackets.
    You must encode & characters as %26.
    Column headers which are available in Notifications can be passed as arguments to the URI. The various notification properties that can be used are Acknowledged, Active, Category, Certainty, ClassName, ClassDisplayName, ClearOnAcknowledge, ElementClassName, ElementName, EventText, EventName, EventState,EventType, EventDisplayName, FirstNotifiedAt, Impact, InstanceName, IsProblem, IsRoot, InMaintenance, LastClearedAt, LastNotifiedAt, LastChangedAt, Name, NotificationID, OccurrenceCount, Owner, Severity, SourceDomainName, SourceEventType, TroubleTicketID, UserDefined 1 to 20.
    Example client tool:
             "name": "Example 1",
             "url": "{ClassName}%26source={SourceDomainName}"
    In this example, "name":"Example 1" is the name which appears on the sub-menu for the right click action on the notification. This causes the text, "Example 1" to display. When you right-click on a Notification, you will see Client Tools > Example 1.
    In this example, "url": " http: //{ClassName}%26source={SourceDomainName}" provides the URL to which a notification attribute can be appended as a parameter. In this example, ClassName and SourceDomainName are used. When invoked, this tool would launch,
    Additional files that may be used when creating client tools include conf/ and mib-browser/mib-browser.xml.