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Here you will learn how to install the command-line tools that are required to install VMware Spring Cloud® Data Flow for Kubernetes (SCDF for Kubernetes).


Command-line tools required to install SCDF for Kubernetes include the following:

  • kubectl, the Kubernetes CLI (for more information about installing kubectl, see Installing the Kubernetes CLI in the VMware Enterprise PKS documentation)
  • sed (should already be installed on your machine)
  • yq, a command-line YAML processing utility that aims to be the jq or sed of YAML files (for more information about yq, see the project home page on GitHub)
  • The following Carvel utilities:
    • kapp, a deployment utility that includes the concept of a "Kubernetes application": a set of resources with the same label (for more information about kapp, see the Carvel website)
    • The kbld utility manipulates and replaces container images used in Kubernetes configuration files (for more information about kbld, see the Carvel website)

For steps to install kapp, kbld, and yq, see the following sections. Follow the relevant procedures for your operating system and install the latest release of each tool.

Note kapp and kbld are available from the Broadcom Support portal. Binaries are provided only for 64-bit architectures.

Installation instructions

See the following sections for information about installing the required command-line tools depending on your operating system.

For macOS

This section describes how to install kapp, kbld, and yq on macOS.


This section describes how to install the kapp utility on macOS.

  1. Navigate to the Broadcom Support portal and log in.

  2. Locate the product listing for kapp.

  3. Click kapp - Mac to download the kapp binary file.

  4. Rename the downloaded binary file to kapp.

  5. On the command line, make the kapp binary file executable:

    $ chmod +x kapp
  6. Move the binary file into a directory that is on your PATH:

    $ mv kapp /usr/local/bin/kapp


This section describes how to install the kbld utility on macOS.

  1. Navigate to VMware Broadcom Support portal and log in.

  2. Locate the product listing for kbld.

  3. Click kbld - Mac to download the kbld binary file.

  4. Rename the downloaded binary file to kbld.

  5. On the command line, make the kbld binary file executable:

    $ chmod +x kbld
  6. Move the binary file into a directory that is on your PATH:

    $ mv kbld /usr/local/bin/kbld


This section describes how to install the yq utility on macOS.

  1. Visit the project Releases page on GitHub and download the binary file for the latest version 3.x release.

    Note: Only version 3.x is compatible, using version 4.x will cause failures during install.

  2. On the command line, make the yq binary file executable:

    $ chmod +x yq
  3. Move the binary file into a directory that is on your PATH:

    $ mv yq /usr/local/bin/yq

For Linux

This section describes how to install kapp, kbld, and yq on Linux.


This section describes how to install the kapp utility on Linux.

  1. Navigate to the Broadcom Support portal and log in.

  2. Locate the product listing for kapp.

  3. Click kapp - Linux to download the kapp binary file.

  4. Rename the downloaded binary file to kapp.

  5. On the command line, make the kapp binary file executable:

    $ chmod +x kapp
  6. Move the binary file into a directory that is on your PATH:

    $ mv kapp /usr/local/bin/kapp


This section describes how to install the kbld utility on Linux.

  1. Navigate to the Broadcom Support portal and log in.

  2. Locate the product listing for kbld.

  3. Click kbld - Linux to download the kbld binary file.

  4. Rename the downloaded binary file to kbld.

  5. On the command line, make the kbld binary file executable:

    $ chmod +x kbld
  6. Move the binary file into a directory that is on your PATH:

    $ mv kbld /usr/local/bin/kbld


This section describes how to install the yq utility on Linux.

  1. Visit the project Releases page on GitHub and download the binary file for the latest version 3.x release.

    Note: Only version 3.x is compatible, using version 4.x will cause failures during install.

  2. On the command line, make the yq binary file executable:

    $ chmod +x yq
  3. Move the binary file into a directory that is on your PATH:

    $ mv yq /usr/local/bin/yq

Next: Configure installation values

Before installing SCDF for Kubernetes on your Kubernetes cluster, you must configure the installation resources. See Configuring installation values for VMware Spring Cloud Data Flow for Kubernetes.

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