Spring Cloud Data Flow can be deployed to various platform and provides different artifacts.

  • Local - JAR files.

  • CloudFoundry - JAR files and Tile.

  • Kubernetes - Kubernetes YAML files, Legacy Carvel+Kustomize installation, Carvel installation.

All files apart from container images are also uploaded to Broadcom Support portal.

In order to pull images from docker or download from the artifactory repository you will require credentials.

We suggest that you use a private registry to store artifacts for deployment within your organization. Artifactory and Nexus provides for remote authenticated repositories that will be mirrored.


Jar files

Name Description Location
scdf-pro-server-1.6.3.jar Spring Cloud Data Flow Server jar file scdf-pro-server-1.6.3.jar
scdf-pro-skipper-1.6.3.jar Spring Cloud Skipper Server jar file scdf-pro-skipper-1.6.3.jar
spring-cloud-dataflow-composed-task-runner-2.11.4.jar Spring Cloud Data Flow Composed Task Runner jar spring-cloud-dataflow-composed-task-runner-2.11.4.jar

Installer Packages

Name Description Location
data-flow-1.6.3.tgz Legacy Kubernetes Installer data-flow-1.6.3.tgz
data-flow-images-1.6.3.tgz Legacy Kubernetes Installer data-flow-images-1.6.3.tgz
Legacy Kubernetes Images Spring Cloud Skipper Server jar file scdf-pro-skipper-1.6.3.jar
scdf-pro-package-1.6.3.zip Carvel Installer documentation and scripts scdf-pro-package-1.6.3.zip

OCI and Docker Images

Description and Location
Spring Cloud Data Flow Carvel Repository
Spring Cloud Data Flow Carvel Package
Spring Cloud Data Flow Container image
Spring Cloud Data Flow Pro Skipper Container image
Spring Cloud Data Flow Composed Task Runner image
Spring Cloud Data Flow Pro Server legacy image
Spring Cloud Skipper Server legacy image
Spring Cloud Data Flow Composed Task Runner legacy image

Air-gapped Carvel repository

The imgpkg tool from Carvel provides for creating an air-gap image that can be saved in a private registry.

Both repositories accessible

If you are executing this in an environment that has access to both repositories at the same time:

# create air-gap and write to private registry
imgpkg copy -b registry.packages.broadcom.com/p-scdf-for-kubernetes/scdf-pro-repo:1.6.3 --to-repo our-registry.our-domain.com/p-scdf-for-kubernetes/scdf-pro-repo-airgap
# Note the image p-scdf-for-kubernetes/scdf-pro-repo-airgap will be tagged with the original tag from the source.

One repository at a time

If you don’t have an environment that has access to both repositories at the same time:

# create air-gap image file
imgpkg copy -b registry.packages.broadcom.com/p-scdf-for-kubernetes/scdf-pro-repo:1.6.3 --to-tar scdf-pro-repo-airgap.tar
# calculate SHA256
sha256sum -b scdf-pro-repo-airgap.tar > scdf-pro-repo-airgap.sha256
# copy to storage like available SFTP
# copy from storage
# verify the SHA256 hash assuming the file is in the current directory with the same name
sha256sum -c scdf-pro-repo-airgap.sha256
# copy air-gap image to the private registry
imgpkg copy -tar scdf-pro-repo-airgap.tar --to-repo our-registry.our-domain.com/p-scdf-for-kubernetes/scdf-pro-repo-airgap
# Note the image p-scdf-for-kubernetes/scdf-pro-repo-airgap will be tagged with the original tag from the source.
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