Here you will find troubleshooting tips and instructions for Spring Cloud Gateway for Kubernetes.

Techniques for troubleshooting

This section provides techniques to gather more information about the state of your Spring Cloud Gateway Operator.

Get scg-operator events

In case of errors, events are published for the Operator and the Gateway components (gateways, mappings and route configs). You can display them using the describe option:

$ kubectl describe springcloudgateway my-gateway
$ kubectl describe springcloudgatewaymapping my-gateway-mapping
$ kubectl describe springcloudgatewayrouteconfig my-gateway-route-config

For example, in case some expected routes are unavailable, using kubectl describe springcloudgatewaymapping may show the referenced gateway is not present. Creating the missing Gateway instance would fix the issue.

  Type     Reason    Age        From                          Message
  ----     ------    ----       ----                          -------
  Warning  NotFound  <unknown>  SpringCloudGatewayController  Specified SpringCloudGateway resource "demo-gateway" is not found / not ready

Another useful event to look for when troubleshooting is RouteUpdateException. This event is triggered when a Route is not valid. For example, when the filter name is wrong:

apiVersion: ""
kind: SpringCloudGatewayRouteConfig
  name: test-gateway-routes
    - uri:
        - Path=/test/**
        - InvalidFilter=1
      title: "my-test-route"

If we get the events in the namespace, we can see how everything succeeded but we have now an extra Warning with the RouteUpdateException explaining that the route my-test-route is wrong:

$ kubectl get events --watch
LAST SEEN   TYPE     REASON                 OBJECT                              MESSAGE
11s         Normal   SuccessfulCreate       statefulset/my-gateway              create Pod my-gateway-0 in StatefulSet my-gateway successful
0s          Normal   RoutesUpToDate         pod/my-gateway-0                    Pod "my-gateway-0-1/my-gateway-0" is RoutesUpToDate with all routes
0s          Normal   Created                springcloudgateway/my-gateway       SpringCloudGateway resource my-gateway is Created
0s          Warning  RouteUpdateException   /my-gateway-0                       Failed to update route with title 'my-test-route' and uri '' due to: 'Pod update failed, request to failed. Response code 400, message Bad Request'
0s          Normal   Created                springcloudgatewaymapping/mapping   Routes specified in SpringCloudGatewayRouteConfig "initial-route-config" is Created on pod "my-gateway-0-1/my-gateway-0"

Check scg-operator logs

You can access the scg-operator logs by running.

$ kubectl logs deployment.apps/scg-operator --namespace spring-cloud-gateway

Common problems and their solutions

This section describes how to resolve common problems.

Unresponsive scg-operator

If you find that scg-operator won't fully start or respond, and none of the above techniques help point out the problem, you could try increasing the requested CPU resource by 100m by running:

$ kubectl edit deployment.apps/scg-operator

Alternatively, you can restart the deployment by running:

$ kubectl rollout restart deployment.apps/scg-operator

Spring Cloud Gateway Custom Resource Definitions present after uninstalling

If there are problems while uninstalling, sometimes the Custom Resource Definitions don't get deleted. After uninstalling, you can check if there are any of the Spring Cloud Gateway Custom Resource Definitions remaining by running:

$ kubectl get customresourcedefinitions
NAME                                              CREATED AT       2021-02-17T11:52:09Z   2021-02-17T11:28:12Z              2021-02-17T11:28:12Z

If any of these three appear, you can manually delete them by running:

$ kubectl delete crd
$ kubectl delete crd
$ kubectl delete crd

Failing to pull images

When running the installation script ./scripts/ and you see errors pulling an image:

Events from from installation namespace:
LAST SEEN   TYPE      REASON              OBJECT                              MESSAGE
2m          Normal    Scheduled           pod/scg-operator-7c6b749b9-hbrkx    Successfully assigned spring-cloud-gateway/scg-operator-7c6b749b9-hbrkx to kind-control-plane
36s         Normal    Pulling             pod/scg-operator-7c6b749b9-hbrkx    Pulling image "my.registry/scg-operator:1.0.1"
2m          Normal    SuccessfulCreate    replicaset/scg-operator-7c6b749b9   Created pod: scg-operator-7c6b749b9-hbrkx
2m          Normal    ScalingReplicaSet   deployment/scg-operator             Scaled up replica set scg-operator-7c6b749b9 to 1
36s         Warning   Failed              pod/scg-operator-7c6b749b9-hbrkx    Failed to pull image "my.registry/scg-operator:1.0.1": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to pull and unpack image "my.registry/scg-operator:1.0.1": failed to resolve reference "my.registry/scg-operator:1.0.1": unexpected status code [manifests 1.0.1]: 401 Unauthorized
36s         Warning   Failed              pod/scg-operator-7c6b749b9-hbrkx    Error: ErrImagePull
12s         Normal    BackOff             pod/scg-operator-7c6b749b9-hbrkx    Back-off pulling image "my.registry/scg-operator:1.0.1"
12s         Warning   Failed              pod/scg-operator-7c6b749b9-hbrkx    Error: ImagePullBackOff
Error installing Spring Cloud Gateway operator

Check to make sure you created an image pull secret (with default name spring-cloud-gateway-image-pull-secret) to allow authentication with your registry. See the Installation page for a step-by-step guide.

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