All currently supported components and applications are listed here.
Chainloop, KeyDB
Neo4j, Valkey Cluster
Dremio, Cilium
Valkey, ScyllaDB, Nessie
SeaweedFS, JanusGraph
DeepSpeed, Opensearch
Discourse, Dokuwiki, Drupal, Ghost, JasperReports, Joomla!, Kubeapps, Magento, MediaWiki, Moodle, Odoo, Opencart, Osclass, PhpBB, PhpMyAdmin, Pinniped, Prestashop, Prometheus, Prometheus Operator, Redmine, SuiteCRM
Apache APISIX, Fluent Bit, HashiCorp Vault, Prometheus, Apache Flink
Flux, Multus CNI, Whereabouts
Grafana Mimir, Supabase
Appsmith, Mastodon, Jaeger
RabbitMQ Cluster Operator
Schema Registry, Pinniped
Grafana Loki
Apache Geode, Contour Operator, Argo Workflows
Sealed Secrets, Data Platform Blueprint 1, Data Platform Blueprint 2
Grafana Tempo, OAuth2 Proxy, Concourse, Argo CD
Wavefront Helm Chart uses a Kubernetes Collector that is now based on scratch (instead of the main distro image), Wavefront Prometheus Storage Adapter, Wavefront Adapter for Istio
Grafana Operator, Apache Solr
Kubernetes event exporter
Keycloak, Kiam
Contour, Spring Cloud Data Flow
Apache, Apache Airflow, Cassandra, Consul, Elasticsearch, etcd, External DNS, Fluentd, Grafana, Harbor, InfluxDB, Jenkins, Kafka, Kibana, Kube-state-metrics, Kubewatch, Logstash, MXNet, MariaDB, MariaDB Galera, Memcached, Metrics Server, Minio, MongoDB, MongoDB Sharded, MySQL, NATS, NGINX, NGINX Ingress Controller, Node exporter, Parse, PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL HA, Prometheus Operator, PyTorch, RabbitMQ, Redis, Redis Cluster, Spark, Tensorflow ResNet, Thanos, Tomcat, WildFly, WordPress, Zookeeper
Chainloop Control Plane, Chainloop Control Plane Migrations, Chainloop Artifact CAS, KeyDB
Valkey-cluster, Hyperledger Fabric Tools, Hyperledger Fabric CA, Hyperledger Fabric Peer, Hyperledger Fabric Orderer, Volsync, charts-syncer, Rust
Cilium Proxy, Dremio
Valkey, Valkey-sentinel, Cilium, Cilium Operator, Hubble Relay, Hubble UI, Hubble UI Backend, ScyllaDB, Nessie, Nessie Utils
Cypress, SeaweedFS, JanusGraph
Kuberay API Server, Kuberay Operator, Ray, Kubeseal (Sealed Secrets)
MLflow, Pinniped CLI, Nats CLI, Tensorflow, Notation
DeepSpeed, Opensearch, Opensearch Dashboards, Kube RBAC Proxy
Milvus, Attu, PyMilvus, JAX, OS Shell + Utility, Kubeapps OCI Catalog
Kaniko, Cluster Autoscaler, Codeigniter, CouchDB, Discourse, Dokuwiki, Drupal, Drupal NGINX, Express, Ghost Jasperreports, Joomla!, jsonnet, Laravel, Magento, MediaWiki, Moodle, Odoo, Opencart, Osclass, PhpBB, PhpMyAdmin, Prestashop, Rails, Redmine, Reportserver, Spring Cloud Dataflow Shell, Spring Cloud Skipper Shell, Suitecrm, Symfony, Wordpress NGINX
Apache APISIX, Apache APISIX Dashboard, Apache APISIX Ingress Controller, Fluent Bit, Vault, Vault CSI Provider, Vault Kubernetes Injector, Apache Flink
Flux Helm Controller, Flux Image Automation Controller, Flux Image Reflector Controller, Flux Kustomize Controller, Flux Notification Controller, Flux Source Controller, Jenkins Agent, Multus CNI, Whereabouts, Tomcat + JDK11, Tomcat + JDK17
Grafana Mimir, GoTrue, JWT CLI, PostgRest, Supabase, Supabase Postgres, Supabase Postgres Meta, Supabase Storage, Supabase Realtime
Appsmith, Mastodon, Jaeger
RabbitMQ Cluster Operator, RabbitMQ Default User Credential Updater, RabbitMQ Messaging Topology Operator
MetalLB, MetalLB Speaker
Matomo, Push Gateway
Percona MySQL, KSQL DB, Schema Registry, Pinniped
Grafana Loki, Promtail
Harbor Exporter, Blackbox Exporter
Gitlab Runner, Gitlab Runner Helper
Apache Geode, Contour Operator, Argo Workflow CLI Contour and Envoy Photon based images are now built with FIPS validated crypto modules (respectively VMware’s BoringCrypto Module v1.0 and BoringSSL with FIPS), other distributions are not affected by this change
Sealed Secrets, OpenLDAP, Data Platform Metrics Emitter, Data Platform Metrics Exporter, Argo Workflow Executor, Argo Workflow Controller
Kubeapps APIs
OpenResty, Grafana Tempo, Grafana Tempo Query, Grafana Tempo Vulture, OAuth2 Proxy, Argo CD, Concourse
Dex, Neo4j, HAProxy
CA Injector, cert-manager, cert-manager Webhook, ACME Solver
AWS CLI version 2, Configurable HTTP Proxy, JupyterHub, JupyterHub Single User Base
Kubernetes Collector that is now based on scratch (instead of the main distro image), Wavefront Prometheus Storage Adapter, Redis Sentinel Exporter, Wavefront Adapter for Istio
Grafana Operator, Apache Solr, ORAS, Trivy, bitnami-shell, kubeapps-pinniped-proxy, keycloak-config-cli
Kubernetes event exporter
Keycloak, Kiam
Wavefront Kubernetes Collector, Wavefront Proxy
Kubeapps AppRepository Controller, Kubeapps Asset Syncer, Kubeapps AssetSvc, Kubeapps Kubeops, Kubectl, OAuth2 Proxy
EJBCA, Kapacitor, Percona XtraBackup, Telegraf, Wal-G, rClone
Contour, Envoy, Prometheus RSocket Proxy, Spring Cloud Data Flow, Spring Cloud Skipper, Spring Cloud Data Flow Composed Task Runner
Grafana Image Render, Harbor Adapter Trivy, JRuby, NGINX LDAP Auth Daemon
ASP.Net Core, .NET, .NET SDK, Kong, Kong Ingress Controller
AlertManager, Apache, Apache Airflow, Apache Airflow Exporter, Apache Airflow Scheduler, Apache Airflow Worker, Apache Exporter, Azure CLI, Cassandra, Cassandra Exporter, Chartmuseum, ConfigMap Reload, Consul, Consul Exporter, Elasticsearch, Elasticsearch Curator, Elasticsearch Exporter, ExternalDNS, Fluentd, Git, Golang, Google Cloud SDK, Grafana, Harbor Adapter Clair, Harbor Clair, Harbor Core, Harbor JobService, Harbor Notary Server, Harbor Notary Signer, Harbor Portal, Harbor Registry, Harbor Registryctl, InfluxDB, InfluxDB Relay, JMX Exporter, Java, Jenkins, Jenkins Exporter, Kafka, Kafka Exporter, Kibana, Kube-state-metrics, Kubewatch, MXNet, MariaDB, MariaDB Galera, Memcached, Memcached Exporter, Metrics Server, Minio, Minio Client, MongoDB, MongoDB Exporter, MongoDB Sharded, MySQL, MySQL Server Exporter, NATS, NATS Exporter, NGINX Exporter, NGINX Ingress Controller, NGINX Open Source, Node Exporter, Node.js, PHP-FPM, Parse, Parse Dashboard, Pgpool, PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL Exporter, PostgreSQL Repmgr, Prometheus, Prometheus Operator, Python, Pytorch, RabbitMQ, Redis, Redis Cluster, Redis Exporter, Redis Sentinel, Ruby, Spark, Tensorflow ResNet, Tensorflow Serving, Thanos, Tomcat, WildFly, WordPress, Zookeeper, etcd, logstash, logstash Exporter, Gradle
Artifactory, Django, Dolibarr, ELK, ERPNext, Gitlab CE, LAMP, LAPP, LimeSurvey, Mattermost, MEAN, Subversion, WordPress Multisite, WordPress with NGINX and SSL
Apache Airflow, Apache Cassandra, Apache Flink, Apache Kafka, Apache Solr, Apache Tomcat, Apache Zookeeper, Appsmith, ClickHouse, Concourse, Consul, CouchDB, Discourse, DokuWiki, Drupal, EJBCA, Elasticsearch, Etcd, Ghost, Gitea, Grafana, Harbor, InfluxDB, Jaeger, Jenkins, Joomla!, Jupyterhub, Kong, Magento, MariaDB, Mastodon, Matomo, MediaWiki, Memcached, MinIO, MongoDB, Moodle, MySQL, NATS, Neo4j, Node.js, Odoo, OpenCart, Parse, Percona MySQL, PostgreSQL, PrestaShop, RabbitMQ, Redis, Redmine, Ruby, SonarQube, SuiteCRM, TensorFlow, WildFly, WordPress
Asset | Distro version | Comments |
MongoDB/MongoDB Sharded 8.x.x | Debian 11 | No MongoDB packages available |
Kong | Debian 11 | Incompatible OpenSSL version |
MongoDB/MongoDB Sharded < 7.x.x | Debian 12 | No MongoDB packages available |
PHP/libphp 8.0.x | Debian 12 | Incompatible OpenSSL (Version 1.1.1 required) |
Appsmith** | Debian 11 | Depends on MongoDB |
Express** | Debian 11 | Depends on MongoDB |
Parse** | Debian 11 | Depends on MongoDB |
Ruby** | Debian 12 (only OVA) | Subcomponents depend on Ruby 3.0 |
Supabase** | Debian 11 | Depends on Kong |
**Unsupported assets due to dependencies
Asset | Distro version | Comments |
Apache APISIX | PhotonOS 4, PhotonOS 5 | Required system packages not available (gcc-c++, perl-ExtUtils-Embed, cpanminus) |
Clickhouse >= 24.4 | PhotonOS 4, PhotonOS 5 | Incompatible OpenSSL FIPs library |
Cypress | PhotonOS 4, PhotonOS 5 | Missing xvfb package |
DeepSpeed | PhotonOS 4, PhotonOS 5 | Incompatible hostname ssh packages |
Mastodon | PhotonOS 4, PhotonOS 5 | Missing FFMpeg library |
Milvus | PhotonOS 4, PhotonOS 5 | Compilation issues |
MLflow | PhotonOS 4, PhotonOS 5 | Incompatible OpenSSL |
MongoDB/MongoDB Sharded | PhotonOS 4, PhotonOS 5 | No MongoDB packages available |
Percona MySQL | PhotonOS 4 | Incompatible OpenSSL |
Supabase | PhotonOS 4, PhotonOS 5 | Supabase Postgres not compatible |
Appsmith** | PhotonOS 4, PhotonOS 5 | Depends on MongoDB |
Grafana Image Renderer* | PhotonOS 4 | No X11 packages available (required for Chromium dependency) |
Parse/Parse Dashboard** | PhotonOS 4, PhotonOS 5 | Depends on MongoDB |
**Unsupported assets due to dependencies
Asset | Distro version | Comments |
Cypress | RedHat UBI 8 | Missing xvfb and chromium package |
Envoy 1.29.x | RedHat UBI 8 | Incompatible GCC version |
JupyterHub | RedHat UBI 8 | Incompatible OpenSSL (undefined EVP_KDF_ctrl symbol) |
Kong | RedHat UBI 8, RedHat UBI 9 | Incompatible OpenSSL version |
MariaDB/MariaDB Galera 10.4.x | RedHat UBI 9 | Incompatibility with nettle package |
Mastodon | RedHat UBI 8, RedHat UBI 9 | Missing FFMpeg Library |
MongoDB/MongoDB Sharded 5.x.x | RedHat UBI 9 | Incompatible OpenSSL (Version 1.1 required) |
MySQL 8.4 | RedHat UBI 8 | Incompatible GCC version |
NGINX Ingress Controller | RedHat UBI 8, RedHat UBI 9 | Compilation issues |
OpenLDAP | RedHat UBI 9 | SHA256 issue in |
Percona MySQL | RedHat UBI 8, RedHat UBI 9 | Incompatible libcrypt library. Missing system package (numactl-libs) |
PHP 8.3.x | RedHat UBI 8 | Incompatible binutils version |
Supabase | RedHat UBI 8, RedHat UBI 9 | Supabase Postgres not compatible |
ArgoCD-workflows** | RedHat UBI 8 | Depends on MySQL |
Contour 1.28.x** | RedHat UBI 8 | Depends on Envoy 1.29 |
**Unsupported assets due to dependencies
Asset | Distro version | Comments |
Kong | Ubuntu 20.04 | Incompatible OpenSSL version |
MongoDB/MongoDB Sharded 5.x.x | Ubuntu 22.04 | No MongoDB packages available |
**Unsupported assets due to dependencies
Asset | Distro version | Comments |
Airflow | RedHat UBI 9 | Missing ARM wheel for pymssql. Missing build dependency freetds |
Artifactory | All distros | Upstream project does not provide ARM binaries |
Concourse | All distros | Upstream project does not support ARM |
Cypress | Debian 12 | Critical CVEs for not having the Chromium 124.x.x package available |
Deepspeed | All distros | CPU accelerator is only available for AMD 64 images |
Grafana Image Renderer | All distros | Upstream project does not support ARM |
JupyterHub | RedHat UBI 9 | Incompatible libcrypt library |
JupyterHub Base Notebook | RedHat UBI 9 | Incompatible libcrypt library |
Milvus | All distros | Discrepancies between AMD and ARM libraries |
MongoDB | All distros | Upstream project does not provide ARM binaries |
MongoDB Sharded | All distros | Upstream project does not provide ARM binaries |
MySQL 8.x.x | PhotonOS 4, PhotonOS 5 | Compilation issues |
Percona MySQL | All distros | Upstream project does not provide ARM binaries |
PyMilvus | All distros | Depends on Milvus |
Tensorflow | PhotonOS 4, PhotonOS 5 | Compilation issues (clang incompatibility) |
Odoo 15, Moodle 4.2, Spark 3.4, Envoy 1.27, RabbitMQ 3.13, Python 3.8
Redis, Redis Sentinel & Redis-Cluster 7.0, Keycloak 24, WildFly 32, Redis, Redis Sentinel & Redis-Cluster 7.2, RabbitMQ 3.12, Golang 1.21, MariaDB & MariaDB Galera 10.4 and 11.1, ClickHouse 23.8
GitLab Runner & GitLab Runner Helper 16, KSQL DB & Schema Registry 7.2, Kafka 3.2, MySQL 8.3, Cilium Proxy 1.28, Kubectl 1.27, Keycloak Config CLI 5, MariaDB & MariaDB Galera 11.3
MariaDB & MariaDB Galera 11.0, NGINX 1.25, JMX Exporter 0, ScyllaDB 5.2
Contour 1.26, Supabase Storage 0, ClickHouse 23.3, FluxCD Helm Controller 0, KSQL DB & Schema Registry 7.1, NGINX 1.24, ASP.Net Core, .NET & .NET SDK 7, Parse 6, Supabase 0, WildFly 31, Tomcat 8.5
Laravel 9, Parse 5, Keycloak 23, RabbitMQ 3.10 and 3.11, GoTrue 1, Envoy 1.25 and 1.26, Contour 1.25, Kubectl 1.26, Dokuwiki 20230404, Grafana Loki 2, Promtail 2
Golang 1.20, Ruby 3.0, Spark 3.2 and 3.3
MySQL 8.2, MariaDB & MariaDB Galera 10.10, MongoDB & MongoDB Sharded 4.4, ClickHouse 23
Matomo 4, Zookeeper 3.7, OpenResty 1.21, Symfony 6.3, MinIO & MinIO Client 2023, WildFly 30
ClickHouse 22.8, Keycloak 22, Node 16
Odoo 14, PostgreSQL & PostgreSQL HA 11, Drupal & Drupal NGINX 9, PHP 8.0, Contour 1.24
Flux Kustomize Controller 0, Flux Notification Controller 0, Flux Image Automation Controller 0.31 and 0.36, Flux Source Controller 0, Rails 6, Moodle 4.0, MySQL 5.7, Percona MySQL 5.7, Envoy 1.24, Kubectl 1.25, KSQL DB & Schema Registry 7.0, Joomla 4, WildFly 29, MySQL 8.1
FluentBit 1, WildFly 26, MariaDB & MariaDB Galera 10.9, WildFly 28, Golang 1.19, Contour 1.23, JWT CLI 5, Ruby 2.7, EJBCA 7, Java 20
Kubectl 1.24, Apache Exporter 0, Keycloak 21, Envoy 1.23, Joomla 3
GitLab Runner & GitLab Runner Helper 15, Symfony 6.2, RabbitMQ 3.9, WildFly 27, Grafana 9, Grafana Operator 4
Jupyterhub & Jupyter Base Notebook 3, NGINX 1.23, KSQL DB & Schema Registry 6.1 and 6.2, Python 3.7
Node 14, MongoDB 4.2, NGINX 1.22, Contour 1.21, Cosign 1, Grafana Tempo 1, Grafana Tempo Query 1, Grafana Tempo Vulture 1, PostgRest 10, Contour 1.22, etcd 3.3, ClickHouse 22.3, Multus CNI 3, MariaDB & MariaDB Galera 10.3 and 10.8, Golang 1.18
Keycloak 20, PyTorch 1, ORAS 0, SonarQube 8, Envoy 1.22
Java 19
Gradle 7, MariaDB & MariaDB Galera 10.7
PHP 7.4, Kubectl 1.23, Envoy 1.21, MinIO & MinIO Client 2022, Zookeeper 3.6, Apache Solr 6, ClickHouse 22, Kafka 3.1, Tomcat 10.0
JRuby 9.3, Keycloak 19
Kubernetes-event-exporter 0, Java 18, ASP.Net Core, .NET & .NET SDK 3.1, Contour & Contour Operator 1.20, Envoy 1.20, Spark 3.1, Parse & Parse Dashboard 3 and 4, Wavefront Proxy 10, Kafka 3.0, Kubectl 1.22, Kong 2, PostgreSQL & PostgreSQL HA 10
Keycloak 18, JupyterHub 1, Jupyter Base Notebook 1 and 2
KSQL DB 6.0, Schema Registry 6.0, Golang 1.17
Envoy 1.19, Grafana 8, Node.js 12, .NET & .NET SDK 5
WordPress 5, RabbitMQ 3.8, NGINX 1.21, Gitlab Runner 14 & Gitlab Runner Helper 14, Python 2, Redis, Redis Cluster & Redis Sentinel 6.0, Node.js 17, OpenResty 1.19
NGINX 1.20, Zookeeper 3.5, Ruby 2.6, MariaDB & MariaDB Galera 10.2, MongoDB & MongoDB Sharded 4.0, Kafka 2.8, Kubectl 1.21, ASP.Net Core 5, Keycloak 17, keycloak-config-cli 4, Cassandra 3.0 and 3.11
Envoy 1.18, Keycloak 16
Golang 1.16, Elasticsearch, Kibana 6
Redis, Redis Sentinel & Redis-Cluster 5.0, Python 3.6, OpenLDAP 2.4, Kubectl 1.20, Kiam 3, InfluxDB 1
Envoy 1.17, MinIO & MinIO Client 2021, DataPlatform Emitter 0, DataPlatform Exporter 0
Keycloak 15, Kibana 7.10.2, Elasticsearch 7.10.2, WildFly 25, Grafana Operator 3, MongoDB Exporter 0.11, PostgreSQL & PostgreSQL HA 9.6, PHP 7.3
Kong Ingress Controller 1, Kubectl 1.19, WildFly 24
Envoy 1.16, EJBCA 6, JRuby 9.2, Airflow 1, Airflow Scheduler 1, Airflow Worker 1, NGINX Ingress Controller 0, Parse Dashboard 2, Java 16
MongoDB/MongoDB Sharded 3.4 and 3.6
Keycloak 14, Golang 1.15
keycloak-config-cli 3, Wavefront Proxy 9, Keycloak 13, Grafana 7
WildFly 23, Grafana Image Renderer 2, Schema Registry 6.1, NGINX 1.19, WAL-G 0, Node.js 15, Golang 1.14, Kong Ingress Controller 0
kube-state-metrics 1, Keycloak 12, Node.js 10, NGINX 1.18
Kubectl 1.16, 1.17 & 1.18, Tomcat 7, Java 15, Ruby 2.5, OAuth2-Proxy 6, WildFly 22
PrestaShop, OpenCart, Dokuwiki, Joomla!, MediaWiki, PhpBB, Supabase
Kafka Exporter
JasperReports, Codeigniter, Symfony, Drupal NGINX, Osclass, Kapacitor, Percona XtraBackup, JRuby
SuiteCRM Helm chart
Apache MXNet
Harbor Notary Signer, Harbor Notary Server
TAC Shell
Wavefront Collector, Wavefront Proxy, Wavefront Prometheus Adapter, Wavefront HPA Adapter
Contour Operator, ChartMuseum
Apache Geode
Kubeapps kubeops
Elasticsearch curator, Fluentd Exporter, Wavefront Adapter for Istio, Kubeapps AssetSvc
Harbor Clair, Harbor Adapter Clair
InfluxDB Relay™, Logstash-exporter, Data Platform Blueprint 1, Data Platform Blueprint 2, Data Platform Metrics Emitter, Data Platform Metrics Exporter
Nginx LDAP Auth Daemon
Kubewatch, Jenkins-exporter, WAL-G
Redis Sentinel Exporter
Kubeapps ChartSvc
RabbitMQ Exporter, Zookeeper Exporter