Upgrading to Tanzu Kubernetes releases v1.26 or later

This topic describes how to update your existing Bitnami Services service instances if you upgraded to Tanzu Kubernetes releases v1.26 and later.

Tanzu Kubernetes releases v1.26 and later enforces a restricted Pod Security Standard (PSS) for all pods running on the cluster. This change affects your running services.

New services claimed on Tanzu Application Platform v1.7 and later run with no issues in a restricted PSS. Existing services claimed on Tanzu Application Platform v1.6 will fail to start. To resolve the issue for existing instances, you must update CompositionRevision references for any existing Bitnami Services service instances.

Update existing services

To repair your existing services, upgrade their corresponding managed resources to the latest composition revision:

  1. Find the managed resource associated with your claim by running:

    kubectl get classclaim CLASS-CLAIM-NAME -n CLASS-CLAIM-NAMESPACE -ojsonpath="{.status.provisionedResourceRef}"


    • CLASS-CLAIM-NAME is the name of your claim.
    • CLASS-CLAIM-NAMESPACE is the namespace your claim is in.

    Example output for a MongoDB claim:

  2. Find the newest composition revision for your resource type by running:

    kubectl get compositionrevisions

    Example output:

    NAME                                                             REVISION   XR-KIND               XR-APIVERSION                                 AGE
    xmongodbinstances.bitnami.database.tanzu.vmware.com-734d138      4          XMongoDBInstance      bitnami.database.tanzu.vmware.com/v1alpha1    3h4m
    xmongodbinstances.bitnami.database.tanzu.vmware.com-889eaeb      1          XMongoDBInstance      bitnami.database.tanzu.vmware.com/v1alpha1    3h29m
    xmongodbinstances.bitnami.database.tanzu.vmware.com-d869e8c      2          XMongoDBInstance      bitnami.database.tanzu.vmware.com/v1alpha1    3h29m
    xmongodbinstances.bitnami.database.tanzu.vmware.com-f1f3fe9      3          XMongoDBInstance      bitnami.database.tanzu.vmware.com/v1alpha1    3h5m

    Record the name of the highest revision. In the above output, this is revision 4 (xmongodbinstances.bitnami.database.tanzu.vmware.com-734d138).

  3. Open your managed resource for editing by running:



    • RESOURCE-API is in the format KIND.APIVERSION using the kind and apiVersion from the output of the kubectl get classclaim command earlier. APIVERSION is the part of apiVersion before the /, for example, bitnami.database.tanzu.vmware.com.
    • RESOURCE-NAME is the value of name from the output of the kubectl get classclaim command earlier.

    For example:

    $ kubectl edit xmongodbinstance.bitnami.database.tanzu.vmware.com mongodb-zfjr5
  4. Change the resource compositionRevisionRef to point to the new composition revision. For example:

    apiVersion: bitnami.database.tanzu.vmware.com/v1alpha1
    kind: XMongoDBInstance
      # ...
        name: xmongodbinstances.bitnami.database.tanzu.vmware.com
        name: xmongodbinstances.bitnami.database.tanzu.vmware.com-734d138
  5. Save, and close your editor.

  6. Verify that the resource is ready by running:


    For example:

    $ kubectl get xmongodbinstance.bitnami.database.tanzu.vmware.com mongodb-zfjr5
    NAME            SYNCED   READY   COMPOSITION                                           AGE
    mongodb-zfjr5   True     True    xmongodbinstance.bitnami.database.tanzu.vmware.com   3h24m
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