Customize namespaces in Namespace Provisioner

This topic tells you how to use Namespace Provisioner to customize namespaces in controller mode in Tanzu Application Platform (commonly known as TAP).

When managing multiple developer namespaces in a cluster, it is often necessary to customize each namespace individually. To customize a namespace in controller mode, add parameters to a namespace through labels and annotations using either the default prefix or a custom-defined prefix.

In GitOps mode, you can configure these parameters in the GitOps file. For more information, see Customize the label and annotation prefixes that controller watches.


If a parameter is initially created through annotations and later a label with the same key is used, the annotation is overwritten.

Parameter key

  • The format for specifying the parameter is: <prefix>/<parameter-key>=<parameter-value>.
  • The parameter key can be a single string or a pseudo JSON-path structure, for example, kye1.inner-key1.inner-key3.inner-key4. This is translated into a structured format in the values.
  • The label value can only be a string.
  • If you need to pass a list or another object as the parameter value, annotations should be used instead. Annotations support using [] to define lists and {} to define objects
  • All parameters created with labels and annotations can be utilized when using templates for resources in ytt additional_sources from data.values.


  1. To define a list of tools used by the namespace:

    kubectl annotate ns dev param.nsp.tap/'["git", "maven"]'

    The desired-namespaces ConfigMap will look like:

    - name: dev
        - git
        - maven
  2. To add a list of objects:

    kubectl annotate ns dev param.nsp.tap/'[{"name": "logs", "mountPath": "/var/logs/app"}, {"name": "truststore", "mountPath": "/opt/app/ssl"}]

    The desired-namespaces ConfigMap will look like:

    - name: dev
        - name: logs
        mountPath: /var/logs/app
        - name: truststore
        mountPath: /opt/app/ssl
  3. Simple key-value:

    kubectl annotate ns dev param.nsp.tap/scanpolicy=relaxed

    The desired-namespaces ConfigMap will look like:

    - name: dev
      scanpolicy: relaxed
  4. Object as value:

    kubectl annotate ns dev param.nsp.tap/maven.values='{"username":"user", "password":"my-pass","repo":"myrepo","version":"0.1.1-alpha.0"}'

    The desired-namespaces ConfigMap will look like:

    - name: dev
          username: user
          password: my-pass
          repo: myrepo
          Version: 0.1.1-alpha.0

Reserved Namespace Parameters

Namespace Provisioner reserves certain parameters for its use. The following is a list of parameters used by the Namespace Provisioner, which apply to both the default_parameters in tap-values.yaml and the namespace parameters through labels and annotations:

  • limits (object): Use to configure the LimitRange. For more information, see Customize Limit Range defaults.
  • skip_limit_range (boolean): Use to determine if the LimitRange should be created. For more information, see Customize Limit Range defaults.
  • skip_grype (boolean): Use to determine if Grype scanner resources are going to be created. For more information, see Deactivate Grype install.
  • supply_chain_service_account (object): Contains the secrets and imagePullSecrets to be added to the Supply Chain ServiceAccount. For more information, see Customize service accounts.
  • delivery_service_account (object): Contains the secrets and imagePullSecrets to be added to the delivery ServiceAccount. For more information, see Customize service accounts.
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