Upgrade Supply Chain Security Tools - Scan

This topic describes how you can upgrade Supply Chain Security Tools (SCST) - Scan from the Tanzu Application Platform package repository.


This topic assumes that you use SCST - Scan 1.0 because, although it is deprecated, it is still the default option in Supply Chain with Testing in this version of Tanzu Application Platform. For more information, see Add testing and scanning to your application.

VMware recommends using SCST - Scan 2.0 instead because SCST - Scan 1.0 will be removed from future versions of Tanzu Application Platform. For more information, see SCST - Scan versions. You can perform a fresh install of SCST - Scan by following the instructions in Install Supply Chain Security Tools - Scan.

Before you begin

Before you upgrade SCST - Scan, upgrade the Tanzu Application Platform by following the instructions in Upgrading Tanzu Application Platform.

General Upgrades for SCST - Scan

Before upgrading to any version of SCST - Scan:

  1. See the release notes for the version you want to upgrade to learn about any breaking changes for the upgrade.

  2. Get the values schema for the package version you want to upgrade by running:

    tanzu package available get scanning.apps.tanzu.vmware.com/$VERSION --values-schema -n tap-install

    Where $VERSION is the new version. This gives you insights on the values you can configure in your tap-values.yaml for the new version.

Upgrade a scanner in all namespaces

This section describes how to upgrade a supported scanner in all namespaces. The procedure is different depending on whether you install manually or by using Namespace Provisioner.

Use Namespace Provisioner
All scanners installed by the Namespace Provisioner in all managed namespaces are upgraded automatically. For example, if you upgrade your installation of Tanzu Application Platform and the version of Grype is updated, all Grype scanners installed by the Namespace Provisioner for all managed namespaces are automatically upgraded.
Install manually
To install manually:
  1. If a scanner, such as Grype Scanner, was installed as part of Tanzu Application Platform by using the full profile, run to upgrade:

    tanzu package installed update tap -p tap.tanzu.vmware.com -v VERSION --values-file tap-values.yaml -n tap-install

    Where VERSION is your Tanzu Application Platform version.

  2. If a scanner, such as Grype Scanner, was installed by using component installation you must manually run:

    tanzu package installed update grype -p grype.scanning.apps.tanzu.vmware.com -v GRYPE-VERSION \
    --values-file grype-values.yaml -n NAMESPACE


    • GRYPE-VERSION is the version of Grype that you are upgrading to.
    • NAMESPACE is the namespace in which Grype is installed in.

Upgrade to v1.2.0

To upgrade from a previous version of SCST - Scan to the version v1.2.0:

  1. Change the SecretExports from SCST - Store.

    SCST - Scan needs information to connect to the SCST - Store deployment. You must change where these secrets are exported to enable the connection with SCST - Scan v1.2.0.

    Single-cluster deployment
    For a single-cluster deployment:
    1. Edit the tap-values.yaml file you used to deploy SCST - Store to export the CA certificate to your developer namespace.

         ns_for_export_app_cert: "DEV-NAMESPACE"

      The ns_for_export_app_cert supports one namespace at a time. If you have multiple namespaces you can replace this value with a *, but this exports the CA certificate to all namespaces. Consider whether this increased visibility presents a risk.

    2. Update Tanzu Application Platform to apply the changes:

      tanzu package installed update tap -f tap-values.yaml -n tap-install
    Multicluster deployment
    For a multicluster deployment you must reapply the SecretExport by changing the toNamespace: scan-link-system to toNamespace: DEV-NAMESPACE. For example:
    apiVersion: secretgen.carvel.dev/v1alpha1
    kind: SecretExport
      name: store-ca-cert
      namespace: metadata-store-secrets
      toNamespace: "DEV-NAMESPACE"
    apiVersion: secretgen.carvel.dev/v1alpha1
    kind: SecretExport
      name: store-auth-token
      namespace: metadata-store-secrets
      toNamespace: "DEV-NAMESPACE"
  2. Update your tap-values.yaml file.

    The installation of SCST - Scan and Grype Scanner has some changes. The connection to the SCST - Store component has moved to the Grype Scanner package. The connection from SCST - Scan still exists for backward compatibility, but is deprecated and is removed in v1.3.0.

    To deactivate the connection, edit tap-values.yaml as follows:

    # Deactivate scan controller embedded SCST - Store integration
        url: ""
    # Install Grype Scanner v1.2.0
      namespace: "DEV-NAMESPACE" # The developer namespace where the ScanTemplates are going to be deployed
        url: "METADATA-STORE-URL" # The base URL where the Store deployment can be reached
          name: "CA-SECRET-NAME" # The name of the secret containing the ca.crt
          importFromNamespace: "SECRET-NAMESPACE" # The namespace where Store is deployed (if single cluster) or where the connection secrets were created (if multi-cluster)
          name: "TOKEN-SECRET-NAME" # The name of the secret containing the auth token to connect to Store
          importFromNamespace: "SECRET-NAMESPACE" # The namespace where the connection secrets were created (if multi-cluster)

    For more information about how to install Grype, see Install SCST - Scan (Grype Scanner).


    If a mix of Grype templates is used, such as templates before and after v1.2.0 and v1.2.0, both scanning and grype must configure the parameters. The secret must also export to both scan-link-system and the developer namespace. Configure this by exporting to * or by defining multiple secrets and exports. If Grype is installed in multiple namespaces there must be corresponding exports. For more information, see Install SCST - Scan (Grype Scanner).

  3. Update Tanzu Application Platform to apply the changes by running:

    tanzu package installed update tap -f tap-values.yaml -n tap-install
  4. Update the ScanPolicy to include the latest structure changes for v1.2.0.

    To update to the latest valid Rego file in ScanPolicy, enforce compliance policy by using Open Policy Agent. v1.2.0 introduced some breaking changes in the Rego file structure used for ScanPolicies. For more information, see the release notes.

  5. Create a verify-upgrade.yaml file in your system with the following content:

    apiVersion: scanning.apps.tanzu.vmware.com/v1beta1
    kind: ScanPolicy
      name: scan-policy
        'app.kubernetes.io/part-of': 'enable-in-gui'
      regoFile: |
        package main
        # Accepted Values: "Critical", "High", "Medium", "Low", "Negligible", "UnknownSeverity"
        notAllowedSeverities := ["Critical", "High", "UnknownSeverity"]
        ignoreCves := []
        contains(array, elem) = true {
          array[_] = elem
        } else = false { true }
        isSafe(match) {
          severities := { e | e := match.ratings.rating.severity } | { e | e := match.ratings.rating[_].severity }
          some i
          fails := contains(notAllowedSeverities, severities[i])
          not fails
        isSafe(match) {
          ignore := contains(ignoreCves, match.id)
        deny[msg] {
          comps := { e | e := input.bom.components.component } | { e | e := input.bom.components.component[_] }
          some i
          comp := comps[i]
          vulns := { e | e := comp.vulnerabilities.vulnerability } | { e | e := comp.vulnerabilities.vulnerability[_] }
          some j
          vuln := vulns[j]
          ratings := { e | e := vuln.ratings.rating.severity } | { e | e := vuln.ratings.rating[_].severity }
          not isSafe(vuln)
          msg = sprintf("CVE %s %s %s", [comp.name, vuln.id, ratings])
    apiVersion: scanning.apps.tanzu.vmware.com/v1beta1
    kind: ImageScan
      name: sample-public-image-scan
        image: "nginx:1.16"
      scanTemplate: public-image-scan-template
      scanPolicy: scan-policy
  6. Deploy the resources by running:

    kubectl apply -f verify-upgrade.yaml -n DEV-NAMESPACE
  7. View the scan results by running:

    kubectl describe imagescan sample-public-image-scan -n DEV-NAMESPACE

    If it is successful, the ImageScan goes to the Failed phase and shows the results of the scan in Status. You can run any ImageScan or SourceScan in your DEV-NAMESPACE where the Grype Scanner was installed, and it finishes.

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