Install Source Controller

This topic tells you how to install Source Controller from the Tanzu Application Platform (commonly known as TAP) package repository.


Follow the steps in this topic if you do not want to use a profile to install Source Controller. For more information about profiles, see Components and installation profiles.


Before installing Source Controller:

  • Complete all prerequisites to install Tanzu Application Platform. For more information, see Prerequisites.
  • Install cert-manager on the cluster. For more information, see Install cert-manager.


To install Source Controller:

  1. List version information for the package by running:

    tanzu package available list --namespace tap-install

    For example:

    $ tanzu package available list --namespace tap-install
    - Retrieving package versions for
      NAME                                     VERSION  RELEASED-AT  0.3.1    2022-01-23 19:00:00 -0500 -05  0.3.2    2022-02-21 19:00:00 -0500 -05  0.3.3    2022-03-03 19:00:00 -0500 -05  0.4.1    2022-06-09 19:00:00 -0500 -05  0.9.0    2024-03-19 00:00:00 -0500 -05
  2. (Optional) Gather the values schema:

    tanzu package available get --values-schema --namespace tap-install

    Where VERSION-NUMBER is the version of the package listed in step 1 above.

    For example:

    tanzu package available get --values-schema --namespace tap-install
      KEY               DEFAULT  TYPE    DESCRIPTION
      resources                          Optional: Tanzu Source Controller resource limit configuration
      aws_iam_role_arn  ""       string  Optional: Arn role that has access to pull images from ECR container registry
      ca_cert_data      ""       string  Optional: PEM Encoded certificate data for image registries with private CA.
  3. (Optional) Create a file named source-controller-values.yaml to override the default installation settings. You can configure the following fields:

    • ca_cert_data: Enables Source Controller to connect to image registries that use self-signed or private certificate authorities. If a certificate error x509: certificate signed by unknown authority occurs, use this option to trust additional certificate authorities.

      To provide a custom certificate, add the PEM-encoded CA certificate data to source-controller-values.yaml. For example:

      ca_cert_data: |
          -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
          -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    • aws_iam_role_arn: Annotates the Source Controller service with an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role. This allows Source Controller to pull images from Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR).

      To add the AWS IAM role Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to the Source Controller service, add the ARN to source-controller-values.yaml. For example:

      aws_iam_role_arn: " arn:aws:iam::112233445566:role/source-controller-manager"
    • resources: Allows you to update the default resource configuration for the Source Controller. By default, the Source Controller resource configuration is set as follows:

          cpu: 100m
          memory: 512Mi
          cpu: 100m
          memory: 20Mi

      To update the default resource configuration, add the configuration you require to source-controller-values.yaml. For example:

          cpu: 100m
          memory: 1Gi
  4. Install the package by running:

    tanzu package install source-controller \
      --package \
      --version VERSION-NUMBER \
      --namespace tap-install \
      --values-file VALUES-FILE


    • VERSION-NUMBER is the version of the package listed in step 1 above.
    • VALUES-FILE is the path to the file created in step 3.

    For example:

    $ tanzu package install source-controller
        --version 0.9.0-build.2
        --namespace tap-install
        --values-file source-controller-values.yaml
    4:33:18PM: Creating service account 'source-controller-tap-install-sa'
    4:33:18PM: Creating cluster admin role 'source-controller-tap-install-cluster-role'
    4:33:18PM: Creating cluster role binding 'source-controller-tap-install-cluster-rolebinding'
    4:33:18PM: Creating secret 'source-controller-tap-install-values'
    4:33:18PM: Creating overlay secrets
    4:33:18PM: Creating package install resource
    4:33:18PM: Waiting for PackageInstall reconciliation for 'source-controller'
    4:33:18PM: Fetch started (2s ago)
    4:33:20PM: Fetching
          | apiVersion:
          | directories:
          | - contents:
          |   - imgpkgBundle:
          |       image:
          |     path: .
          |   path: "0"
          | kind: LockConfig
    4:33:20PM: Fetch succeeded
    4:33:20PM: Template succeeded
    4:33:20PM: Deploy started (2s ago)
    4:33:22PM: Deploying
          | Target cluster '' (nodes: tap-local-control-plane)
          | Changes
          | Namespace      Name                                            Kind                            Age  Op      Op st.  Wait to    Rs  Ri
          | (cluster)  CustomResourceDefinition        -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
          | ^         CustomResourceDefinition        -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
          | ^              source-app-viewer                               ClusterRole                     -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
          | ^              source-manager-role                             ClusterRole                     -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
          | ^              source-manager-rolebinding                      ClusterRoleBinding              -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
          | ^              source-metrics-reader                           ClusterRole                     -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
          | ^              source-proxy-role                               ClusterRole                     -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
          | ^              source-proxy-rolebinding                        ClusterRoleBinding              -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
          | ^              source-system                                   Namespace                       -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
          | ^              source-validating-webhook-configuration         ValidatingWebhookConfiguration  -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
          | source-system  reg-creds                                       Secret                          -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
          | ^              source-ca-certificates                          Secret                          -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
          | ^              source-controller-manager                       Deployment                      -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
          | ^              source-controller-manager                       ServiceAccount                  -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
          | ^              source-controller-manager-artifact-service      Service                         -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
          | ^              source-controller-manager-metrics-service       Service                         -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
          | ^              source-leader-election-role                     Role                            -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
          | ^              source-leader-election-rolebinding              RoleBinding                     -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
          | ^              source-manager-config                           ConfigMap                       -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
          | ^              source-selfsigned-issuer                        Issuer                          -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
          | ^              source-serving-cert                             Certificate                     -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
          | ^              source-webhook-service                          Service                         -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
          | Op:      22 create, 0 delete, 0 update, 0 noop, 0 exists
          | Wait to: 22 reconcile, 0 delete, 0 noop
          | 8:33:20PM: ---- applying 8 changes [0/22 done] ----
          | ...
          | 8:33:45PM: ok: reconcile deployment/source-controller-manager (apps/v1) namespace: source-system
          | 8:33:45PM: ---- applying complete [22/22 done] ----
          | 8:33:45PM: ---- waiting complete [22/22 done] ----
          | Succeeded
    4:33:45PM: Deploy succeeded
  5. Verify the package installation by running:

    tanzu package installed get source-controller -n tap-install

    For example:

    tanzu package installed get source-controller -n tap-install
    NAMESPACE:          tap-install
    NAME:               source-controller
    PACKAGE-VERSION:    0.9.0-build.2
    STATUS:             Reconcile succeeded
    CONDITIONS:         - status: "True"
      type: ReconcileSucceeded

    Verify that STATUS is Reconcile succeeded:

    kubectl get pods -n source-system

    For example:

    $ kubectl get pods -n source-system
    NAME                                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    source-controller-manager-f68dc7bb6-4lrn6   1/1     Running   0          100s

    Verify that STATUS is Running.

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