Tanzu Build Service Dependencies

This topic tells you about Tanzu Build Service dependencies.


Ubuntu Bionic stack is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. VMware recommends that you migrate builds to Jammy stacks. For Tanzu Application Platform v1.5 and later, the default stack for Tanzu Build Service is Jammy.

To build OCI images, Tanzu Build Service has the following dependencies: Cloud Native Buildpacks, Stacks, and Lifecycles.

How dependencies are installed

When Tanzu Application Platform is installed with Tanzu Build Service, it is bootstrapped with a set of dependencies. No extra configuration is required. Each version of Tanzu Application Platform and Tanzu Build Service contains new dependencies.

When Tanzu Application Platform is upgraded, new dependencies are installed which might cause workload images to rebuild. To ensure dependency compatibility, Tanzu Build Service only releases patches for dependencies in patch versions of Tanzu Application Platform. For upgrade instructions, see Upgrade the full dependencies package.

By default, Tanzu Build Service is installed with the lite set of dependencies, which have a smaller-footprint and contain a subset of the buildpacks and stacks in the full set of dependencies. For a comparison of lite and full dependencies, see Dependency comparison.

View installed dependencies

To view the set of dependencies installed with Tanzu Build Service, inspect the status of the cluster builders by running:

kubectl get clusterbuilder -o yaml

Cluster builders contain stack and buildpack metadata.

Bionic and Jammy stacks

Tanzu Application Platform v1.3 and later supports Ubuntu v22.04 (Jammy) based builds and will default to it from Tanzu Application Platform v1.5 and later.

Ubuntu Bionic will stop receiving support in April 2023. VMware recommends that you migrate builds to Jammy.

For more information about support for Jammy stacks, see About lite and full dependencies later in this topic.


While upgrading apps to a later stack, you might encounter the build platform erroneously reusing the old build cache. If you encounter this issue, delete and recreate the workload in Tanzu Application Platform, or delete and recreate the image in Tanzu Build Service.

About lite and full dependencies

Each version of Tanzu Application Platform is released with two types of Tanzu Build Service dependencies: lite and full. These dependencies consist of the buildpacks and stacks required for application builds. Each type serves different use cases. Both types are suitable for production workloads.

By default, Tanzu Build Service is installed with lite dependencies, which do not contain all buildpacks and stacks. To use all buildpacks and stacks, you must install the full dependencies. For instructions about installing full dependencies, see Install full dependencies.

For a table comparing the differences between full and lite dependencies, see Dependency comparison.

Lite dependencies

The lite dependencies are the default set installed with Tanzu Build Service.

lite dependencies contain a smaller footprint to speed up installation time, but do not support all workload types. For example, lite dependencies do not contain the PHP buildpack and cannot be used to build PHP workloads.

Lite dependencies: stacks

The lite dependencies contain the following stacks:

  • base-jammy (Ubuntu Jammy)
  • default (identical to base-jammy)

For more information, see Stacks in the VMware Tanzu Buildpacks documentation

Lite dependencies: buildpacks

The lite dependencies contain the following buildpacks in Tanzu Application Platform v1.10:

Buildpack Version Supported Stacks
Java Buildpack for VMware Tanzu (Lite) 9.17.1 Bionic, Jammy, UBI
Java Native Image Buildpack for Tanzu (Lite) 7.15.1 Bionic, Jammy
.NET Core Buildpack for VMware Tanzu (Lite) 2.16.0 Bionic, Jammy, UBI
Node.js Buildpack for VMware Tanzu (Lite) 2.8.0 Bionic, Jammy, UBI
Python Buildpack for VMware Tanzu (Lite) 2.12.0 Bionic, Jammy
Go Buildpack for VMware Tanzu (Lite) 3.6.0 Bionic, Jammy, Jammy Static
Web Servers Buildpack for VMware Tanzu (Lite) 0.21.1 Bionic, Jammy, UBI
Ruby Buildpack for VMware Tanzu (Lite) 2.13.2 Bionic, Jammy

And the following components:

Component Version Supported Stacks
CNB Lifecycle 0.16.0 Bionic, Jammy
Base Stack of Ubuntu Jammy for VMware Tanzu 0.1.95 Jammy

Full dependencies

The Tanzu Build Service full set of dependencies contain more buildpacks and stacks, which allows for more workload types.

The dependencies are pre-packaged, so builds do not have to download them from the Internet. This can speed up build times and allows builds to occur in air-gapped environments. Due to the larger footprint of full, installations might take longer.

The full dependencies are not installed with Tanzu Build Service by default, you must install them. For instructions for installing full dependencies, see Install Tanzu Build Service with full dependencies.

Full dependencies: stacks

The full dependencies contain the following stacks, which support different use cases:

  • base-jammy (Ubuntu Jammy)
  • full-jammy (Ubuntu Jammy)
  • tiny-jammy (Ubuntu Jammy)
  • default (identical to base-jammy)

For more information, see Stacks in the VMware Tanzu Buildpacks documentation.

Full dependencies: buildpacks

The full dependencies contain the following buildpacks in Tanzu Application Platform v1.10:

Buildpack Version Supported Stacks
Java Buildpack for VMware Tanzu 9.17.1 Bionic, Jammy, UBI
Java Native Image Buildpack for Tanzu 7.15.0 Bionic, Jammy
.NET Core Buildpack for VMware Tanzu 2.16.0 Bionic, Jammy, UBI
Node.js Buildpack for VMware Tanzu 2.8.0 Bionic, Jammy, UBI
Python Buildpack for VMware Tanzu 2.12.0 Bionic, Jammy
Ruby Buildpack for VMware Tanzu 2.13.2 Bionic, Jammy
Go Buildpack for VMware Tanzu 3.6.0 Bionic, Jammy, Jammy Static
PHP Buildpack for VMware Tanzu 2.14.1 Bionic, Jammy
Web Servers Buildpack for VMware Tanzu 0.21.1 Bionic, Jammy, UBI
Procfile Buildpack for VMware Tanzu 5.7.0 Bionic, Jammy

And the following components:

Component Version Supported Stacks
CNB Lifecycle 0.16.0 Bionic, Jammy
Tiny Stack of Ubuntu Jammy for VMware Tanzu 0.1.100 Jammy
Base Stack of Ubuntu Jammy for VMware Tanzu 0.1.95 Jammy
Full Stack of Ubuntu Jammy for VMware Tanzu 0.1.156 Jammy
Standard Stack of UBI 8 for VMware Tanzu 0.0.17 UBI 8
Static Stack of Ubuntu Jammy for VMware Tanzu 0.1.35 Jammy

Dependency comparison

The following table compares the contents of the lite and full dependencies.

Feature lite full
Faster installation time Yes No
Dependencies pre-packaged (faster builds) No Yes
Supports air-gapped installation No Yes
Contains base stack Yes Yes
Contains full stack No Yes
Contains tiny stack No Yes
Contains Jammy stack Yes Yes
Supports Java workloads Yes Yes
Supports Node.js workloads Yes Yes
Supports Go workloads Yes Yes
Supports Python workloads Yes Yes
Supports Ruby workloads Yes Yes
Supports .NET Core workloads Yes Yes
Supports PHP workloads No Yes
Supports static workloads Yes Yes
Supports binary workloads Yes Yes
Supports web servers buildpack Yes Yes

Update dependencies in band with Tanzu Application Platform releases

New versions of dependencies such as buildpacks, and stacks are available in new versions of Tanzu Application Platform. To update dependencies, VMware recommends that you update to the latest patch version of Tanzu Application Platform.

  • If you are using lite or full dependencies, upgrade to the latest patch version of Tanzu Application Platform to update your dependencies.

  • If you are using full dependencies, you must complete some extra steps after you upgrade to the latest patch. For more information, see Upgrading the full dependencies package.


When Tanzu Application Platform is upgraded, new dependencies are installed which might cause workload images to rebuild.

Update dependencies out of band with Tanzu Application Platform releases

To update dependencies between Tanzu Application Platform releases, you can either use automatic dependency updates or you can update dependencies manually.

Automatic dependency updates

Tanzu Build Service dependencies might be upgraded between Tanzu Application Platform releases, for example, if a CVE is discovered in the OS (stack update) or language (buildpack update).

Automatic dependency updates enable your cluster to consume the stack and buildpack updates immediately instead of waiting for the next Tanzu Application Platform patch release to pull in the updated dependencies.

  • Updates are provided through a separate package repository with available version lines for all supported Tanzu Application Platform minor versions.
  • Within a version line, only patch versions are incremented to avoid breaking changes.
  • You can customize the packages that you want the automatic dependency updater to update through your tap-values.yaml file or your full dependencies values.

Prerequisites: These steps assume a registry secret already exists in the cluster for accessing tanzu-build.packages.broadcom.com and your registry.

To enable automatic dependency updates:

  1. Add the following to your tap-values.yaml file:

        allow: true
        scope: SCOPE
        include_packages: [""]
        exclude_packages: [""]


    • SCOPE is the list of dependencies you want updated. The options are:
      • stacks-only (default): Only stacks and builders are updated. This addresses CVEs in the base image or operating system.
      • all: Stacks, builders, and buildpacks are updated. This addresses CVEs in the base image or operating system and CVEs in the language toolchain such as compilers, interpreters, and standard libraries.
      • custom: This list is empty by default. Use the include_packages key to add packages to be updated.

    You must update the Tanzu Application Platform package install and the Full Dependencies package install after changing the tap-values.yaml.

  2. Add the Tanzu Build Service Dependency Updates package repository by running:

    kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
      apiVersion: packaging.carvel.dev/v1alpha1
      kind: PackageRepository
        name: tbs-dependencies-package-repository
        namespace: tap-install
                constraints: VERSION-CONSTRAINT


    • DEPENDENCY-UPDATER-PACKAGE-REPO is the location of the package repository. This is tanzu-build.packages.broadcom.com/build-service-dependency-updater/package-repo for online installs and the internal container image registry for air-gapped installs.
    • VERSION-CONSTRAINT is the Tanzu Application Platform version in the form of MAJOR.MINOR.x. For example, 1.8.x.

After completing this configuration, the repository you set with DEPENDENCY-UPDATER-PACKAGE-REPO will be polled for updates and any new releases will automatically be made available to the cluster.

Manual dependency updates

You can update buildpack dependencies outside of upgrading Tanzu Application Platform, but VMware recommends that you upgrade Tanzu Application Platform when possible instead. Each Tanzu Application Platform release version includes a tested set of buildpacks. If you consume a buildpack from the Broadcom Support Portal that is not packaged and tested in a Tanzu Application Platform release, it might introduce errors.

  1. Sign into VMware Tanzu Network so that the image can be retrieved from the registry.

  2. Select the required buildpack in the Tanzu Buildpacks documentation. Select full or lite dependencies. Scroll to the Docker command, and copy the buildpack image URL for use in the next step.

  3. Run:


    Where BUILDPACK-IMAGE-URL is the buildpack image URL copied from the Docker command in the previous step

  4. Create a ClusterBuildpack resource referencing the copied buildpack image:

    apiVersion: kpack.io/v1alpha2
    kind: ClusterBuildpack
        name: dependencies-pull-serviceaccount
        namespace: build-service

    Where RELOCATED-BUILDPACKIMAGE is the URL of the relocated buildpack image from previous step.

    To avoid naming collisions, follow the name conventions specified in metadata.name. The name can follow any convention that allows the Cluster Operator to distinguish this ClusterBuildpack from others installed by Tanzu Application Platform.

  5. Apply the YAML from the previous step to the Tanzu Application Platform cluster:

    kubectl apply -f FILE-FROM-PREVIOUS-STEP

The ClusterBuildpack is now deployed. Tanzu Build Service uses the latest available version to run builds. All images that were built with older versions of the buildpack will now be rebuilt.

When you upgrade Tanzu Application Platform, new buildpacks with later versions are installed. After an upgrade, the ClusterBuildpack created in this procedure is not needed and can be removed.

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