Upgrade Tanzu Developer Portal

This topic tells you how to upgrade Tanzu Developer Portal outside of a Tanzu Application Platform profile installation. If you installed Tanzu Application Platform through a profile, see Upgrading Tanzu Application Platform instead.


As part of the upgrade, Tanzu Application Platform updates its container with the new version.

As a result, if you installed Tanzu Developer Portal without the support of a backing database, you lose your in-memory data for any manual component registrations when the container restarts. While the update is pulling the new pod from the registry, users might experience a short UI interruption and might need to re-authenticate because the in-memory session data is rebuilt.

Upgrade within a Tanzu Application Platform profile

If you installed Tanzu Developer Portal as part of a Tanzu Application Platform profile, see Upgrading Tanzu Application Platform.

Upgrade Tanzu Developer Portal individually

These steps only apply to installing Tanzu Developer Portal individually, not as part of a Tanzu Application Platform profile.

To upgrade Tanzu Developer Portal outside of a Tanzu Application Platform profile:

  1. Ensure that your repository has access to the new version of the package by running:

    tanzu package available list tap-gui.tanzu.vmware.com -n tap-install

    For example:

    $ tanzu package available list tap-gui.tanzu.vmware.com -n tap-install
    - Retrieving package versions for tap-gui.tanzu.vmware.com...
      NAME                      VERSION  RELEASED-AT
      tap-gui.tanzu.vmware.com  1.0.1    2021-12-22 17:45:51 +0000 UTC
      tap-gui.tanzu.vmware.com  1.0.2    2022-01-25 01:57:19 +0000 UTC
  2. Perform the package upgrade by using the targeted package update version. Run:

    tanzu package installed update tap-gui -p tap-gui.tanzu.vmware.com -v VERSION  --values-file \
    TAP-GUI-VALUES.yaml -n tap-install


    • VERSION is the target version of Tanzu Developer Portal that you want.
    • TAP-GUI-VALUES is the configuration values file that contains the configuration used when you installed Tanzu Developer Portal.
  3. Verify that you upgraded your application by running:

    tanzu package installed get tap-gui -n tap-install
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