Key Concepts for API Auto Registration

This topic explains key concepts you use with API Auto Registration.

API Auto Registration architecture

You can use the full potential of API Auto Registration by using a distributed environment, as shown in the following diagrams:

  • The workloads that expose APIs through the supply chains cause generated APIDescriptors. This triggers API Auto Registration’s Kubernetes controller to generate and register API entities in Tanzu Developer Portal. Diagram describing the clusters used with API Auto Registration.

  • Aggregate one or more CuratedAPIDescriptor into a curated API by using APIDescriptors. Optionally, this can trigger Spring Cloud Gateway routing resource generation for the referenced APIs. Diagram describing the API curation with API Auto Registration.

APIDescriptor custom resource explained

To initiate API registration, the supply chain must create the custom resource of type APIDescriptor automatically or through other processes. The information from this custom resource constructs an API entity in Tanzu Developer Portal.

This custom resource exposes the following text boxes:

kind: APIDescriptor
  name:                   # name of your APIDescriptor
  namespace:              # optional: namespace of your APIDescriptor
  type:                   # type of the API spec. oneOf(openapi, grpc, asyncapi, graphql)
  description:            # description for the API exposed
  system:                 # system that the API is part of
  owner:                  # person/team that owns the API
      path:               # sub-path where the API spec is available (previously `location.path`)
      url:                # optional: static absolute base URL for the API spec
    server:               # base URL object where the API spec is available. oneOf(url, ref) (previously `location.baseURL`)
      url:                # optional: static absolute base URL for the API server
      ref:                # optional: object ref to oneOf(HTTPProxy, Knative Service, Ingress)

The text boxes cause specific behavior in Tanzu Developer Portal:

  • The system and owner are copied to the API entity. You might have to separately create and add the System and Group kind to the catalog.
  • Tanzu Developer Portal uses the namespace for the API entity where the APIDescriptor CR is applied. This causes the API entity’s name, system, and owner to all be in that namespace.
  • To explicitly use a system or owner in a different namespace, you can specify that in the system: my-namespace/my-other-system or owner: my-namespace/my-other-team text boxes.
  • If the system or owner you are trying to link doesn’t have a namespace specified, you can qualify them with the default namespace. For example, system: default/my-default-system

spec.location.path is deprecated in favor of spec.location.apiSpec.path, and spec.location.baseURL is deprecated in favor of spec.location.server. This change supports having a different API server location from the specification’s location. These deprecated fields will be removed in Tanzu Application Platform 1.8.

With an absolute URL

To create an APIDescriptor with a static server.url, you must apply the following YAML to your cluster.

kind: APIDescriptor
  name: sample-absolute-url
  type: openapi
  description: A set of API endpoints to manage the resources within the petclinic app.
  system: spring-petclinic
  owner: team-petclinic
      path: "/v3/api-docs.yaml"
      url: https://myservice.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local:6789

With an object ref

You can use an object reference, instead of hard coding the URL, to point to a HTTPProxy, Knative Service, or Ingress. VMware does not support referencing Kubernetes Service with Object Ref. To point to your Kubernetes Service directly, you can use the static URL with cluster DNS address. For example, https://myservice.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local:6789.

With an HTTPPRoxy object ref

This section includes an example YAML that points to an HTTPProxy from which the controller extracts the .spec.virtualhost.fqdn as the baseURL.

kind: APIDescriptor
  name: sample-contour-ref
  type: openapi
  description: A set of API endpoints to manage the resources within the petclinic app.
  system: spring-petclinic
  owner: team-petclinic
      path: "/test/openapi"
        kind: HTTPProxy
        name: my-httpproxy
        namespace: my-namespace # optional

With a Knative service object ref

To use a Knative Service, your controller reads the status.url as the baseURL. For example:

# all other fields similar to the above example
        kind: Service
        name: my-knative-service
        namespace: my-namespace # optional

With an ingress object ref

To use an Ingress instead, your controller reads the URL from the jsonPath specified. When jsonPath is left empty, your controller reads the "{.spec.rules[0].host}" as the URL. For example:

# all other fields similar to the above example
        kind: Ingress
        name: my-ingress
        jsonPath: "{.spec.rules[1].host}"
        namespace: my-namespace # optional

APIDescriptor status fields

When API Auto Registration processes an APIDescriptor, it adds several fields describing the progress to the status. Including conditions, which provides information useful for troubleshooting. For information about the conditions, see Troubleshoot API Auto Registration.

In addition to conditions, the status contains other useful fields showing the resolved API’s details. The following is a list of these fields with a brief explanation of what they contain.

  registeredEntityURL:    # Url of the corresponding API Entity in Tanzu Developer Portal
  registeredTapUID:       # Unique identifier for the corresponding API Entity in Tanzu Developer Portal
  resolvedAPIServerURL:   # Url to the API runtime server
  resolvedAPISpecURL:     # Url used to retrieve the full API Spec by Api Auto Registration
  resolvedAPISpec:        # Full API Spec as retrieved by Api Auto Registration
  resolvedAPISpecHash:    # Hash value of the `resolvedAPISpec`. This field can be used to see whether the spec has been updated or not.
  apiSpecLastUpdateTime:  # Timestamp representing the server time when API Spec was last updated. It is not guaranteed to be set in happens-before order across separate operations. It is represented in RFC3339 form and is in UTC.

CuratedAPIDescriptor custom resource explained

To curate one or more Workload OpenAPI specifications into a single aggregated API, create a custom resource of type CuratedAPIDescriptor. The information from this custom resource references a list of APIDescriptors and how path-based routing aggregates them.

If you specify a valid route provider, for example, spring-cloud-gateway for Spring Cloud Gateway for Kubernetes (SCG), the API Auto Registration controller finds the SpringCloudGateway resource and automatically creates the following routing resources for you to expose your curated APIs as:

This custom resource exposes the following text boxes:

kind: CuratedAPIDescriptor
  name:                 # name of your CuratedAPIDescriptor
  namespace:            # optional: namespace of your CuratedAPIDescriptor
    "": "spring-cloud-gateway"   # specify route provider
  type: openapi         # type of the API spec. oneOf(openapi, grpc, asyncapi, graphql)
  title:                # title of the curated API
  description:          # description of the curated API spec
  documentation:        # documentation for the curated API spec
  groupId:              # groupID of the curated API.
  version:              # version of the curated API
    - name:             # name of a APIDescriptor to include in this curated API
      namespace:        # namespace of the APIDescriptor
      pathPrefix:       # Path prefix that the API endpoints from the linked APIDescriptor should have
        ssoEnabled:     # whether to enable SSO on the gateway to perform authentication for users
        tokenRelay:     # whether to enable TokenRelay on the gateway to pass along the SSO ID token to the upstream service. This setting depends on `ssoEnabled`.
        filters:        # additional service lever filters to set on all the endpoints in this API
    - ...

There are some key behaviors generated from the text boxes:

  • The annotation specified how you want to provide routing to the curated API. VMware only supports spring-cloud-gateway.
  • groupId is a concept that’s aligned with API portal to group APIs from different high-availability zones/locations or with different version.
  • groupId and version identify a matching gateway that route traffic for the curated API
  • routeConfig section specifies service level configuration you add when generating the routing resource for the API. For information about spring-cloud-gateway fields, see OpenAPI route conversion.
    • Prior to Spring Cloud Gateway (SCG) for Kubernetes v2.1.3, there is a known issue in the SCG OpenAPI Conversion Service to support adding token relay at the service level. The tokenRelay: true setting only works with SCG v2.1.3 and above.
    • routeConfig.filters section specifies service level filters for all the routes exposed in each API. You can add modifications to your endpoints, such as RateLimit=5,10s or RemoveRequestHeader=X-Request-Foo. For information about available filters, see SCG commercial filters.
    • Your controller automatically prepends each endpoint path with the pathPrefix you specified for each APIDescriptor, and adds the StripPrefix filter to the end of the filter list to facilitate a successful path-based redirect. Additionally, you can add more StripPrefix filters to the service level filters to skip common paths in your specifications that are not in your service.

CuratedAPIDescriptor status fields

When processing an CuratedAPIDescriptor, several fields are added to the status. One of these is conditions, which provide information useful for troubleshooting. The conditions are explained in the Troubleshooting Guide.

In addition to conditions the status contains a couple of other useful fields. The following is a list of these fields with a brief explanation of what they contain.

  ResolvedBaseURL:        # Base url to access the curated API. Empty if no route provider is configured.
  ResolvedAPISpecURL:     # Url to the generated aggregated API spec
  AggregatedAPISpec:      # Generated full API Spec as aggregated by Api Auto Registration
  AggregatedAPISpecHash:  # Hash of the aggregated API Spec. This field can be used to see whether the spec has been updated or not.
  LastUpdateTime:         # Timestamp representing the server time when API Spec was last updated. It is not guaranteed to be set in happens-before order across separate operations. It is represented in RFC3339 form and is in UTC.
  MatchedGateway:         # The Gateway resource the curated API is matched on. We currently only support SCG.
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