Install Supply Chain Security Tools - Scan 2.0 in a cluster

This topic describes how to install Supply Chain Security Tools (SCST) - Scan 2.0 if are not using a profile. By default, SCST - Scan 2.0 is installed in the build and full profiles.


Follow the steps in this topic if you do not want to use a profile to install SCST - Scan 2.0. For more information about profiles, see Installation profiles in Tanzu Application Platform v1.11.


SCST - Scan 2.0 requires the following prerequisites:


If you are installing SCST - Scan 2.0 in a cluster with restricted Kubernetes Pod Security Standards, you must update configurations for the Tekton Pipelines package. See Scanning in a cluster with restricted Kubernetes Pod Security Standards.

Configure properties

When you install SCST - Scan 2.0, you can configure the following optional properties:

Key Default Type Description
caCertData "" string The custom certificates trusted by the scan’s connections
docker.import true Boolean Import docker.pullSecret from another namespace (requires secretgen-controller). Set to false if the secret is already present.
docker.pullSecret registries-credentials string Name of a Docker pull secret in the deployment namespace to pull the scanner images
scans.maxConcurrentScans 10 integer Maximum number of scans running at one time. Set to 0 to have no limit.
scans.priorityClassName "" string Name of a predefined PriorityClass to apply to scan pods
workspace.storageSize 2Gi string Size of the PersistentVolume that the Tekton pipelineruns uses
workspace.storageClass "" string Name of the storage class to use while creating the PersistentVolume claims used by Tekton pipelineruns

If the StorageClass you select does not have a node limit but uses the node storage, such as hostpath, the nodes must have large enough disks. For example, if a scan creates a 2Gi volume on a hostpath type storage class, 2Gi * number of AMR images indicates how much storage this cluster needs overall. 2Gi * number of AMR images / number of nodes indicates how much storage each node needs.


To install SCST - Scan 2.0:

  1. List version information for the package:

    tanzu package available list --namespace tap-install

    For example:

    $ tanzu package available list --namespace tap-install
    - Retrieving package versions for
        NAME                                VERSION              RELEASED-AT  0.1.0             2023-03-01 20:00:00 -0400 EDT
  2. (Optional) Make changes to the default installation settings:

    Retrieve the configurable settings:

    tanzu package available get --values-schema --namespace tap-install

    Where VERSION is your package version number. For example, 0.1.0.

    For example:

    tanzu package available get --values-schema --namespace tap-install
    | Retrieving package details for
      KEY                     DEFAULT                 TYPE     DESCRIPTION
      docker.import           true                    boolean  Import `docker.pullSecret` from another namespace (requires
                                                               secretgen-controller). Set to false if the secret will already be present.
      docker.pullSecret       registries-credentials  string   Name of a Docker pull secret in the deployment namespace to pull the scanner
      workspace.storageSize   2Gi                     string   Size of the Persistent Volume to be used by the tekton pipelineruns
      workspace.storageClass                          string   Name of the storage class to use while creating the Persistent Volume Claims
                                                               used by tekton pipelineruns
      caCertData                                      string   The custom certificates to be trusted by the scan's connections

    To edit any of the default installation settings, create an app-scanning-values-file.yaml and append the key-value pairs to be modified to the file. For example:

        storageSize: 200Mi
  3. Install the package. If you did not edit the default installation settings, you do not need to specify the --values-file flag.

    tanzu package install app-scanning --package-name \
        --version VERSION \
        --namespace tap-install \
        --values-file app-scanning-values-file.yaml

    Where VERSION is your package version number. For example, 0.1.0.

    For example:

    tanzu package install app-scanning --package \
        --version 0.1.0 \
        --namespace tap-install \
        --values-file app-scanning-values-file.yaml
        Installing package ''
        Getting package metadata for ''
        Creating service account 'app-scanning-default-sa'
        Creating cluster admin role 'app-scanning-default-cluster-role'
        Creating cluster role binding 'app-scanning-default-cluster-rolebinding'
        Creating package resource
        Waiting for 'PackageInstall' reconciliation for 'app-scanning'
        'PackageInstall' resource install status: Reconciling
        'PackageInstall' resource install status: ReconcileSucceeded

Configure service accounts and registry credentials

This section contains instructions for running a standalone ImageVulnerabilityScan or using multiple registries.

If the image that you are scanning using a default scanner or your own scanner, and your vulnerability scanner image are located in private registries different from the Tanzu Application Platform bundles registry, you must edit your scanner service account to include registry credentials for these registries.


If your use case is listed below, skip this topic and proceed to Enable App Scanning for default Test and Scan supply chains.

  • You are running an ImageVulnerabilityScan in the context of a supply chain.
  • You used the Namespace Provisioner to provision your developer namespace. For more information, see the Namespace Provisioner documentation.

To configure service accounts and registry credentials, SCST - Scan 2.0 requires the following access:

Registry Permission Service Account Example
Tanzu Application Platform bundles registry Read scanner
Target image registry Read scanner
Vulnerability scanner image registry Read scanner
Scan results location registry Write publisher


  • Tanzu Application Platform bundles registry is the registry containing the Tanzu Application Platform bundles. This is the registry from the Relocate images to a registry step.
  • Target image registry is the registry containing the image to scan. This registry credential is required if you are scanning a private image. The image to scan is called the target image or TARGET-IMAGE.
  • Vulnerability scanner image registry is the registry containing your vulnerability scanner image. This is only needed if you are bringing your own scanner and your vulnerability scanner image is located in a private registry different from the Tanzu Application Platform bundles registry.
  • Scan results location registry is the registry where scan results are published.

To configure service accounts and registry credentials:

  1. Create a secret scanning-tap-component-read-creds with read access to the registry containing the Tanzu Application Platform bundles. This pulls the SCST - Scan 2.0 images. You can place your vulnerability scanner image in the registry where you relocated the Tanzu Application Platform bundles to.

    kubectl create secret docker-registry scanning-tap-component-read-creds \
      --docker-username=TAP-REGISTRY-USERNAME \
      --docker-password=$TAP_REGISTRY_PASSWORD \
      --docker-server=TAP-REGISTRY-URL \

    Where DEV-NAMESPACE is the developer namespace where scanning occurs.

  2. If you are scanning a private target image, create a secret target-image-read-creds with read access to the registry containing that target image.


    If you followed the directions for Install Tanzu Application Platform, you can skip this step and use the targetImagePullSecret secret with your service account as referenced in your tap-values.yaml. See Full profile.

    kubectl create secret docker-registry target-image-read-creds \
      --docker-username=REGISTRY-USERNAME \
      --docker-password=$REGISTRY_PASSWORD \
      --docker-server=REGISTRY-URL \
  3. Create a secret write-creds with write access to the registry for the scanner to upload the scan results to.

    read -s WRITE_PASSWORD
    kubectl create secret docker-registry write-creds \
      --docker-username=WRITE-USERNAME \
      --docker-password=$WRITE_PASSWORD \
      --docker-server=DESTINATION-REGISTRY-URL \
  4. (Optional) If you are bringing your own vulnerability scanner and your vulnerability scanner image is located in a private registry different from the registry containing your Tanzu Application Platform bundles, you must create a secret vulnerability-scanner-image-read-creds with read access to the registry.

    read -s WRITE_PASSWORD
    kubectl create secret docker-registry vulnerability-scanner-image-read-creds \
      --docker-username=WRITE-USERNAME \
      --docker-password=$WRITE_PASSWORD \
      --docker-server=REGISTRY-URL \
  5. Create a scanner-sa.yaml file containing the service account scanner which enables SCST - Scan 2.0 to pull both the vulnerability scanner image and target image. Attach the one or more read secrets created earlier pulling the Tanzu Application Platform bundles, and optionally, your vulnerability scanner image under imagePullSecrets. Attach the read secret created earlier for your target image under secrets.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ServiceAccount
      name: scanner
      namespace: DEV-NAMESPACE
    - name: scanning-tap-component-read-creds
    - name: vulnerability-scanner-image-read-creds # optional
    - name: target-image-read-creds


    • includes the name of the secret used to pull the scan component from the registry. If you are bringing your own vulnerability scanner and the vulnerability scanner image is located in a separate private registry, you must also include the name of the secret with those registry credentials.
    • is the name of the secret used to pull the target image to scan. This is required if the image you are scanning is private.
  6. Apply the service account to your developer namespace by running:

    kubectl apply -f scanner-sa.yaml
  7. Create a publisher-sa.yaml file containing the service account publisher which enables SCST - Scan 2.0 to push the scan results to a user specified registry.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ServiceAccount
      name: publisher
      namespace: DEV-NAMESPACE
    - name: scanning-tap-component-read-creds
    - name: write-creds


    • is the name of the secret used to pull the scan component image from the registry.
    • is the name of the secret used to publish the scan results.
  8. Apply the service account to your developer namespace by running:

    kubectl apply -f publisher-sa.yaml

(Optional) Set up your registry retention policy

Although Tanzu Application Platform ingests scan artifacts into the Metadata Store, and stores information such as packages and parsed vulnerabilities, only a pointer to the original SBOM location is stored. The original SBOM generated by the scan is not preserved within the Metadata Store. VMware recommends that you keep these original artifacts according to your organization’s archival requirements.

If the registry specified to push scan results to support retention policies, you can configure the registry to delete old scan results automatically, depending on your archival requirements. Scan result artifacts accumulate over time and can quickly consume hard disk space.

For information about configuring Harbor tag retention rules, see the Harbor documentation. For example, you can configure Harbor to retain the most recently pushed # artifacts or retain the artifacts pushed within the last # days.

Retention policy setup differs between registry providers. Confirm with your specific registry’s documentation about the configuration options.

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