Overview of Application Single Sign-On for VMware Tanzu® 5.2

Application Single Sign-On for VMware Tanzu® (AppSSO) provides APIs for curating and consuming a “Single Sign-On as a service” offering on Tanzu Application Platform.

To get started with Application Single Sign-On, see Get started with Application Single Sign-On.

With AppSSO, Service Operators can configure and deploy authorization servers. Application Operators can then secure their Workloads with these authorization servers to provide Single Sign-On to their end-users.

AppSSO allows integrating authentication and authorization decisions early in the software development and release life cycle. It provides a seamless transition for workloads from development to production when including Single Sign-On solutions in your software.

It’s easy to get started with AppSSO, deploy an authorization server with static test users, and eventually progress to multiple authorization servers of production-grade scale with token key rotation, multiple upstream identity providers, configured secure storage, and client restrictions.

AppSSO’s authorization server is based on the Spring Authorization Server project. For more information, see Spring documentation.

Document organization

The Application Single Sign-On component documentation consists of the following subsections that relate to what you want to achieve:

  • Get started: To understand the basics of getting started with Application Single Sign-On.
  • How-to guides: To find a set of steps to solve a specific problem acting as a certain user persona.
  • Concepts: To gain a deeper understanding of Application Single Sign-On.
  • Reference: To find specific information such as Application Single Sign-On’s APIs.

Tutorials and concepts are of most relevance when studying, while how-to guides and reference material are of most use while working.

The following is a selection of useful topics on offer:

For application developers:

For service operators:

For platform operators:

For everyone:

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