Install Application Single Sign-On

This topic tells you how to install Application Single Sign-On for VMware Tanzu (commonly called AppSSO) from the Tanzu Application Platform (commonly called TAP) package repository.


Follow the steps in this topic if you do not want to use a profile to install Application Single Sign-On. For more information about profiles, see Components and installation profiles.

What’s inside

The AppSSO package installs the following resources:

  • The appsso namespace with a deployment of the AppSSO controller and services for webhooks.
  • RBAC
  • APIs


Before installing Application Single Sign-On, ensure that you have Tanzu Application Platform installed on your Kubernetes cluster.

The package has these dependencies:

  • Required at installation time and runtime. For more information see, Install cert-manager.

  • Required at installation time and runtime. For more information see, Install Crossplane.

  • Required at runtime. For more information see, Install Service Bindings.


Installation time dependencies must be present on the cluster at the time the Application Single Sign-On package is being applied.

Runtime dependencies don’t have to be present when the Application Single Sign-On package is being applied, but they are required eventually for it to function fully.

Install Application Single Sign-On for VMware Tanzu

  1. Learn more about the AppSSO package by running:

    tanzu package available get --namespace tap-install
  2. Install the AppSSO package by running:

    tanzu package install appsso \
     --namespace tap-install \
     --package \
     --version 5.2
  3. Confirm the package has reconciled by running:

    tanzu package installed get appsso --namespace tap-install

See also

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