Use transforms in Application Accelerator

This topic tells you about using transforms with Application Accelerator.

When the accelerator engine executes the accelerator, it produces a set of files. The purpose of the accelerator.axl file is to describe precisely how that set of files is created.

Example accelerator.yaml:

  # Describes options, custom types and imports

Example accelerator.axl:

engine {
  // Describes what happens to the files of the accelerator

Why transforms?

When you run an accelerator, the contents of the accelerator produce the result. It is made up of subsets of the files taken from the accelerator <root> directory and its subdirectories. You can copy the files as is, or transform them in a number of ways before adding them to the result.

The Domain Specific Language (DSL) notation in the engine section defines a transformation that takes as input a set of files (in the <root> directory of the accelerator) and produces as output another set of files, which ultimately make up the result.

Every transform has a type. Different types of transform have different behaviors and different properties that control precisely what they do.

In addition to this, the accelerator DSL uses some “keyword” style syntax to make some particular transforms first class citizens (such as if() or merge with T1 + T2) but at its core, the behavior of the engine is functional: something comes in, a transformation is applied, something comes out.

In the following example, a transform of type Include is a filter. It takes as input a set of files and produces as output a subset of those files, retaining only those files whose path matches any one of a list of patterns.

If the accelerator has something like this:

engine {
  Include(patterns: {'**/*.java'})

This accelerator produces a result containing all the .java files from the accelerator <root> or its subdirectories but nothing else.

Transforms can also operate on the contents of a file, instead of merely selecting it for inclusion.

For example:

engine {
  ReplaceText(substitutions: {{text: "hello-fun", with: #artifactId }})

This transform looks for all instances of a string hello-fun in all its input files and replaces them with an artifactId, which is the result of evaluating a SpEL expression.

The general syntax for using a transform of type MyTransform is two write MyTransform(). This is referred as using the transform constructor.

If the transform can be parameterized with configuration properties, you can pass those typed properties in the constructor call, for example:

  Include(patterns: {'**/*.java'})

You can pass properties by name like in the preceding example, or in order like in the following example.

  Include( {'**/*.java'} )

To learn more about the existing transforms and their configuration properties, see the Transforms reference.

Combining transforms

From the preceding examples, you can see that transforms such as ReplaceText and Include are too primitive to be useful by themselves. They are meant to be the building blocks of more complex accelerators.

To combine transforms, Application Accelerators rely on two operators called Chain and Merge. These operators are recursive in the sense that they compose a number of child transforms to create a more complex transform. This allows building arbitrarily deep and complex trees of nested transform definitions.

The following example shows what each of these two operators does and how they are used together.


Because transforms are functions whose input and output are of the same type (a set of files), you can take the output of one function and feed it as input to another. This is what Chain does. In mathematical terms, Chain is function composition.

Diagram of a chain transform.

You might, for example, want to do this with the ReplaceText transform. Used by itself, it replaces text strings in all the accelerator input files. What if you wanted to apply this replacement to only a subset of the files? You can use an Include filter to select only a subset of files of interest and chain that subset into ReplaceText.

To use chains in the DSL syntax, write transform A followed by transform B:

engine {
  Include(patterns: {'**/*.java'})
  ReplaceText(substitutions: {{text: "hello-fun", with: #artifactId }})


Chaining Include into ReplaceText limits the scope of ReplaceText to a subset of the input files. It also eliminates all other files from the result.

For example:

engine {
  Include(patterns: {'**/pom.xml'})
  ReplaceText(substitutions: {{text: "hello-fun", with: #artifactId }})

The preceding accelerator produces a project that only contains pom.xml files and nothing else.

What if you also wanted other files in that result? Perhaps you want to include some Java files as well, but don’t want to apply the same text replacement to them.

You might be tempted to write something such as:

engine {
  Include(patterns: {'**/pom.xml'})
  ReplaceText(substitutions: {{text: "hello-fun", with: #artifactId }})
  Include(patterns: {'**/*.java'})

However, that doesn’t work. If you chain non-overlapping includes together like this, the result is an empty result set. The reason is that the first include retains only pom.xml files. These files are fed to the next transform in the chain. The second include only retains .java files, but because there are only pom.xml files left in the input, the result is an empty set.

This is where Merge comes in. A Merge takes the outputs of several transforms executed independently on the same input sourceset and combines or merges them together into a single sourceset. The way to write merges in the DSL syntax is to use the + operator, symbolizing the union of the result sets.

For example:

engine {
    Include(patterns: {'**/pom.xml'})
    ReplaceText(substitutions: {{text: "hello-fun", with: #artifactId }})
  + Include(patterns: {'**/*.java'})

The preceding accelerator produces a result that includes both:

  • The pom.xml files with some text replacements applied to them.
  • Verbatim copies of all the .java files.

Thinking “Chain First” with the applyTo operator

Combining effects on some files, such as all pom.xml files, and then doing something else with other files, such as all *.java files, might be cumbersome if you only use chains and merges. You would need to create an N+1 merge construct, where each of the N transformations apply specifically to the files of interest, and the last one brings the rest of files that were not in any of the N first inclusions.

To avoid this, you can use the applyTo() operator sequentially. For example:

engine {
  applyTo('**/pom.xml') {
    ReplaceText(substitutions: {{text: "hello-fun", with: #artifactId }})
  applyTo('**/*.java') {
      { oldPackageName: 'com.acme',
      newPackageName: #companyPkg }

applyTo constructs the complex Merge, Include, Exclude equivalent setup for you. The inner transform (ReplaceText in the first example) is only applied to the files selected (**/pom.xml in the example), while the other files (everything that is not a pom.xml in the example) carry through unchanged to the next transform down the line.

Conditional transforms

You can wrap transforms, or sequences of transforms, inside an if() construct. For example:

engine {
  if (#k8sConfig == 'k8s-resource-simple') {
    ReplaceText({{text: 'hello-fun', with: #artifactId}})

When an if condition is false, that transform is deactivated. This means it is replaced by a transform that does nothing. However, doing nothing can have different meanings depending on the context:

  • When in the context of a Merge, a deactivated transform behaves like something that returns an empty set. A Merge adds things together using a kind of union. Adding an empty set to union does nothing.

  • When in the context of a 'Chain, a deactivated transform behaves like the identity function instead, that is, lambda (x) => x. When you chain functions together, a value is passed through all functions in succession. So each function in the chain has the chance to do something by returning a different modified value. If you use a function in a chain, to do nothing means to return the input unchanged as the output.

Merge conflict

The representation of the set of files upon which transforms operate is richer than what you can physically store on a file system. A key difference is that in this case, the set of files allows for multiple files with the same path to exist at the same time. When files are initially read from the accelerator repository this situation does not arise. However, as transforms are applied to this input, it can produce results that have more than one file with the same path and yet different contents.

For example when using a merge:

engine {
  Include({"**/*})          // Transform A
  + {                       // Transform B

The result of the preceding merge is two files with path pom.xml, assuming there was a pom.xml file in the input. Transform A produces a pom.xml that is a verbatim copy of the input file. Transform B produces a modified copy with some text replaced in it.

It is impossible to have two files on a disk with the same path. Therefore, this conflict must be resolved before you can write the result to disk or pack it into a ZIP file.

As the example shows, merges are likely to give rise to these conflicts, so you might call this a “merge conflict.” However, such conflicts can also arise from other operations. For example, RewritePath:

RewritePath(regex: '.*\.md', rewriteTo: 'docs/')

This example renames any .md file to docs/ Assuming the input contains more than one .md file, the output now contains multiple files with path docs/ Again, this is a conflict, because there can only be one such file in a physical file system or ZIP file.

Resolving merge conflicts

By default, when a conflict arises, the engine doesn’t do anything with it. Our internal representation for a set of files allows for multiple files with the same path. The engine carries on manipulating the files as is. This isn’t a problem until the files must be written to disk or a ZIP file. If a conflict is still present at that time, an error is raised.

If your accelerator produces such conflicts, they must be resolved before writing files to disk. VMware provides the UniquePath transform. This transform allows you to specify what to do when more than one file has the same path. For example:

engine {
  RewritePath(regex: '.*\.md', rewriteTo: 'docs/')
  UniquePath(strategy: Append)

The result of the above transform is that all .md files are gathered up and concatenated into a single file at path docs/ Another possible resolution strategy is to keep only the contents of one of the files. See Conflict Resolution.

File ordering

As mentioned earlier, our set of files representation is richer than the files on a typical file system in that it allows for multiple files with the same path. Another way in which it is richer is that the files in the set are ordered. That is, a FileSet is more like an ordered list than an unordered set.

In most situations, the order of files in a FileSet doesn’t matter. However, in conflict resolution it is significant. If you look at the preceding RewritePath example again, you might wonder about the order in which the various .md files are appended to each other. This ordering is determined by the order of the files in the input set.

So what is that order? In general, when files are read from disk to create a FileSet, you cannot assume a specific order. Yes, the files are read and processed in a sequential order, but the actual order is not well defined. It depends on implementation details of the underlying file system. The accelerator engine therefore does not ensure a specific order in this case. It only ensures that it preserves whatever ordering it receives from the file system, and processes files in accord with that order.

If you do not want the file order produced from reading directly from a file system and want to control the order of the sections in the file, change the order of the merge children. Merge processes its children in order and reflects this order in the resulting output

For example:

engine {
  + {
    RewritePath(rewriteTo: '')


In this example, from the first child of merge comes before from the second child of merge.

Next steps

This introduction focused on an intuitive understanding of the <transform-definition> notation. This notation defines precisely how the accelerator engine generates new project content from the files in the accelerator root.

For more information, see:

  • An exhaustive Reference of all built-in transform types
  • A sample, commented accelerator to learn from a concrete example
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