BOM for Cartographer Conventions

This reference topic describes the BOM structure you can use with Cartographer Conventions.


The BOM is a structure wrapping a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) that describes the software components and their dependencies.


The structure of the BOM is defined as follows:

  "name": "BOM-NAME",
  "raw": "BYTE-ARRAY"


  • BOM-NAME is the prefix cnb-sbom: followed by the location of the BOM definition in the layer for a Cloud Native Buildpack (CNB) SBOM. For example: cnb-sbom:/layers/sbom/launch/paketo-buildpacks_executable-jar/sbom.cdx.json. For a non-CNB SBOM, the value of name might be different.

  • BYTE-ARRAY is the content of the BOM. The content can be in any format or encoding. Read the name to learn how the content is structured.

The convention controller forwards BOMs to the convention servers that it can detect from known sources, including CNB-SBOM.

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