Configure Contour to support TLS termination against AWS Elastic Load Balancing

This topic tells you how to configure Contour to accept traffic from an AWS LoadBalancer that stops TLS traffic.

For more information, see the AWS Knowledge Center documentation.

About certificates and domains

This topic focuses on using a wildcard certificate for your domain. For example, if your domain is, the certificate must be for the wildcard domain *, and everything routed by using Contour must fit that domain pattern.

However, in Tanzu Application Platform, the default URL pattern for Web Workloads, for example, Knative Services, is {{.Name}}.{{.Namespace}}.{{.Domain}}.

The wildcard certificate mentioned earlier does not apply to these URLs. To address this, this topic describes how to configure Cloud Native Runtimes so that Web Workload URLs also fit the wildcard domain.

You can keep the default URL pattern if your DOMAIN includes the namespace where Web Workloads are deployed.


The following are required before proceeding with the configuration:

  • An EKS cluster.
  • The Contour package installed on the cluster, either as part of Tanzu Application Platform or from the standalone component installation. For more information, see Install Contour.
  • Access to AWS Certificate Manager.
  • A domain registered in Route53 or elsewhere. This topic refers to this domain as DOMAIN.

Create a TLS certificate in ACM

Create a public TLS certificate for *.DOMAIN by using AWS Certificate Manager (ACM). For more information, see the AWS documentation.


Record the ARN of the created certificate, which is required in the following steps.

Configure Tanzu Application Platform

Follow these steps to configure your Tanzu Application Platform:

  1. Create the following overlay in overlay-contour-envoy-secret.yaml:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
    name: overlay-contour-envoy
    namespace: tap-install
    overlay-contour-envoy.yml: |
      #@ load("@ytt:overlay", "overlay")
      #@overlay/match by=overlay.subset({"kind": "Service", "metadata": {"name": "envoy"}})
        #@overlay/match by=overlay.subset({"name":"https"})
          targetPort: 8080
  2. Apply the overlay to your cluster:

    kubectl apply -f overlay-contour-envoy-secret.yaml
  3. Add the following configurations to your Tanzu Application Platform values file:

      ingress_issuer: ""
      ingress_domain: DOMAIN
          baseUrl: https://tap-gui.DOMAIN #! note the change in scheme
          baseUrl: https://tap-gui.DOMAIN #! note the change in scheme
            - host: "*.DOMAIN"
      default_external_scheme: "https"
      ingress_issuer: ""
      domain_template: "{{.Name}}-{{.Namespace}}.{{.Domain}}"
      infrastructure_provider: aws
            LBType: nlb
    - name: contour
      - name: overlay-contour-envoy

    Where ARN is the ARN recorded in Create a TLS certificate in ACM.

    To use the Classic LoadBalancer, remove nlb.

  4. Update your Tanzu Application Platform installation:

    tanzu package installed update tap -n tap-install --values-file tap-values.yaml -p -v VERSION

    Where VERSION is the version of Tanzu Application Platform in use, which must be in the form of X.X.X.

Configure AWS

Follow these steps to configure your AWS:

  1. (Optional) Find the load balancer associated with Contour’s Envoy LoadBalancer Service and verify the configuration of HTTPS listeners.

    You must have an AWS LoadBalancer pointing to Contour’s Envoys.

    There are two listeners, 80 and 443, on your LoadBalancer. Both listeners use the certificate associated with the ARN in your tap-values file.

    Image of listeners on AWS LoadBalancer.


    AWS adds SSL or HTTPS listeners for all ports on the Kubernetes service by default. In the context of this topic, it indicates that port 80 is also configured to listen on HTTPS. To leave port 80 open to HTTP traffic, you can add the annotation "https" to your tap-values file at contour.envoy.service.annotations. The annotation adds an SSL or HTTPS listener for the https port on the service. For more information about the annotations, see the AWS cloud provider documentation.

  2. Configure the domain name system (DNS).

    1. Get the External IP of the Envoy service:

      kubectl get svc envoy -n NAMESPACE

      Where NAMESPACE is the namespace where Contour is installed. The default value is tanzu-system-ingress unless configured otherwise.

      The result resembles the following:

      NAME    TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP                                                                     PORT(S)            AGE
       envoy   LoadBalancer   443:31606/TCP      40d
    2. Create a DNS record pointing from DOMAIN to the NLB Domain, which is the External IP address from the earlier step in this procedure.

      In the Route traffic to section, you must set:

      • Alias to Network LoadBalancer.
      • The appropriate region for your NLB.
      • The name of your NLB domain from the previous step.

      It resembles the following:

      Screenshot displaying the AWS quick create record interface.


    If not using AWS Route53, you must create a CNAME entry in your DNS provider. Otherwise, with AWS Route53, you can create an “A” record type, and alias it to the Network LoadBalancer.

Verify the configuration

If you have a Web Workload on the cluster, you can verify that it is available at https://appname-appnamespace.DOMAIN.

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