Customize Namespace Provisioner installation

This topic tells you how to customize a standard installation of Namespace Provisioner in Tanzu Application Platform (commonly known as TAP).

Namespace Provisioner is packaged and distributed using a set of Carvel tools. The Namespace Provisioner package is installed as part of all the standard installation profiles except the View profile. For more information about installation profiles, see Installation profiles in Tanzu Application Platform.

The default set of resources provisioned in a namespace is based on a combination of the Tanzu Application Platform installation profile employed and the supply chain that is installed on the cluster. For a list of what resources are created for different profile and supply chain combinations, see the Default Resources mapping table.

To see the Namespace Provisioner Package Schema for all configurable values, run:

tanzu package available get --values-schema -n tap-install

Different package customization options are available depending on what method you use to manage the list of developer namespaces:

Add additional resources to your namespaces from your GitOps repository

  • additional_sources: This is an array of Git repository locations that contain Platform Operator templated resources to create in the provisioned namespaces, in addition to the default resources. The format of the Git repository locations must follow the “fetch” section of the kapp controller App specification, and only the Git type fetch is supported.
  • additional_sources[].git This entry can include a secretRef specified for providing authentication details for connecting to a private Git repository. For more information, see Git Authentication for Private repository. The following parameters are available:

    • name: The name of the secret to be imported and used as valuesFrom in kapp.
    • namespace: The namespace where the secret exists.
    • create_export: A Boolean flag that controls the creation of a SecretExport resource in the namespace. The default value is false. If the secret is already exported, make sure that it is exported to the tap-namespace-provisioning namespace.
    • path: (Optional) This must start with the prefix _ytt_lib/. Namespace Provisioner mounts all the additional sources as a ytt library so it can expand the manifests in the additional sources for all managed namespaces using the logic in the expansion template. The path after the _ytt_lib prefix can be any string value, and must be unique across all additional sources. If you do not provide a path, Namespace Provisioner generates a path using url and subPath.

Namespace Provisioner relies on kapp-controller for any tasks involving communication with external services, such as registries or Git repositories. When operating in air-gapped environments or other scenarios where external services are secured by a Custom CA certificate, you must configure kapp-controller with the CA certificate data to prevent X.509 certificate errors. For more information, see Deploy onto Cluster in the Cluster Essentials for VMware Tanzu documentation.

If the additional sources contain a resource that is scoped to a specific namespace, it is created in that namespace with a modified name that includes the developer namespace name. For example, the resource name will be “{resource name}-{developer namespace name}”.

If the additional sources include resources without any specified namespaces, and these resources are not cluster-scoped, Namespace Provisioner creates those resources in all of the namespaces it manages. However, if the resource is cluster-scoped, only a single instance of the resource is created.

Sample tap-values.yaml configuration:

Using Namespace Provisioner Controller
The Git repository is configured under additional_sources.
  controller: true
  - git:
      ref: origin/main
      subPath: ns-provisioner-samples/testing-scanning-supplychain
      # secretRef section is only needed if connecting to a Private Git repo
        name: git-auth
        namespace: tap-install
        create_export: true
    path: _ytt_lib/testing-scanning-supplychain-setup
Using GitOps
The Git repository is configured under additional_sources.
  controller: false
  - git:
      ref: origin/main
      subPath: ns-provisioner-samples/testing-scanning-supplychain
      # secretRef section is only needed if connecting to a Private Git repo
        name: git-auth
        namespace: tap-install
        create_export: true
    path: _ytt_lib/testing-scanning-supplychain-setup
    ref: origin/main
    subPath: ns-provisioner-samples/gitops-install

If a path is not specified in the additional_sources configuration, Namespace Provisioner automatically generates a path as follows: _ytt_lib/applicaton-accelerator-samples-git-ns-provisioner-samples-testing-scaning-supplychain-0

For more information, see Git Authentication for Private repository.

Adjust sync period of Namespace Provisioner

The sync_period parameter is the interval at which the Namespace Provisioner reconciles. It must be specified in the format of time + unit. The minimum allowed sync_period is 30 seconds. If a value lower than 30 seconds is specified in the tap-values.yaml file, Namespace Provisioner automatically sets the sync_period to 30 seconds. If no value is specified, the default sync_period is 1m0s.

Sample tap-values.yaml configuration:

Using Namespace Provisioner Controller
Use the sync_period key.
  sync_period: 2m0s
Using GitOps
Use the sync_period key.
  controller: false
  sync_period: 1m0s
    ref: origin/main
    subPath: ns-provisioner-samples/gitops-install

Import user defined secrets in YAML format as ytt data.values

The import_data_values_secrets is an array of additional secrets in YAML format that can be imported into the Namespace Provisioner as data.values under the data.values.imported key. Namespace Provisioner creates a SecretImport for each secret listed in the array in the tap-namespace-provisioning namespace. Alternatively, you can manually create a SecretExport for the same secrets and export them to the tap-namespace-provisioning namespace. The following parameters are available:

  • name: The name of the secret to be imported to use as valuesFrom in kapp.
  • namespace: The namespace where the secret exists.
  • create_export: A Boolean flag that indicates whether a SecretExport resource is created in the namespace. The default value is false. If the secret is already exported, ensure that it is exported to the tap-namespace-provisioning namespace.

The stringData key of the secret must have .yaml or .yml suffix.

Example secret:

# Format of the secret that is importable under data.values.imported
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: user-defined-secrets
type: Opaque
  # Key needs to have .yaml or .yml at the end
  content.yaml: |
    key1: value1
    key2: value2

Sample tap-values.yaml configuration:

Using Namespace Provisioner Controller
The list of secrets are imported under import_data_values_secrets.
  controller: true
  - name: user-defined-secrets
    namespace: tap-install
    create_export: true
Using GitOps
The list of secrets are imported under import_data_values_secrets.
  controller: false
  - name: user-defined-secrets
    namespace: tap-install
    create_export: true
    ref: origin/main
    subPath: ns-provisioner-samples/gitops-install

Use AWS IAM roles

If you are installing Tanzu Application Platform on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), you can use the IAM Role specified in aws_iam_role_arn to configure the Kubernetes service account used by the workload and the supply chain components. For additional details on the process of creating the IAM Role for workloads and obtaining the aws_iam_role_arn, see Create AWS Resources for Tanzu Application Platform.

Sample tap-values.yaml configuration:

Using Namespace Provisioner Controller
Add the AWS IAM Role to aws_iam_role_arn.
  controller: yes
  aws_iam_role_arn: "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/EKSIAMRole"
Using GitOps
Add the AWS IAM Role to aws_iam_role_arn.
  controller: false
  aws_iam_role_arn: "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/EKSIAMRole"
    ref: origin/main
    subPath: ns-provisioner-samples/gitops-install

Apply default parameters to all namespaces

The default_parameters is an array of parameters that are applied to all namespaces. Use these parameters as ytt, such as data.values.default_parameters for templating default and additional resources.

Sample tap-values.yaml configuration:

Using Namespace Provisioner Controller
Use the default_parameters with the desired parameter.
  controller: yes
        cpu: 1.7
        memory: 1Gi
        cpu: 100m
        memory: 1Gi
Using GitOps
Use the default_parameters with the desired parameter.
  controller: false
        cpu: 1.7
        memory: 1Gi
        cpu: 100m
        memory: 1Gi
    ref: origin/main
    subPath: ns-provisioner-samples/gitops-install

Import overlay secrets

The overlay_secrets is a list of secrets that contains Carvel ytt overlay definitions. These overlays are applied to the resources created by the Namespace Provisioner. If the secrets are located in a different namespace, they are imported to the namespace-provisioner namespace.


The stringData key of the secret must have .yaml or .yml suffix.

Sample secret with overlay to be used:

cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: grype-package-overlay
  namespace: tap-install
  annotations: "delete after deleting tap"
  grype-package-overlay.yaml: |
    #@  load("@ytt:overlay", "overlay")
    #@  def matchGrypeScanners(index, left, right):
    #@    if left["apiVersion"] != "" or left["kind"] != "PackageInstall":
    #@      return False
    #@    end
    #@    return "metadata" in left and "name" in left["metadata"] and left["metadata"]["name"].startswith("grype-scanner")
    #@  end

    #@overlay/match by=matchGrypeScanners, expects="0+"
        #@overlay/match expects="0+" my-grype-overlay-secret

Sample tap-values.yaml configuration:

Using Namespace Provisioner Controller
The list of secrets with the overlay are set under overlay_secrets.
  controller: true
  - name: grype-package-overlay
    namespace: tap-install
    create_export: true
Using GitOps
The list of secrets with the overlay are set under overlay_secrets.
  controller: false
  - name: grype-package-overlay
    namespace: tap-install
    create_export: true
    ref: origin/main
    subPath: ns-provisioner-samples/gitops-install

Furthermore, you have the following options for customization:

Options if using Controller
If you are using the controller to manage the list of developer namespaces, you have the following additional customization options available:

Use a different label selector than default

Use the namespace_selector to specify the label selector used by the controller to identify the namespaces that will be included in the desired-namespaces ConfigMap.

Sample tap-values.yaml configuration:

  controller: true
    - key:
      operator: Exists

Override the default CPU and memory limits for controller pods

To configure the compute resources for the Namespace Provisioner controllers, you can use the controller_resources section in the Namespace Provisioner configuration in tap-values.yaml.

To set the maximum CPU and memory limits for the controllers, edit the controller_resources.resources.limits.cpu and controller_resources.resources.limits.memory values.

Similarly, you can configure the minimum CPU capacity and memory requests for the controllers by adjusting the controller_resources.resources.requests.cpu and controller_resources.resources.requests.memory settings.

Sample tap-values.yaml configuration:

  controller: true
        cpu: 500m
        memory: 100Mi
        cpu: 100m
        memory: 20Mi

Customize the label and annotation prefixes that controller watches

The parameter_prefixes is an array of label and annotation prefixes that the Namespace Provisioner controller uses to identify and include namespace-specific parameters in the desired-namespaces ConfigMap. These parameters can then be used as ytt data.values for templating both default and additional resources.

For example, if the value is specified in parameter_prefixes, the Namespace Provisioner controller searches for annotations or labels in a provisioned namespace that begin with the prefix It extracts those annotations or labels and uses them as parameters for further configuration and customization.

Sample tap-values.yaml configuration:

  controller: yes
Options if using GitOps
If you are using GitOps to manage the list of developer namespaces, you have the following customization option:

Use GitOps to manage developer namespaces list

gitops_install is a Git repository configuration with the list of namespaces to be provisioned.

Only use the gitops_install section when controller: false is set. If this section is used in conjunction with controller: true, the Namespace Provisioner package fails to reconcile, resulting in an error message stating controller: false when using 'gitops_install' in provided values.

Files in the Git repository must have a .yaml or .yml extension.

The gitops_install section can have the following entries:

  • url: The Git repository URL (required)
  • subPath: The Git repository subpath where the file is
  • ref: The Git repository reference, the default is origin/main
  • secretRef: If the repository needs authentication, the reference to the secret is set here

    • name: The name of the secret to be used for the repository authentication, see Git Authentication for Private repository.
    • namespace: The namespace where the secret is created. Namespace Provisioner creates a Carvel secretgen SecretImport from this namespace to the Namespace Provisioner namespace.
    • create_export: A Boolean flag to create a Carvel secretgen SecretExport from the given namespace to Namespace Provisioner namespace. The default value is false.

    Sample gitops_install repository file:


    The Carvel data header (#@data/values) is required in this file.

    - name: dev
    - name: qa
    #@ load("@ytt:data", "data")
    #! This loop will now loop over the namespace list in
    #! in ns.yaml and will create those namespaces.
    #@ for ns in data.values.namespaces:
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Namespace
    name: #@
    #@ end

This file in the sample repository creates the namespaces in the namespaces list so no manual intervention is required.

Sample tap-values.yaml configuration:

  controller: false
    ref: origin/main
    subPath: ns-provisioner-samples/gitops-install
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