Open source component versions

This topic contains the open source component versions for Tanzu Application Platform v1.12 (commonly known as TAP).

OSS Release Name OSS Release Version
Backstage 1.20.3
Cartographer Convention 0.8.1
cert injection webhook 0.6.0
cert-manager 1.15.1
contour 1.28.2
crossplane 1.15.0-up.1
External Secrets Operator 0.9.4
Flux CD Source Controller 1.1.2
Grype Vulnerability Scanner (Scan v1) 0.54.0
Grype Vulnerability Scanner (Scan v2) 0.74.1
IntelliJ Build 222 or later
Kafka by Bitnami (Unmanaged) 22.0.0
Knative Serving 1.14.1 + custom patch
kpack 0.13.3
MongoDB by Bitnami (Unmanaged) 13.13.1
MySQL by Bitnami (Unmanaged) 9.5.0
Paketo Syft Buildpack 1.10.1
Postgres (MDS) 13.16
Postgres by Bitnami (Unmanaged) 12.2.0
RabbitMQ by Bitnami (Unmanaged) 11.10.0
Redis by Bitnami (Unmanaged) 17.8.0
Service Bindings 0.8.0
Sigstore Policy Controller 0.8.2
Source Controller 0.9.1
Tekton Pipelines 0.56.4
Tilt 0.30.12 or later
Trivy Vulnerability Scanner (Scan v2) 0.48.3
Visual Studio Code 1.64.0 or later
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