Use Grype scanner with SCST - Scan 2.0

The default configuration for Out of the Box Supply Chain with Testing and Scanning is SCST - Scan 2.0 using Trivy scanner. This topic tells you how to use Grype scanner with Supply Chain Security Tools (SCST) - Scan 2.0.


SCST - Scan 2.0 includes two integrations for container image scanners:

Container Image Scanner Documentation Cluster Image Template Name Description
Aqua Trivy Link image-vulnerability-scan-trivy Recommended scanner for SCST - Scan 2.0
Anchore Grype Link image-vulnerability-scan-grype Alternative to Trivy that is used in SCST - Scan 1.0

VMware recommends using Aqua Trivy scanner with Tanzu Application Platform for container image scanning. If you want to remain consistent with the default scanner in SCST - Scan 1.0, Anchore Grype is included as an open-source alternative. Additionally, you can build an integration for extra scanners. For more information, see Bring your own scanner with SCST - Scan 2.0.

Use Grype scanner

By default SCST - Scan 2.0 is enabled in out-of-the-box supply chain using Trivy scanner. To use Grype as the scanner with supply chain:

  1. Update your tap-values.yaml file to specify the Grype ClusterImageTemplate as follows:

      image_scanner_template_name: image-vulnerability-scan-grype
  2. Update your Tanzu Application Platform installation by running:

    tanzu package installed update tap -p -v TAP-VERSION  --values-file \
    tap-values.yaml -n tap-install

    Where TAP-VERSION is the version of Tanzu Application Platform installed.

  3. Verify scanning works as expected by creating a workload. For more information, see Verify scanning with a Supply Chain integration.

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