Install the SonarQube Scan component (alpha)

This topic tells you how to install the SonarQube Scan component and customize the image on which to run the SonarQube scan.


The SonarQube Scan component is in the alpha stage and only supports Maven and Gradle projects at this time.

If you used the Authoring profile, the SonarQube Scan component is installed by default. For more information, see Install Tanzu Supply Chain with the authoring profile.

This topic describes how to install the SonarQube Scan component by itself, without using the Authoring profile.

  1. List version information for the SonarQube Scan component package by running:

    tanzu package available list --namespace tap-install

    For example:

    $ tanzu package available list --namespace tap-install
    NAME                                       VERSION      RELEASED-AT  0.1.0        2024-05-01 17:13:39 -0400 EDT
  2. Install the SonarQube Scan component package by running:

    tanzu package install sonarqube-scan-component -p \
       --namespace tap-install

    Where SONARQUBE-COMPONENT-VERSION is the version that you want.

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