Troubleshooting Artifact Metadata Repository (AMR)

This topic tells you how to troubleshoot issues with Artifact Metadata Repository (AMR).

Debug AMR

  1. Pause reconciliation of the package by running:

    tanzu package installed pause amr-observer -n tap-install
    # OR
    kctrl package installed pause -i amr-observer -n tap-install
  2. Change the zap log level by running:

    kubectl -n amr-observer-system \
    patch deployment amr-observer-controller-manager \
     --type='json' \
     -p='[{"op": "add",
           "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/1/args/-",
           "value": "--zap-log-level=3"

    Logs now show LEVEL(-3) with the example patch seen earlier. For example:

    $ kubectl -n amr-observer-system logs deployments/amr-observer-controller-manager
    2023-06-20T15:42:39Z  LEVEL(-3)  httpclient.circuitbreaker  AMR CloudEventHandler  {"availability": true, "State": "closed"}
  3. Unpause reconciliation of the package by running:

    tanzu package installed kick amr-observer -n tap-install
    # OR
    kctrl package installed kick -i amr-observer -n tap-install

Resource Issue

If AMR Observer frequently restarts, it might have insufficient allocated memory resources. An example symptom of this is an error log reporting failing leader election:

E0530 05:01:20.297972       1 leaderelection.go:367] Failed to update lock: Put "": dial tcp i/o timeoutI0530 05:01:20.298127       1 leaderelection.go:283] failed to renew lease amr-observer-system/ timed out waiting for the condition
{"level":"error","ts":"2024-05-30T05:01:20.298180924Z","logger":"main.setup","caller":"amr-observer/main.go:294","msg":"problem running manager","error":"leader election lost","stacktrace":"main.main\n\tamr-observer/main.go:294\nruntime.main\n\truntime/proc.go:271"} {"level":"info","ts":"2024-05-30T05:01:20.298227224Z","caller":"manager/internal.go:581","msg":"Stopping and waiting for non leader election runnables"}

To verify that the issue is insufficient allocated memory resources, increase the memory limit and see if there are fewer restarts. To increase the memory limit, configure the following Tanzu Application Platform values as shown:

        app_limit_memory: 2500Mi

For more configuration information, see Install standalone AMR Observer.

Health Check

AMR Observer does not send events to AMR CloudEvent Handler if the AMRCloudEvent Handler, AMR, or Metadata Store is not working.

Sample log in AMR Observer when HealthCheck is working:

2023-06-20T15:51:50Z  INFO  httpclient.circuitbreaker  Received response with status  {"status": "204 No Content"}
2023-06-20T15:51:50Z  INFO  httpclient.circuitbreaker  Successfully sent CloudEvent

Sample log in AMR Observer when HealthCheck is failing:

2023-06-20T19:01:58Z  INFO  httpclient.circuitbreaker  Received response with status  {"status": "503 Service Unavailable"}
2023-06-20T19:01:58Z  ERROR  httpclient    {"error": "request failed with status 503"}*CloudEventClient).logAndReturnError
  /go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/gobreaker.go:242*CloudEventClient).checkCloudEventHandlerAvailability

Sample log in AMR CloudEvent Handler:

{"level":"error","ts":"2023-06-20T15:15:04.321672436Z","caller":"amr-persister/main.go:99","msg":"AMR is unavailable: Get \"https://amr-graphql-app.metadata-store.svc.cluster.local:8443/play\": dial tcp connect: connection refused","stacktrace":"<...>"}
{"level":"error","ts":"2023-06-20T20:13:15.689628865Z","caller":"amr-persister/main.go:102","msg":"MDS is unavailable: Get \"https://metadata-store-app.metadata-store.svc.cluster.local:8443/api/health\": dial tcp connect: connection refused","stacktrace":"..."}

An unsupported protocol is used for the, as seen in this example:

2023-06-28T18:48:31Z  ERROR  httpclient  error sending request to AMR CloudEvent Handler  {"error": "Get \"\": unsupported protocol scheme \"\""}


2023-06-28T18:48:31Z  ERROR  setup  unable to registry location  {"error": "failed to send, Post \"\": unsupported protocol scheme \"\""}


2023-06-28T18:48:31Z  ERROR  httpclient.circuitbreaker  error contacting event handler  {"error": "Get \"\": unsupported protocol scheme \"\""}

To fix this, use the necessary https:// or http:// prepended protocol.

If the log contains:

2023/06/28 19:09:06 No certs appended, using system certs only
2023-06-28T19:09:06Z  INFO  controller-runtime.metrics  Metrics server is starting to listen  {"addr": ""}
2023-06-28T19:09:06Z  INFO  setup  Establishing  {"locationId": "d9fa1ee9-ba42-4262-aaf6-4128f99096b9"}

and if the following description of the pod shows:

$ kubectl -n amr-observer-system describe pods "<amr-observer-controller-manager-...>"

  Type     Reason     Age                    From               Message
  ----     ------     ----                   ----               -------

  Warning  Unhealthy  3m35s (x3 over 4m15s)  kubelet            Liveness probe failed: Get "": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)


  Warning  Unhealthy  3m5s (x10 over 4m25s)  kubelet            Readiness probe failed: Get "": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

this is a symptom of a wrong protocol for The fix is to use the necessary https:// or http:// prepended protocol, depending on the TLS configuration.

AMR Observer Logs

To see the AMR Observer logs by running:

kubectl -n amr-observer-system logs deployments/amr-observer-controller-manager

If the AMR Observer is not observing the ImageVulnerabilityScan CRD, you see:

2023-06-20T15:47:09Z  INFO  ivs.SetupWithManager  Not registering ImageVulnerabilityScans Controller: "" not found"

When the AMR Observer is observing the ImageVulnerabilityScan CRD, if it is installed, you see:

2023-06-28T17:56:43Z  INFO  Starting Controller  {"controller": "imagevulnerabilityscan", "controllerGroup": "", "controllerKind": "ImageVulnerabilityScan"}

When Observer first starts up, it registers a location to the Metadata Store:

2023-06-20T15:47:09Z  INFO  setup  Establishing  {"locationId": "f17f073d-dfec-4624-953e-a133b694ecad"}
sent: type: vmware.tanzu.apps.location.created.v1
  source: f17f073d-dfec-4624-953e-a133b694ecad
  id: 1667244096281455275

For more information, see Configure Artifact Metadata Repository.

Information about what CA certificates were added to the Observer’s HTTP client appears as:

2023-06-20T15:47:05Z  INFO  setup  No additional certs read from configured path, continuing with system truststore"  {"path": "/truststore/ca.crt"}

No valid CA certificates being found appears as:

2023/06/28 18:41:04 No certs appended, using system certs only

When the ReplicaSet is observed to be deleted, it attempts to send the result to AMR CloudEvent Handler. There is a known minor issue that even non-workload ReplicaSets are sent during create and delete events. The log shows an error, however, if it is a no-op because AMR CloudEvent Handler filters out ReplicaSet CloudEvents without a workload container:

result: 204: sent: type: dev.knative.apiserver.resource.delete
  source: f17f073d-dfec-4624-953e-a133b694ecad
2023-06-20T19:01:23Z  INFO  replicaset.sendCloudEvent  received result  {"ceType": "dev.knative.apiserver.resource.delete", "result": "500: "}
  id: 4565357219078868493
map[kind:ReplicaSet name:amr-graphql-app-7ff9bc58f namespace:metadata-store]

There is partial legacy support for Knative ApiServerSource CloudEvents that the Observer uses, which is why there are CloudEvents formatted similarly to the Knative APIServerSource being sent.

AMR CloudEvent Handler Logs

kubectl -n metadata-store logs deployments/amr-persister

When an event is received, there are log entries for an event being handled:

{"level":"debug","ts":"2023-06-20T15:47:09.203079201Z","caller":"persister/persisteradapter.go:76","msg":"Handle single event"}
{"level":"debug","ts":"2023-06-20T15:47:09.203160964Z","caller":"persister/persisteradapter.go:108","msg":"Handle Event"}

When the Observer starts up, it sends the Location CloudEvent, and the AMR CloudEvent Handler sends the location information to the Metadata Store. The log entries contain where the request is sent, the JSON payload, and the response body returned from the Metadata Store:

{"level":"debug","ts":"2023-06-20T15:47:09.203390152Z","caller":"persister/persisteradapter.go:117","msg":"Registry Location Event"}
{"level":"info","ts":"2023-06-20T15:47:09.20349837Z","caller":"persister/persisteradapter.go:279","msg":"Sending request to: https://amr-graphql-app.metadata-store.svc.cluster.local:8443/api/v1/locations with payload: {\"alias\":\"f17f073d-dfec-4624-953e-a133b694ecad\",\"reference\":\"f17f073d-dfec-4624-953e-a133b694ecad\"}"}
{"level":"info","ts":"2023-06-20T15:47:09.238033374Z","caller":"persister/persisteradapter.go:299","msg":"status: 200, responseBody: {\"alias\":\"f17f073d-dfec-4624-953e-a133b694ecad\",\"reference\":\"f17f073d-dfec-4624-953e-a133b694ecad\",\"labels\":null}\n"}

When there is an error sending Location to the Metadata Store you see:

{"level":"debug","ts":"2023-06-20T15:15:04.294883639Z","caller":"persister/persisteradapter.go:117","msg":"Registry Location Event"}
{"level":"info","ts":"2023-06-20T15:15:04.295528237Z","caller":"persister/persisteradapter.go:279","msg":"Sending request to: https://amr-graphql-app.metadata-store.svc.cluster.local:8443/api/v1/locations with payload: {\"alias\":\"f17f073d-dfec-4624-953e-a133b694ecad\",\"reference\":\"f17f073d-dfec-4624-953e-a133b694ecad\"}"}
{"level":"error","ts":"2023-06-20T15:15:04.304782986Z","caller":"persister/persisteradapter.go:283","msg":"post error: Post \"https://amr-graphql-app.metadata-store.svc.cluster.local:8443/api/v1/locations\": dial tcp connect: connection refused","stacktrace":"<...>"}
{"level":"error","ts":"2023-06-20T15:15:04.304878714Z","caller":"amr-persister/main.go:72","msg":"Error Handler received error Post \"https://amr-graphql-app.metadata-store.svc.cluster.local:8443/api/v1/locations\": dial tcp connect: connection refused","stacktrace":"..."}

When the AMR CloudEvent Handler is up and ready to receive CloudEvents you see:

{"level":"info","ts":"2023-06-20T15:14:56.308829574Z","caller":"amr-persister/main.go:61","msg":"Start Receiving"}

When the Artifact Metadata Repository is unavailable you see:

{"level":"error","ts":"2023-06-20T19:03:47.006718745Z","caller":"amr-persister/main.go:99","msg":"AMR is unavailable: Get \"https://amr-graphql-app.metadata-store.svc.cluster.local:8443/play\": dial tcp connect: connection refused","stacktrace":"..."}

When the Metadata Store is unavailable you see:

{"level":"error","ts":"2023-06-20T20:13:15.689628865Z","caller":"amr-persister/main.go:102","msg":"MDS is unavailable: Get \"https://metadata-store-app.metadata-store.svc.cluster.local:8443/api/health\": dial tcp connect: connection refused","stacktrace":"..."}

When the received ReplicaSet CloudEvent did not contain a “workload” container you see:

{"level":"error","ts":"2023-06-20T20:13:11.60733257Z","caller":"persister/persisteradapter.go:218","msg":"generate application payload error: unable to find workload container","stacktrace":"..."}

AMR only supports ReplicaSets generated during a Workload run and containing a workload named container.

The report already exists. This occurs when you reach the resync period and the controllers are configured to reconcile the ImageVulnerability custom resource. This error is not an issue if the previous submission of the report was successful. For example:

{"level":"info","ts":"2023-06-21T20:54:32.772037121Z","caller":"mds/handle-event.go:107","msg":"Error posting image report: Validation failed: {\"message\":\"a report with uid 'd1625dd5ad94c2c5f83a8de4c3a3c382e4e4774a77c2e71fcf68a0cd3f953f7b' already exists\"}\n"}
{"level":"error","ts":"2023-06-21T20:54:32.772060231Z","caller":"amr-persister/main.go:72","msg":"Error Handler received error Validation failed: {\"message\":\"a report with uid 'd1625dd5ad94c2c5f83a8de4c3a3c382e4e4774a77c2e71fcf68a0cd3f953f7b' already exists\"}\n","stacktrace":"..."}
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