Custom certificate configuration for Supply Chain Security Tools - Store

This topic describes how you can configure the following certificates for Supply Chain Security Tools (SCST) - Store.

Default configuration

By default, SCST - Store creates a self-signed certificate and TLS communication is automatically enabled.

If ingress support is enabled, SCST - Store installation creates an HTTPProxy entry with host-routing by using the qualified name metadata-store.<ingress_domain>. For example, The created route supports HTTPS communication using the self-signed certificate with the same subject Alternative Name.

(Optional) Set up a custom ingress TLS certificate

To configure TLS to use a custom certificate:

  1. Place the certificates in the secret.
  2. Edit the tap-values.yaml to use this secret.

Place the certificates in a secret

To place the certificates in a secret:

  1. Create the certificate secret before deploying SCST - Store.
  2. Create a Kubernetes object with the kind Secret and the type

Edit the tap-values.yaml to use the secret

In tap-values.yaml, configure the metadata store to use the namespace and secretName from the secret you just created, as in this example:

    namespace: "NAMESPACE"
    secretName: "SECRET-NAME"


  • NAMESPACE is the targeted namespace for secret consumption by the HTTPProxy.
  • SECRET-NAME is the name of secret for consumption by the HTTPProxy.

Additional resources

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