Log configuration and usage for Supply Chain Security Tools - Store

This topic tells you how to configure Supply Chain Security Tools (SCST) - Store to output and interpret detailed log information.

Verbosity levels

There are six verbosity levels that Supply Chain Security Tools - Store supports.

Level Description
Trace Output extended debugging logs
Debug Output standard debugging logs
More Output more verbose informational logs
Default Output standard informational logs
Less Outputs less verbose informational logs
Minimum Outputs a minimal set of informational logs

When SCST - Store is deployed at a specific verbosity level, all logs of that level and lower are printed in the console. For example, setting the verbosity level to More prints logs from Minimal to More but does not print Debug and Trace logs.

Currently, the application logs output at these levels:

  • Minimum does not output any logs.
  • Less outputs a single log line indicating that the current verbosity level is configured in Metadata Store when the application starts.
  • Default outputs API endpoint access information.
  • Debug outputs API endpoint payload information, both for requests and responses.
  • Trace outputs verbose debug information about the actual SQL queries for the database.

Other log levels do not emit any additional log information and are present for future extensibility.

If you don’t specify a verbosity level when the Store is installed, the level is set to default.

Slow SQL

A slow SQL statement is logged only when the verbosity level is set to trace and the SQL query takes more than 200 milliseconds to run. You can change this default by setting the db_slow_threshold_ms value in values.yaml and redeploying metadata-store.

Error logs

Error logs are always emitted regardless of the verbosity level, even when set to minimum.

Obtain logs

Kubernetes pods emit logs. The deployment has two pods, one for the database and one for the API back end.

See the names of the pods by running:

kubectl get pods -n metadata-store

For example:

$ kubectl get pods -n metadata-store
NAME                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
metadata-store-app-67659bbc66-2rc6k   2/2     Running   0          4d3h
metadata-store-db-64d5b88587-8dns7    1/1     Running   0          4d3h

The database pod has the prefix metadata-store-db-. The API backend pod has the prefix metadata-store-app-. Use kubectl logs to get the logs from the pod you’re interested in. For example, to get the logs of the database pod you run:

$ kubectl logs metadata-store-db-64d5b88587-8dns7 -n metadata-store
The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "postgres".
This user must also own the server process.

The API backend pod has two containers, one for kube-rbac-proxy, and one for the API server. Use the --all-containers flag to see logs from both containers. For example:

$ kubectl logs metadata-store-app-67659bbc66-2rc6k --all-containers -n metadata-store
I1206 18:34:17.686135       1 main.go:150] Reading config file: /etc/kube-rbac-proxy/config-file.yaml
I1206 18:34:17.784900       1 main.go:180] Valid token audiences:
{"level":"info","ts":"2022-05-27T13:47:52.54099339Z","logger":"MetadataStore","msg":"Log settings","hostname":"metadata-store-app-5c9d6bccdb-kcrt2","LOG_LEVEL":"default"}
{"level":"info","ts":"2022-05-27T13:47:52.541133699Z","logger":"MetadataStore","msg":"Server Settings","hostname":"metadata-store-app-5c9d6bccdb-kcrt2","bindingaddress":"localhost:9443"}
{"level":"info","ts":"2022-05-27T13:47:52.541150096Z","logger":"MetadataStore","msg":"Database Settings","hostname":"metadata-store-app-5c9d6bccdb-kcrt2","maxopenconnection":10,"maxidleconnection":100,"connectionmaxlifetime":60}

The kube-rbac-proxy container uses a different log format than the Store. For information about the proxy’s container log format, see Logging Formats in GithHub.

API endpoint log output

When an API endpoint handles a request, the Store generates 2–5 log entries:

  • When the endpoint receives a request, it outputs a Processing request line. This log entry is shown at the default verbosity level.
  • If the endpoint includes query or path parameters, it outputs a Request parameters line. This line logs the parameters passed in the request. This line is shown at the default verbosity level.
  • If the endpoint takes in a request body, it outputs a Request body line. This line shows the entire request body as a string. This line is shown at the debug verbosity level.
  • When the endpoint returns a response, it outputs a Request response line. This line is shown at the default verbosity level.
  • If the endpoint returns a response body, it outputs a second Request response line with an extra key payload, and its value is set to the entire response body. This line is shown at the debug verbosity level.


The logs use JSON output format.

When the Store handles a request, it outputs API endpoint access information in the following format:

{"level":"info","ts":"2022-05-27T15:41:36.051991749Z","logger":"MetadataStore","msg":"Processing request","hostname":"metadata-store-app-c7c8648f7-8dmdl","method":"GET","endpoint":"/api/images?digest=sha256%3A20521f76ff3d27f436e03dc666cc97a511bbe71e8e8495f851d0f4bf57b0bab6"}

Key-value pairs

Because JSON output format uses key-value pairs, the tables in the following sections list each key and the meaning of their values.

Common to all logs

The following key-value pairs are common for all logs.

Key Type Verbosity Level Description
level string all The log level of the message. This is either error for error messages or info for all other messages.
ts string all The timestamp when the log entry was generated. It uses RFC 3339 format with nanosecond precision and 00:00 offset from UTC, meaning Zulu time.
logger string all Used to identify what produced the log entry. For Store, the name always starts with MetadataStore. For log entries that display the raw SQL queries, the name is MetadataStore.gorm.
msg string all A short description of the logged event.
hostname string all The Kubernetes host name of the pod handling the request. This helps identify the specific instance of the Store when you deploy multiple instances on a cluster.
error string all The error message that is only available in error log entries.
endpoint string default The API endpoint the Metadata Store attempts to handle for the request. This includes any query and path parameters passed in.
method string default The HTTP verb to access the endpoint. For example, GET or POST.
code integer default The HTTP response code.
response string default The HTTP response in human-readable format. For example, OK, Bad Request, or Internal Server Error.
function string debug The function name that handles the request.
Logging query and path parameter values

Those endpoints that use query or path parameters are logged in the Request parameters log entry as key-value pairs. They are appended to all other log entries of the same request as key-value pairs.

The key names are the query or path parameter’s name, while the value is set to the value of those parameters in string format.

For example, the following log entry contains the digest and id key, which represents the respective digest and id query parameters, and their values:

{"level":"info","ts":"2022-05-27T15:41:36.052063176Z","logger":"MetadataStore","msg":"Request parameters","hostname":"metadata-store-app-c7c8648f7-8dmdl","method":"GET","endpoint":"/api/images?digest=sha256%3A20521f76ff3d27f436e03dc666cc97a511bbe71e8e8495f851d0f4bf57b0bab6","id":0,"digest":"sha256:20521f76ff3d27f436e03dc666cc97a511bbe71e8e8495f851d0f4bf57b0bab6","name":""}

These key-value pairs appear in all subsequent log entries of the same call. For example:

{"level":"info","ts":"2022-05-27T15:41:36.057393519Z","logger":"MetadataStore","msg":"Request response","hostname":"metadata-store-app-c7c8648f7-8dmdl","method":"GET","endpoint":"/api/images?digest=sha256%3A20521f76ff3d27f436e03dc666cc97a511bbe71e8e8495f851d0f4bf57b0bab6","id":0,"digest":"sha256:20521f76ff3d27f436e03dc666cc97a511bbe71e8e8495f851d0f4bf57b0bab6","name":"","code":200,"response":"OK"}

This behavior:

  • Ensures that the application interprets the values of the query or path parameters correctly.
  • Detects which log entries are associated with a particular API request. Because there might be several simultaneous endpoint calls, this is a first attempt at grouping logs by specific calls.
API payload log output

As mentioned at the start of this section, by setting the verbosity level to debug, the Store logs the body payload data for both the request and response of an API call.

The debug verbosity level displays this information instead of default because:

  • Body payloads can contain full CycloneDX and SBOM information. Moving the payload information at this level helps keep the production log output to a reasonable size.
  • Some information in these payloads might be sensitive, and you might not want this information exposed in production environment logs.

GraphQL endpoint log output


This section is only applicable to Artifactory Metadata Repository (AMR) logs.

When a GraphQL endpoint handles a request, the AMR generates the following types of logs:

  • Every request received produces a Processing request log, which includes the name of the operation called and the requested fields.
  • Every response produces a log containing the actual query and the return status.
  • If the endpoint returns a response body, it emits a second Request response line with an extra key payload, and its value is set to the entire response body. This line is shown at the debug verbosity level.


The log output is in JSON format.

When the AMR handles a request, it emits some GraphQL endpoint access information in the following format:

{"level":"info","ts":"2023-03-23T13:11:31.161531-06:00","logger":"Artifact Metadata Repository","msg":"Processing request","hostname":"xyzp2DMD6R.vmware.com","getAllApps":"query getAllApps {\n  apps(latest:true) {\n    \n    timestamp\n    location {\n      alias\n    }\n  }\n}"}
{"level":"info","ts":"2023-03-23T13:11:31.172953-06:00","logger":"Artifact Metadata Repository","msg":"Request response","hostname":"xyzp2DMD6R.vmware.com","getAllApps":"query getAllApps {\n  apps(latest:true) {\n    \n    timestamp\n    location {\n      alias\n    }\n  }\n}","code":200,"response":"OK"}

Key-value pairs

The following tables list the meaning of each key found in the logs.

Common to all logs

The following key-value pairs are common for all logs.

Key Type Verbosity Level Description
level string all The log level of the message. This is either error for error messages, or info for all other messages.
ts string all The timestamp when the log entry was generated. It uses RFC 3339 format with nanosecond precision and 00:00 offset from UTC, meaning Zulu time.
logger string all Used to identify what produced the log entry. For Store, the name always starts with MetadataStore. For log entries that display the raw SQL queries, the name is MetadataStore.gorm.
msg string all A short description of the logged event.
hostname string all The Kubernetes host name of the pod handling the request. This helps identify the specific instance of the Store when you deploy multiple instances on a cluster.
error string all The error message which is only available in error log entries.
code integer default The HTTP response code.
response string default The HTTP response in human-readable format. For example, OK, Bad Request, or Internal Server Error.
query string debug The operation name is the key and value fields that the fields requested.
API payload log output

By setting the verbosity level to debug, the AMR logs the body payload data for both the request and response of an API call.

The debug verbosity level, instead of default, displays this information because body payloads can be large and some information in these payloads might be sensitive. You might not want the sensitive payloads exposed in production environment logs.

Logs containing payload information might be in the following format:

{"level":"info","ts":"2023-03-23T13:11:31.172966-06:00","logger":"Artifact Metadata Repository","msg":"Request response","hostname":"xyzp2DMD6R.vmware.com","getAllApps":"query getAllApps {\n  apps(latest:true) {\n    \n    timestamp\n    location {\n      alias\n    }\n  }\n}","payload":{"apps":[{"timestamp":"2023-03-22T15:09:38.867371-06:00","location":{"alias":"1-Alias"}}]}}

Slow SQL query log output

When the verbosity level is set to trace, you see log entries containing slow SQL queries.


Some information in these SQL Query trace logs might be sensitive, and you might not want them exposed in production environment logs.

SQL Query log output

Slow SQL query logs are displayed in the following format when verbosity level is set to trace:

{"level":"info","ts":"2023-03-23T12:48:12.337749-06:00","logger":"Artifact Metadata Repository.gorm","msg":"slow sql >= 200ms","hostname":"xyzp2DMD6R.vmware.com","rows":50000,"sql":"SELECT \"artifact_apps\".\"id\",\"artifact_apps\".\"created_at\",\"artifact_apps\".\"updated_at\",\"artifact_apps\".\"deleted_at\",\"artifact_apps\".\"location_id\",\"artifact_apps\".\"correlation_id\",\"artifact_apps\".\"image_url\",\"artifact_apps\".\"image_digest\",\"artifact_apps\".\"namespace\",\"artifact_apps\".\"name\",\"artifact_apps\".\"instances\",\"artifact_apps\".\"status\",\"artifact_apps\".\"timestamp\" FROM \"artifact_apps\" INNER JOIN (select max(timestamp) as timestamp, name, namespace, location_id from artifact_apps group by location_id, name, namespace) as argo on argo.timestamp = artifact_apps.timestamp and argo.name = artifact_apps.name and argo.location_id = artifact_apps.location_id and argo.namespace = artifact_apps.namespace WHERE \"artifact_apps\".\"deleted_at\" IS NULL"}

It is similar to the API endpoint log output format, but uses the following key-value pairs:

Key Type Log Level Description
rows integer trace Indicates the number of rows affected by the SQL query.
sql string trace Displays the raw SQL query for the database.
data# string all Used in error log entries. You can replace # with an integer because multiples of these keys can appear in the same log entry. These keys contain extra information related to the error.

SQL Query log output

Some Store logs display the executed SQL query commands when you set the verbosity level to trace or a SQL call fails.


Some information in these SQL Query trace logs might be sensitive, and you might not want this information exposed in production environment logs.


When the Store displays SQL query logs, it uses the following format:

{"level":"info","ts":"2022-05-27T15:37:26.186960324Z","logger":"MetadataStore.gorm","msg":"sql call","hostname":"metadata-store-app-c7c8648f7-8dmdl","rows":1,"sql":"SELECT count(*) FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = CURRENT_SCHEMA() AND table_name = 'images' AND table_type = 'BASE TABLE'"}

It is similar to the API endpoint log output format, but uses the following key-value pairs:

Key Type Log Level Description
rows integer trace Indicates the number of rows affected by the SQL query.
sql string trace Displays the raw SQL query for the database.
data# string all Used in error log entries. You can replace # with an integer because multiples of these keys can appear in the same log entry. These keys contain extra information related to the error.
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