Work with workloads

This topic tells you how to work with workloads when using Tanzu Supply Chain.


Tanzu Supply Chain is currently in beta and is not intended for production use. It is intended only for evaluation purposes for the next generation Supply Chain. For the current Supply Chain solution, see the Supply Chain Choreographer documentation.

This topic explains how to:

  • Find the kinds of workloads you can use
  • Create and delete a workload
  • Observe runs of your workloads

Find the kinds of workloads you can use

Use the Tanzu Workload CLI plug-in to see available Workload kinds by running:

tanzu workload kinds list

Example output:

KIND                        VERSION   DESCRIPTION  v1        Builds a Kubernetes deployment app exposed using a Service using Buildpacks.     v1        Pulls the source code from a Git repository and builds a Knative Service app using Buildpacks.  v1        Creates a background worker app deployed as Kubernetes deployment using Buildpacks.

🔎 To generate a workload for one of these kinds, use 'tanzu workload generate'

Create and delete a workload

In this section you:

  • Generate a workload manifest
  • Create a workload
  • Apply a workload
  • Delete a workload

Generate a workload manifest

To generate a workload manifest:

  1. Generate a Workload manifest with default configuration by running:

    tanzu workload generate APP-NAME --kind

    Where APP-NAME is the name of the app. For example, my-web-app.

    Example output:

    kind: BuildWebApp
     name: my-web-app
       #! Use this object to retrieve source from a git repository.
       #! The tag, commit, and, branch fields are mutually exclusive, use only one.
       #! Required
         #! A git branch ref to watch for new source
         branch: ""
         #! A git commit sha to use
         commit: ""
         #! A git tag ref to watch for new source
         tag: ""
         #! The url to the git source repository
         #! Required
         url: ""
       #! path inside the source to build from (build has no access to paths above the subPath)
       subPath: ""
    #! other configuration
  2. Store the Workload manifest in a file for use by running the tanzu workload create, tanzu workload apply, and tanzu workload get commands, and pipe the output into a workload.yaml file, by running:

    tanzu workload generate APP-NAME --kind > workload.yaml

    Where APP-NAME is the name of the app. For example, my-web-app.

Create a workload

To create a workload:

  1. Create a Workload on the cluster from a manifest by running:

    tanzu workload create --file workload.yaml --namespace build


    Creating workload:
         1 + |---
         2 + |apiVersion:
         3 + |kind: BuildWebApp
         4 + |metadata:
         5 + |  name: <my-web-app>
         6 + |  namespace: build
         7 + |spec:
         8 + |  source:
         9 + |    git:
       10 + |      branch: ""
       11 + |      commit: ""
       12 + |      tag: ""
       13 + |      url: ""
       14 + |    subPath: ""
       15 + |  ...
    Create workload my-web-app from workload.yaml? [yN]: y
    Successfully created workload my-web-app
  2. Override the Workload name provided in the manifest by running:

    tanzu workload create NAME --file workload.yaml --namespace build

    Where NAME is a name to serve as an argument for the manifest. For example, my-web-app-2.

Apply a workload

To apply a workload:

  1. The tanzu workload create command is only used to create a Workload that does not already exist. To update an existing Workload, run tanzu workload apply. Apply a Workload manifest to the cluster by running:

    tanzu workload apply --file workload.yaml --namespace build

    Example output:

    Creating workload:
         1 + |---
         2 + |apiVersion:
         3 + |kind: BuildWebApp
         4 + |metadata:
         5 + |  name: my-web-app
         6 + |  namespace: build
         7 + |spec:
         8 + |  source:
         9 + |    git:
       10 + |      branch: ""
       11 + |      commit: ""
       12 + |      tag: ""
       13 + |      url: ""
       14 + |    subPath: ""
       15 + |  ...
    Create workload my-web-app from workload.yaml? [yN]: y
    Successfully created workload my-web-app
  2. Override the Workload name provided in the manifest by running:

    tanzu workload apply NAME --file workload.yaml --namespace build

    Where NAME is a name to serve as an argument for the manifest. For example, my-web-app-2.

Delete a workload

Delete a Workload by name within a namespace by running:

tanzu workload delete --file /tmp/workload.yaml --namespace build

Example output:

Really delete the workload my-web-app of kind from the build namespace? [yN]: y
Successfully deleted workload my-web-app

Deleting a Workload prevents new builds while preserving built images in the registry.

Observe the runs of your workload

To use the Tanzu Workload CLI plug-in to observe Workloads and their WorkloadRuns:

  1. List all workloads on the cluster by running:

    tanzu workload list --namespace build

    Example output:

    Listing workloads from the build namespace
     NAME        KIND                     VERSION  AGE
     my-web-app  v1       6m54s
  2. Get the details of the specified Workload within a namespace by running:

    tanzu workload get APP-NAME --namespace build

    Where APP-NAME is the application name. For example, my-web-app.


    $ tanzu workload get my-web-app --namespace build
     name:       my-web-app
     namespace:  build
     age:        17s
     ID                    STATUS   DURATION  AGE
     my-web-app-run-lxwrm  Running  0s        17s
  3. Get the workload output as YAML for programmatic use by running:

    tanzu workload get APP-NAME --namespace build -o yaml

    Where APP-NAME is the application name. For example, my-web-app.


    $ tanzu workload get my-web-app --namespace build -o yaml
    kind: BuildWebApp
     name: my-web-app
     namespace: build
  4. Get the details of the specified workload run within a namespace by running:

    tanzu workload run get APP-NAME-run-lxwrm -n build --show-details

    Where APP-NAME is the application name. For example, my-web-app.

    Example output:

     name:        my-web-app
     run id:
     status:      Running
     namespace:   build
     age:         39s
         1 + |---
         2 + |apiVersion:
         3 + |kind: BuildWebApp
         4 + |metadata:
         5 + |  name: my-web-app
         6 + |  namespace: build
         7 + |spec:
         8 + |...
       ├─ source-git-provider
       │  ├─ check-source - Success
       │  │  ├─ Duration: 6s
       │  │  └─ Results
       │  │     ├─ message: using git-branch: main
       │  │     ├─ sha: <image SHA>
       │  │     └─ url: <image URL>
       │  └─ pipeline - Success
       │     ├─ Duration: 1m38s
       │     └─ Results
       │        ├─ url: <image URL>
       │        └─ digest: <image SHA>
       ├─ buildpack-build
       │  ├─ check-builders - Success
       │  │  ├─ Duration: 5s
       │  │  └─ Results
       │  │     ├─ builder-image: <image URL>
       │  │     ├─ message: Builders resolved
       │  │     └─ run-image: <image URL>
       │  └─ pipeline - Success
       │     ├─ Duration: 50s
       │     └─ Results
       │        ├─ url: <image URL>
       │        └─ digest: <image SHA>
       ├─ conventions
       │  └─ pipeline - Running
       │     └─ Duration: 53.693499s
       ├─ app-config-web
       │  └─ pipeline - Not Started
       ├─ carvel-package
       │  └─ pipeline - Not Started
       └─ git-writer-pr
          └─ pipeline - Not Started
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