Overview of Components

This topic tells you about the Component resource in Tanzu Supply Chain. For reference information, see Component API.


Tanzu Supply Chain is currently in beta and is not intended for production use. It is intended only for evaluation purposes for the next generation Supply Chain. For the current Supply Chain solution, see the Supply Chain Choreographer documentation.

Diagram of the relationships between Tanzu Supply Chain resources. Some resources are namespace-scoped. Others are cluster-scoped.

Components encapsulate the work to be performed in composable and reusable pieces. Components are analogous to steps, stages, jobs, and tasks in other CI/CD offerings. Components are different to other CI/CD offerings in three distinct ways:

  • Component configuration requirements are declared, static, and enforced. The configuration is used to build a Workload resource that is strongly typed and well documented.

  • Components are observed by users through a strict error-reporting API.

  • Components can exhibit reentrant behavior. If you define a resumption for a component, the resumption can trigger new workload runs. This keeps the stored information about the component in transient dependencies within the component. For more information, see Resumptions.

These design constraints exist to:

  • Simplify the end-user experience by providing a single, well-defined API and a way of mitigating errors if they arise.

  • Simplify the authoring experience by requiring only minimal Kubernetes experience to construct supply chains that meet your organization’s needs.

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