Install the Tanzu Supply Chain CLI plug-ins

This topic tells you how to install the Tanzu Supply Chain and Tanzu Workload CLI plug-ins.


Tanzu Supply Chain is currently in beta and is not intended for production use. It is intended only for evaluation purposes for the next generation Supply Chain. For the current Supply Chain solution, see the Supply Chain Choreographer documentation.

To work with Tanzu Supply Chain, there are two Tanzu CLI plug-ins that you must install:

  • The Tanzu Supply Chain CLI plug-in, with which you author and manage SupplyChain resources and Component resources
  • The Tanzu Workload CLI plug-in, which developers use to discover and use the Workload resources that you authored with the Tanzu Supply Chain CLI plug-in

The Tanzu Supply Chain beta release does not include the installation of the Tanzu Workload and Supply Chain CLI plug-ins as part of the plug-in group.


Ensure that you installed or updated the core Tanzu CLI. For more information, see Install Tanzu CLI.

Install Tanzu Supply Chain CLI plug-ins

To install Tanzu Supply Chain CLI plug-ins:

  1. Install the Tanzu CLI plug-ins by running:

    tanzu plugin install supplychain
    tanzu plugin install workload
  2. Verify that the plug-ins are installed correctly by running:

    tanzu supplychain version
    tanzu workload version

Uninstall Tanzu Supply Chain CLI plug-ins

To uninstall Tanzu Supply Chain CLI plug-ins, run:

tanzu plugin delete supplychain
tanzu plugin delete workload
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