Tanzu Supply Chain API

This topic gives you reference information about Tanzu Supply Chain APIs.


Tanzu Supply Chain is currently in beta and is not intended for production use. It is intended only for evaluation purposes for the next generation Supply Chain. For the current Supply Chain solution, see the Supply Chain Choreographer documentation.

Tanzu Supply Chain introduces two concrete resources and two Duck-typed resources to your Kubernetes cluster.

The concrete resources are:

  • SupplyChain, which describes a path to production and describes the Workload resource you can consume to run this supply chain.
  • Component, which describes a reusable operation to apply to source, images, configuration, and other artifacts.

The Duck-typed resources are:

  • Workload: This resource CRD is created on the cluster when a valid supply chain is applied. This is the API that your SupplyChain describes for users to consume.
  • WorkloadRun: This is a single attempt to deliver the Workload through a SupplyChain. Every time there is new configuration or external inputs to a workload, a run is generated.

Workload and WorkloadRun are described as Duck type resources because their final names and CRD are described by the SupplyChain and Component resources when applied to the cluster. Many fields of each CRD are the same across the system.

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