tanzu workload get

This topic gives you command-specific information for the Tanzu Supply Chain CLI.


Get the details of the specified workload within a namespace.

Workload get configuration options include:

  • Specify the namespace of the workload
  • Specify the kind of the workload
  • Output the workload formatted
tanzu workload get <NAME> [flags]


tanzu workload get NAME
  tanzu workload get NAME --kind kindname
  tanzu workload get NAME --kind kindname --namespace default


  -h, --help             help for get
  -k, --kind string      kind of the workload specification
  -n, --namespace name   kubernetes namespace (defaulted from kube config)
  -o, --output string    output the workload details formatted. Supported formats: "json", "yaml", "yml"

Options inherited from parent commands

      --kubeconfig file   kubeconfig file (default is $HOME/.kube/config)
      --no-color          deactivate color, bold, animations, and emoji output

See also

  • tanzu workload for creating, updating, viewing, and listing Tanzu Workloads
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