Configure Tanzu Build Service properties on a workload

This topic tells you how to configure your workload with Tanzu Build Service properties.


Tanzu Build Service builds registry images from source code for Tanzu Application Platform. You can configure these build configurations by using a workload.

Tanzu Build Service is only applicable to the build process. Configurations, such as environment variables and service bindings, might require a different process for runtime.

Configure build-time service bindings

You can configure build-time service bindings for Tanzu Build Service.

Tanzu Build Service supports using the Service Binding Specification for Kubernetes for application builds. For more information, see the service binding specification for Kubernetes in GitHub.

Service binding configuration is specific to the buildpack that is used to build the app. For more information about configuring buildpack service bindings for the buildpack you are using, see the VMware Tanzu Buildpacks documentation.

To configure a service binding for a Tanzu Application Platform workload, follow these steps:

  1. Create a YAML file named service-binding-secret.yaml

    • A Maven secret for example:

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Secret
        name: settings-xml
        namespace: DEVELOPER-NAMESPACE
      type: service.binding/maven
        type: maven
        provider: sample
        settings.xml: |

      Where: - DEVELOPER-NAMESPACE is the namespace where workloads are created. - MY-SETTINGS is the contents of your service bindings file.

    • A NuGet secret for example:

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Secret
        name: nuget-config
        namespace: DEVELOPER-NAMESPACE
      type: service.binding/nugetconfig
        type: nugetconfig
        nuget.config: |

      Where: - DEVELOPER-NAMESPACE is the namespace where workloads are created. - MY-SETTINGS is the contents of your service bindings file.

    • A Git secret for example:

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Secret
        name: git-credentials
        namespace: DEVELOPER-NAMESPACE
      type: service.binding/git-credentials
        type: git-credentials
        context: CREDENTIAL-CONTEXT
        credentials: |


      • DEVELOPER-NAMESPACE is the namespace where workloads are created.
      • CREDENTIAL-CONTEXT is the URL context of the credential. If the workload only has one git-credential service binding, this field can be omitted.
      • MY-CREDENTIALS is the credential defined in the git credential format.
  2. Apply the YAML file by running:

    kubectl apply -f service-binding-secret.yaml
  3. Create the workload with buildServiceBindings configured by running:

    tanzu apps workload create WORKLOAD-NAME \
      --param-yaml buildServiceBindings='[{"name": "settings-xml", "kind": "Secret"}]' \

    Where WORKLOAD-NAME is the name of the workload you want to configure.

Configure environment variables

If you have build-time environment variable dependencies, you can set environment variables that are available at build-time.

You can also configure buildpacks with environment variables. Buildpack configuration depends on the specific buildpack being used. For more information about configuring environment variables for the buildpack you are using, see the VMware Tanzu Buildpacks documentation.

For example:

tanzu apps workload create WORKLOAD-NAME \
  --build-env "ENV_NAME=ENV_VALUE" \
  --build-env "BP_MAVEN_BUILD_ARGUMENTS=-Dmaven.test.skip=true"

Where WORKLOAD-NAME is the name of the workload you want to configure.

Configure the service account

Using the Tanzu CLI, you can configure the service account used during builds. This service account is the one configured for the developer namespace. If unset, default is used.

To configure the service account used during builds, run:

tanzu apps workload create WORKLOAD-NAME \
  --param serviceAccount=SERVICE-ACCOUNT-NAME \


  • WORKLOAD-NAME is the name of the workload you want to configure.
  • SERVICE-ACCOUNT-NAME is the name of the service account you want to use during builds.

Configure the cluster builder

To configure the ClusterBuilder used during builds:

  1. View the available ClusterBuilds by running:

    kubectl get clusterbuilder
  2. Set the ClusterBuilder used during builds by running:

    tanzu apps workload create WORKLOAD-NAME \
      --param clusterBuilder=CLUSTER-BUILDER-NAME \


    • WORKLOAD-NAME is the name of the workload you want to configure.
    • CLUSTER-BUILDER-NAME is the ClusterBuilder you want to use.

Configure the workload container image registry

Using the Tanzu CLI, you can configure the registry where workload images are saved. The service account used for this workload must have read and write access to this registry location.

To configure the registry where workload images are saved, run:

tanzu apps workload create WORKLOAD-NAME \
  --param-yaml registry={"server": SERVER-NAME, "repository": REPO-NAME}


  • SERVER-NAME is the host name of the registry server. Examples:
    • Harbor has the form "".
    • Docker Hub has the form "".
    • Google Cloud Registry has the form "".
  • REPO-NAME is where workload images are stored in the registry. Images are written to SERVER-NAME/REPO-NAME/workload-name. Examples:
    • Harbor has the form "my-project/supply-chain".
    • Docker Hub has the form "my-dockerhub-user".
    • Google Cloud Registry has the form "my-project/supply-chain".

Configure custom CA certificates for a single workload using service bindings

If the language family buildpack you are using includes the Paketo CA certificates buildpack, you can use a service binding to provide custom certificates during the build and run process. For more information about language family buildpacks, see the Tanzu Buildpacks documentation.

To create a service binding to provide custom CA certificates for a workload:

  1. Create a YAML file named service-binding-ca-cert.yaml for a secret as follows:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: my-ca-certs
      type: ca-certificates
      provider: sample
        -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
        -----END CERTIFICATE-----

    Where CA-CERT-FILENAME is the name of your PEM encoded CA certificate file. For example, arbitrary-file-name.pem.

  2. Apply the YAML file by running:

    kubectl apply -f service-binding-ca-cert.yaml
  3. To build with the custom certificate, create the workload with --param-yaml buildServiceBindings flag:

    tanzu apps workload create WORKLOAD-NAME \
      --param-yaml buildServiceBindings='[{"apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "Secret", "name": "my-ca-certs"}]' \

    Where WORKLOAD-NAME is the name of the workload you want to create.

  4. To deploy with the custom certificate, create the workload with the --service-ref flag:

    tanzu apps workload create WORKLOAD-NAME \
      --service-ref my-ca-certs=v1:Secret:my-ca-certs \

    Where WORKLOAD-NAME is the name of the workload you want to create.

Using custom CA certificates for all workloads

To provide custom CA certificates to the build process for all workloads, see the optional step to add the ca_cert_data key Install the Tanzu Build Service package.

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