Many users want inbound traffic to Tanzu Developer Portal to be properly encrypted. These topics tell you how to enable TLS encryption either with an existing certificate or by using the included cert-manager instance.
The two key concepts are certificate delegation and the relationship between cert-manager, certificates, and ClusterIssuers.
Tanzu Developer Portal uses the established shared Contour ingress for TLS termination.
This enables you to store the certificate in a Kubernetes secret
and then pass that secret
and namespace
to the httpProxy
that was created during installation. To do this, see Configuring a TLS certificate by using an existing certificate.
Tanzu Developer Portal can also use the cert-manager
package that is installed when the profile was installed.
This tool allows cert-manager to automatically acquire a certificate from a clusterIssuer
This external entity can be an external certificate authority, such as Let’s Encrypt, or a self-signed certificate.
The following topics describe different ways to configure TLS: