VMware Tanzu Application Platform Networking

The following Tanzu Application Platform (informally known as TAP) networking diagram shows the most common cross-cluster and external-services networking scenarios in a multi cluster Kubernetes environment. The diagram shows the high level egress and ingress networking flows between the Tanzu Application Platform components and the external services.

Tanzu Application Platform networking

The following table describes the networking flow in the Tanzu Application Platform networking diagram.

Component / External Service Source Destination Port Protocol Description
Authentication (Pinniped Supervisor is an external Component, not part of Tanzu Application Platform. Coexist in same cluster) View (Pinniped Supervisor) Ldap/OIDC providers 443 https Traffic between pinniped supervisor to oidc provider /ldap from internet egress.
Authentication (Pinniped concierge is an external Component, not part of Tanzu Application Platform.Coexist in same cluster) View,Build ,Run Cluster View (Pinniped Supervisor) 443 https Traffic between pinniped supervisor to pinniped concierge and vice versa.
API Auto Registration Run View 443 https Traffic routes through shared ingress.
Application Accelerator Git Repo View 443 https Traffic to create app accelerator from git from internet egress.
Application Accelerator Contour ingress View 443 https Download templated app, traffic routes through shared ingress. Contour/envoy proxy access Accelerator service inside cluster.
Application Live view Build(app live view conventions) View (App live view Backend) 443 https Traffic between appliveview conventions and backend.
Application Live view Run/Iterate (app live view connector) View (App live view Backend) 443 https Traffic between appliveview connector backend.
AppSso Run (appsso) View (App live view Backend) 443 https Traffic between external auth server and appsso.
AppSso Contour ingress Run, Iterate 443 https User request to AppSSO with login token (via shared ingress).Contour/envoy proxy access appsso service inside cluster.
Contour ingress /Envoy proxy External Load Balancer Run,View,Iterate 443,80 https(443) , http(80) Shared ingress for view/run/iterate cluster.
Fluxcd source controller Run,Build External git/helm repository 443,80 https(443) , http(80) Traffic to pull or push from git repo from internet egress.
Learning Center Contour ingress View (Learning Center package) 443,80 https(443) , http(80) Traffic routes through shared ingress.Contour/envoy proxy access learning center service inside cluster.
Supply Chain Security Tools/Metadata Build (security scan plugin) View (Gui CVE Dashboard) 443 https Traffic routes through shared ingress to report the scan results to view gui cve’s dashboard.
Tanzu Application Platform Gui web Contour ingress View (tap-gui package) 443 https Traffic routes through shared ingress for external web url. Contour/envoy proxy access tap-gui service inside cluster.
Gui backend View Gui backend DB(postgres) 5432 tcp Gui backend DB within the k8s cluster to persist tap gui data (read/write), this traffic remains in-cluster if the database is hosted inside the same cluster.
Tanzu Build Service Build Third party dependencies repositories 443 https Downloading artifacts necessary to compile applications in different languages (Python, Java, .NET, JavaScript, golang, etc.).
Tanzu Build Service Build Container images used for compilation of developer’s custom containers repository 443 https Container images from the relocated Tanzu Build Service buildpacks designated container repository.
Config Writer (Tekton task in OOTB supply chain) Build Container Registry 443 https / registry v2 protocol (imgpkg) Push app configuration to registry for later deployment.
Knative Serving (Cloud Native Runtimes) Run, Iterate Container Registry 443 https / registry v2 protocol (imgpkg) Resolve tagged images to digests.
Namespace Provisioner Run, Iterate Container Registry 443 https / registry v2 protocol (imgpkg) Read TAP default per-namespace configuration.
Namespace Provisioner Run, Iterate Git Repository 443 ,22 https(443) , ssh(22) / git fetch protocol Read user customized additional per-namespace resources from internet egress.
Knative Eventing Run, Iterate Various endpoints 443 https Eventing sources include cloud providers from internet egress
View Gui Runtime Resources plugin View k8 cluster Build,Run k8 API server 6443 tcp To access Build, Run clusters k8 resources in tap gui runtime resource plugin
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