Configure API Auto Registration

This topic describes configuration options for API Auto Registration.

Update install values for api-auto-registration package

You can view the values available for the package by finding the available package version and finding the corresponding schema. After you select the values that you want to update, update them either by updating the tap package or by updating the api-auto-registration package if you installed it on it’s own.

  1. Find the version of the available package:

    tanzu package available list -n tap-install
    / Retrieving package versions for
    NAME                        VERSION  RELEASED-AT  0.2.6    2023-03-21 13:47:14 -0400 EDT
  2. Explore the values available:

    tanzu package available get --values-schema --namespace tap-install

    Where VERSION-NUMBER is the version of the package listed in the earlier step.

    For example:

    tanzu package available get --values-schema --namespace tap-install
    Retrieving package details for
    KEY                        DEFAULT                                       TYPE     DESCRIPTION
    ca_cert_data                                                             string   Optional: PEM-encoded certificate data for the controller to trust TLS. 
    ingress_issuer                                                           string   Optional: Name of the default cluster issuer used to generate certificates
    auto_generate_cert         true                                          boolean  Flag that indicates if a cert-manager certificate should be generated using the ingress_issuer. Only applies if the ingress_issuer is specified      
    connections with a custom CA
    cluster_name               dev                                           string   Name of the cluster used for setting the API entity lifecycle in TAP GUI. The value should be unique for each run cluster.
    sync_period                5m                                            string   Time period used for reconciling an APIDescriptor.
    tap_gui_url                http://server.tap-gui.svc.cluster.local:7000  string   FQDN URL for TAP GUI.
    replicas                   1                                             integer  Number of controller replicas to deploy.
    resources.limits.cpu       500m                                          string   CPU limit of the controller.
    resources.limits.memory    500Mi                                         string   Memory limit of the controller.
    resources.requests.cpu     20m                                           string   CPU request of the controller.
    resources.requests.memory  100Mi                                         string   Memory request of the controller.
    logging_profile            production                                    string   Logging profile for controller. If set to development, use console logging with full stack traces, else use JSON logging.
  3. Create api-auto-registration-values.yaml if you installed API Auto Registration package on its own, or update the tap-values.yaml if you used a package to install.

    A api-auto-registration-values.yaml file might contain the following:

    cluster_name: staging-us-east
    ca_cert_data:  |
        -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
        -----END CERTIFICATE-----

    A tap-values.yaml file might contain the following, in addition to other values. See the Full Profile sample.

        ingress_domain: "INGRESS-DOMAIN"
        ingress_issuer: # Optional, can denote a of your choice. Defaults to "tap-ingress-selfsigned".
        ca_cert_data: | # To be passed if using custom certificates.
            -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
            -----END CERTIFICATE-----
        cluster_name: staging-us-east
  4. If you installed the API Auto Registration package on its own, not as part of Tanzu Application Platform, update the package using the Tanzu CLI:

    tanzu package installed update api-auto-registration
    --namespace tap-install
    --version $VERSION
    --values-file api-auto-registration-values.yaml
  5. If you installed API Auto Registration as part of Tanzu Application Platform, see Upgrading Tanzu Application Platform.

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