Troubleshoot API Auto Registration

This topic contains ways that you can troubleshoot API Auto Registration.

Debug API Auto Registration

This section includes commands for debugging or troubleshooting the APIDescriptor Custom Resource (commonly known as CR).

  1. Get the details of APIDescriptor CR.

    kubectl get apidescriptor API-DESCRIPTOR-NAME -owide

    Where API-DESCRIPTOR-NAME is the name of the API descriptor you want to debug.

  2. Find the status of the APIDescriptor CR.

    kubectl get apidescriptor API-DESCRIPTOR-NAME -o jsonpath='{.status.conditions}'

    Where API-DESCRIPTOR-NAME is the name of the API descriptor you want to debug.

  3. Read logs from the api-auto-registration controller.

    kubectl -n api-auto-registration logs deployment.apps/api-auto-registration-controller
  4. Patch an APIDescriptor that is stuck in Deleting mode.

    This might happen if the controller package is uninstalled before you clean up the APIDescriptor resources. You can reinstall the package and delete all the APIDescriptor resources first, or run the following command for each stuck APIDescriptor resource.

    kubectl patch apidescriptor API-DESCRIPTOR-NAME -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":null}}' --type=merge

    Where API-DESCRIPTOR-NAME is the name of the API descriptor you want to debug.


    If you manually remove the finalizers from the APIDescriptor resources, you can have stale API entities within Tanzu Developer Portal (formerly called Tanzu Application Platform GUI) that you must manually deregister.

APIDescriptor CRD shows message of connection refused but service is up and running

In Tanzu Application Platform v1.4 and later, if your workloads use ClusterIssuer for the TLS configuration or your API specifications location URL is secured using a custom CA, you might encounter the following message.

Your APIDescription CRD shows a status and message similar to:

    Message:               Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
    Reason:                FailedToRetrieve
    Status:                False
    Type:                  APISpecResolved
    Last Transition Time:  2022-11-28T09:59:13Z

This might be due to your workloads using a custom Ingress issuer. To solve this issue, either:

  • Configure ca_cert_data following the instructions in Configure CA Cert Data.
  • Deactivate TLS by setting shared.ingress_issuer: "". VMware discourages this method. Deactivating TLS reduces your ability to test plugin functionality and iterate quickly.

Configure CA Cert Data

  1. Obtain the PEM Encoded crt file for your ClusterIssuer or TLS setup . You use this to update the api-auto-registration package.

  2. If you installed the API Auto Registration package through predefined profiles, you must update the tap-values.yaml and update the Tanzu Application Platform installation. Place the PEM encoded certificate into the shared.ca_cert_data key of the values file. See Install your Tanzu Application Platform profile. Run the following command to update the package.

    tanzu package installed update tap -p -v TAP-VERSION  --values-file tap-values.yaml -n tap-install

    Where TAP-VERSION is the version of Tanzu Application Platform installed.

  3. If you installed the API Auto Registration package as standalone, you must update the api-auto-registration-values.yaml and then update the package. Place the PEM encoded certificate into the ca_cert_data key of the values file. Run to update the package.

    tanzu package installed update api-auto-registration --version API-AUTO-REGISTRATION-VERSION --namespace tap-install --values-file api-auto-registration-values.yaml

    Where API-AUTO-REGISTRATION-VERSION is the version of API Auto Registration installed.

    You can find the available api-auto-registration versions by running:

    tanzu package available list -n tap-install | grep 'API Auto Registration'

APIDescriptor CRD shows message of x509: certificate signed by unknown authority but service is running

Your APIDescription CRD shows a status and message similar to:

    Message:               Put "": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
    Reason:                Error
    Status:                False
    Type:                  Ready
    Last Transition Time:  2022-11-28T09:59:13Z

This is the same issue as connection refused described earlier.

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