tanzu apps workload list

This topic tells you about the Tanzu Apps CLI tanzu apps workload list command.

The tanzu apps workload list command gets the workloads present in the cluster, either in the current namespace, in another namespace, or all namespaces.

Default view

The default view for tanzu apps workload list is a table with the workloads present in the cluster in the specified namespace. Each row displays the name of the workload, the application it is related to, its status, and how long it’s been in the cluster.

For example, in the default namespace

tanzu apps workload list

NAME                  TYPE      APP                  READY                   AGE
nginx4                web       <empty>              Ready                   7d9h
petclinic2            web       <empty>              Ready                   29h
rmq-sample-app        web       <empty>              Ready                   164m
rmq-sample-app4       web       <empty>              WorkloadLabelsMissing   29d
spring-pet-clinic     web       <empty>              Unknown                 166m
spring-petclinic2     web       spring-petclinic     Unknown                 29d
spring-petclinic3     <empty>   spring-petclinic     Ready                   29d
tanzu-java-web-app    web       tanzu-java-web-app   Ready                   40m
tanzu-java-web-app2   web       tanzu-java-web-app   Ready                   20m

--all-namespaces, -A

Shows workloads in all namespaces in cluster.

tanzu apps workload list -A

NAMESPACE   TYPE   NAME                  APP                  READY                         AGE
default     web    nginx4                <empty>              Ready                         7d9h
default     web    petclinic2            <empty>              Ready                         30h
default     web    rmq-sample-app        <empty>              Ready                         179m
default     web    rmq-sample-app4       <empty>              WorkloadLabelsMissing         29d
default     web    spring-pet-clinic     <empty>              Unknown                       3h1m
default     web    spring-petclinic2     spring-petclinic     Unknown                       29d
default     web    spring-petclinic3     spring-petclinic     Ready                         29d
default     web    tanzu-java-web-app    tanzu-java-web-app   Ready                         40m
default     web    tanzu-java-web-app2   tanzu-java-web-app   Ready                         20m
nginx-ns    web    nginx2                <empty>              TemplateRejectedByAPIServer   8d
nginx-ns    web    nginx4                <empty>              TemplateRejectedByAPIServer   8d


Shows workloads which application is the one specified in the command.

tanzu apps workload list --app spring-petclinic

NAME                TYPE   READY     AGE
spring-petclinic2   web    Unknown   29d
spring-petclinic3   web    Ready     29d

--namespace, -n

Lists all the workloads present in the specified namespace.

tanzu apps workload list -n my-namespace

NAME   TYPE   APP       READY                         AGE
app1   web    <empty>   TemplateRejectedByAPIServer   8d
app2   web    <empty>   Ready                         8d
app3   web    <empty>   Unknown                       8d

--output, -o

Lists all workloads in the specified namespace in yaml, yml or json format.

  • yaml/yml

    - apiVersion: carto.run/v1alpha1
    kind: Workload
        creationTimestamp: "2022-05-17T22:06:49Z"
        generation: 1
        app.kubernetes.io/part-of: tanzu-java-web-app
        apps.tanzu.vmware.com/workload-type: web
        manager: cartographer
        operation: Update
        time: "2022-05-17T22:06:52Z"
    name: tanzu-java-web-app2
    namespace: default
    resourceVersion: "6071972"
    uid: 7fbcd40d-4eb3-41dc-a1db-657b64148708
                  tag: tap-1.3
                url: https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/application-accelerator-samples
            subPath: tanzu-java-web-app
    - apiVersion: carto.run/v1alpha1
    kind: Workload
        creationTimestamp: "2022-05-17T22:06:49Z"
        generation: 1
        app.kubernetes.io/part-of: tanzu-java-web-app
        apps.tanzu.vmware.com/workload-type: web
        manager: cartographer
        operation: Update
        time: "2022-05-17T22:06:52Z"
    name: tanzu-java-web-app
    namespace: default
    resourceVersion: "6071972"
    uid: 7fbcd40d-4eb3-41dc-a1db-657b64148708
                  tag: tap-1.3
                url: https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/application-accelerator-samples
            subPath: tanzu-java-web-app
  • json

            "kind": "Workload",
            "apiVersion": "carto.run/v1alpha1",
            "metadata": {
                "name": "tanzu-java-web-app2",
                "namespace": "default",
                "uid": "7fbcd40d-4eb3-41dc-a1db-657b64148708",
                "resourceVersion": "6071972",
                "generation": 1,
                "creationTimestamp": "2022-05-17T22:06:49Z",
                "labels": {
                    "app.kubernetes.io/part-of": "tanzu-java-web-app",
                    "apps.tanzu.vmware.com/workload-type": "web"
            "kind": "Workload",
            "apiVersion": "carto.run/v1alpha1",
            "metadata": {
                "name": "tanzu-java-web-app",
                "namespace": "default",
                "uid": "7fbcd40d-4eb3-41dc-a1db-657b64148708",
                "resourceVersion": "6071972",
                "generation": 1,
                "creationTimestamp": "2022-05-17T22:06:49Z",
                "labels": {
                    "app.kubernetes.io/part-of": "tanzu-java-web-app",
                    "apps.tanzu.vmware.com/workload-type": "web"
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