tanzu insight image get

This topic tells you how to use the Tanzu Insight CLI tanzu insight image get command to get an image by digest.


Get image by digest

tanzu insight image get --digest <image-digest> [flags]


insight image get --digest sha256:a86859ac1946065d93df9ecb5cb7060adeeb0288fad610b1b659907
  insight image get --digest sha256:a86859ac1946065d93df9ecb5cb7060adeeb0288fad610b1b659907 --output-format api-json
  insight image get --digest sha256:a86859ac1946065d93df9ecb5cb7060adeeb0288fad610b1b659907 --output-format cyclonedx-xml


  -d, --digest string          image digest
  -h, --help                   help for get
      --output-format string   specify the response's SBOM report format and file type format, options=[text, api-json, cyclonedx-xml, spdx-json] (default: text)

See also

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