tanzu insight triage copy

This topic tells you how to use the Tanzu Insight CLI tanzu insight triage copy command to copy an existing analysis to a new image, source or artifact group.


This command takes an existing triage and copies the latest analysis to target a new image, source or artifact group affected by the vulnerability of the existing triage. This allows you to easily copy analysis between images and sources that belong to different artifact groups, or different versions of an image/source that belong to the same artifact group.

If an image or source are provided, validations will run to make sure they contain the affected package and vulnerability, and that they belong to the existing triage’s artifact group. If an artifact group is provided, validations will run to make sure it contains the provided image/source, or the original ones from the existing triage.

tanzu insight triage copy --triage-uid-to-copy <uid> [--img-digest <digest>] [--src-commit <commit>] [--artifact-group-uid <ag-uid>] [flags]


insight triage copy --triage-uid-to-copy BEC0F39C-FE99-4F18-A0AF-069A4AA8D71A --img-digest sha256:192369123812
insight triage copy --triage-uid-to-copy BEC0F39C-FE99-4F18-A0AF-069A4AA8D71A --src-commit 5025112c8b1 --artifact-group-uid AG-00003
insight triage copy --triage-uid-to-copy BEC0F39C-FE99-4F18-A0AF-069A4AA8D71A --artifact-group-uid AG-00002


  -a, --artifact-group-uid string   Artifact group uid
  -h, --help                        help for copy
  -d, --img-digest string           Image digest
      --img-registry string         Image registry
  -c, --src-commit string           Source commit
      --src-org string              Source organization
      --src-repo string             Source repository
  -u, --triage-uid-to-copy string   Triage UID to copy from
  -y, --yes                         Force update

Options inherited from parent commands

      --output-format string   specify the response's format, options=[text, api-json] (default "text")

See also

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