tanzu insight triage list

This topic tells you how to use the Tanzu Insight CLI tanzu insight triage list command to get a list of the existing vulnerability triages.

tanzu insight triage list [flags]


insight triage list --img-digest sha256:123456789
insight triage list --src-commit a1s2d3f4 --limit 5
insight triage list --output-format api-json
insight triage list --page 5 --limit 20


  -h, --help                help for list
  -d, --img-digest string   Image digest
  -l, --limit uint          Limits the number of analysis to show (default 10)
  -p, --page uint           Allows to paginate the results based on the specified limit (default 1)
  -c, --src-commit string   Source commit

Options inherited from parent commands

      --output-format string   specify the response's format, options=[text, api-json] (default "text")

See also

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