Query vulnerabilities, images, and packages

This topic tells you how to query the database to understand vulnerability, image, and dependency relationships. The Tanzu Insight CLI plug-in queries the database for vulnerability scan reports or Software Bill of Materials (commonly known as SBoM) files.

Supported use cases

The following are use cases supported by the CLI:

  • What packages and CVEs exist in a particular image? (image)
  • What packages and CVEs exist in my source code? (source)
  • What dependencies are affected by a specific CVE? (vulnerabilities)

Query using the Tanzu Insight CLI plug-in

Install the Tanzu Insight CLI plug-in if you have not already done so.

There are four commands for querying and adding data.

  • image - Post an image SBOM or query images for packages and vulnerabilities.
  • package - Query packages for vulnerabilities or by image or source code.
  • source - Post a source code SBOM or query source code for packages and vulnerabilities.
  • vulnerabilities - Query vulnerabilities by image, package, or source code.

Example #1: What packages and CVEs does a specific image contain?

To query an image scan for vulnerabilities, you need the image’s digest, which you can get from the image scan resource.

Find an image’s digest

Find an image’s digest using Supply Chain Tools - Scan 2.0 or Supply Chain Tools - Scan Pre-2.0.

Find an image’s digest using Supply Chain Tools - Scan 2.0

When using Supply Chain Tools - Scan 2.0, find the image digest by looking inside the corresponding image vulnerability scan custom resource.

To get a list of image vulnerability scans, run:

kubectl get imagevulnerabilityscan -n WORKLOAD-NAMESPACE

For example:

$ kubectl get imagevulnerabilityscan -n my-apps
NAME                                  SUCCEEDED   REASON
tanzu-java-web-app-grype-scan-jb76m   True        Succeeded

The name of the image vulnerability scan starts with the name of the workload.

To describe the image vulnerability scan, run:

kubectl describe imagevulnerabilityscan IMAGE-VULNERABILITY-SCAN-NAME -n WORKLOAD-NAMESPACE

For example:

kubectl describe imagevulnerabilityscan tanzu-java-web-app-grype-scan-jb76m -n my-apps

In the resource, look for the Spec.Image field. The value points to the image that was scanned, including its digest.

For example:

  Image: fake.oci-registry.io/dev-cluster/supply-chain-apps/tanzu-java-web-app-my-apps@sha256:a24a8d8eb724b6816f244925cc6625a84c15f6ced6a19335121343424be693cd

In this example, the image’s digest is: sha256:a24a8d8eb724b6816f244925cc6625a84c15f6ced6a19335121343424be693cd

Find an image’s digest using Supply Chain Tools - Scan Pre-2.0

When using Supply Chain Tools - Scan Pre-2.0, find the image digest by looking inside the corresponding image scan custom resource.



For example:

kubectl get imagescan tanzu-java-web-app -n my-apps

In the resource, look for the Spec.Registry.Image field. The value points to the image that was scanned, including its digest.

For example:

    Image: fake.oci-registry.io/dev-cluster/supply-chain-apps/tanzu-java-web-app-my-apps@sha256:e8c648533c4c7440ee9a93142ac7480205e0f7669e4f86771cede8bfaacdc2cf

In this example, the image’s digest is: sha256:e8c648533c4c7440ee9a93142ac7480205e0f7669e4f86771cede8bfaacdc2cf

Query an image with image digest


tanzu insight image get --digest DIGEST


  • DIGEST is the component version or image digest.

For example:

$ tanzu insight image get --digest sha256:407d7099d6ce7e3632b6d00682a43028d75d3b088600797a833607bd629d1ed5
Registry:	docker.io
Image Name:	checkr/flagr:1.1.12
Digest:    	sha256:407d7099d6ce7e3632b6d00682a43028d75d3b088600797a833607bd629d1ed5
	1. [email protected]
	2. [email protected]
	3. [email protected]
		1. CVE-2021-30139 (High)
		2. CVE-2021-36159 (Critical)
	4. [email protected]
		1. CVE-2021-28831 (High)

Example #2: What packages and CVEs does my source code contain?

Determining source code org, repo, and commit SHA

To query a source scan for vulnerabilities, you need a Git org and Git repository, or the commit SHA. Find these by examining the source scan resource.


kubectl describe sourcescan WORKLOAD-NAME -n WORKLOAD-NAMESPACE

For example:

kubectl describe sourcescan tanzu-java-web-app -n my-apps

In the resource look for the Spec.Blob field. Within, there’s Revision and URL.

For example:

    Revision:     master/c7e4c27ba43250a4b7c46f030355c108aa73cc39
    URL:          http://source-controller.flux-system.svc.cluster.local./gitrepository/my-apps/tanzu-java-web-app-gitops/c7e4c27ba43250a4b7c46f030355c108aa73cc39.tar.gz

In the earlier example, the URL is parsed and split into the org and repo. Revision is parsed as the commit SHA.

  • Org is parsed as gitrepository
  • Repo is parsed as my-apps/tanzu-java-web-app-gitops/c7e4c27ba43250a4b7c46f030355c108aa73cc39.tar.gz
  • Commit SHA is parsed as master/c7e4c27ba43250a4b7c46f030355c108aa73cc39

Use this information to perform your search.

Source code query with repo and org


tanzu insight source get --repo REPO --org ORG


  • REPO specifies the repository. For example, java-web-app, my-apps/java-web-app/c7ls8bakd87sakjda8d7.tar.gz
  • ORG is the source code’s organization. For example, gitrepository, gitrepositiory-kj32kal8

For example:

$ tanzu insight source get --repo my-apps/java-web-app/c7ls8bakd87sakjda8d7.tar.gz --org gitrepository
ID:       	1
Repository:  my-apps/java-web-app/c7ls8bakd87sakjda8d7.tar.gz
Commit:  c7e4c27ba43250a4b7c46f030355c108aa73cc39
Organization:	gitrepository
		1. go.uber.org/[email protected]
			1. CVE-2022-42322 (Low)
		2. golang.org/x/[email protected]
		3. github.com/valyala/[email protected]

Source code query with commit SHA


tanzu insight source get --commit COMMIT


  • COMMIT specifies the commit. For example, d7e4c27ba43250a4b7c46f030355c108aa73cc39, main/d7e4c27ba43250a4b7c46f030355c108aa73cc39

For example:

$ tanzu insight source get --commit b66668e
ID:       	2
Repository:  kpack
Commit:  b66668e
Organization:	pivotal
		1. cloud.google.com/go/[email protected]
		2. github.com/BurntSushi/[email protected]
			1. CVE-2021-30999 (Low)
		3. github.com/Microsoft/[email protected]

Example #3: What dependencies are affected by a specific CVE?


tanzu insight vulnerabilities get --cveid CVE-IDENTIFIER


  • CVE-IDENTIFIER is the CVE identifier, for example, CVE-2021-30139.

For example:

$ tanzu insight vulnerabilities get --cveid CVE-2010-4051
1. CVE-2010-4051 (Low)
	1. [email protected]
	2. [email protected]
	3. [email protected]
	4. [email protected]

Add data

For more information about manually adding data, see [Add Data](Add data to your Supply Chain Security Tools - Store.hbs.md).

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