Install Spring Boot conventions

This topic tells you how to install Spring Boot conventions from the Tanzu Application Platform package repository.


Follow the steps in this topic if you do not want to use a profile to install Spring Boot conventions. For more information about profiles, see Components and installation profiles.


Before installing Spring Boot conventions:

Install Spring Boot conventions

To install Spring Boot conventions:

  1. Get the exact name and version information for the Spring Boot conventions package to install by running:

    tanzu package available list --namespace tap-install

    For example:

    $ tanzu package available list --namespace tap-install
    / Retrieving package versions for
    NAME                                       VERSION           RELEASED-AT
    ...   1.4.0             2022-12-08T00:00:00Z
  2. (Optional) Change the default installation settings by running:

    tanzu package available get \
    --values-schema --namespace tap-install

    Where VERSION-NUMBER is the version of the package listed. For example: 1.6.13.

    For example:

    $ tanzu package available get --values-schema --namespace tap-install
      KEY                               DEFAULT             TYPE     DESCRIPTION
        autoConfigureActuators          false               boolean  Enable or disable the automatic configuration of actuators on the TAP platform level
        kubernetes_distribution                             string   Kubernetes distribution that this package is being installed on. Accepted
                                                                     values: ['''',''openshift'']
        kubernetes_version                                  string   Optional: The Kubernetes Version. Valid values are '1.24.*', or ''
  3. Install the package by running:

    tanzu package install spring-boot-conventions \
     --package \
     --version VERSION-NUMBER \
     --namespace tap-install

    Where VERSION-NUMBER is the version of the package you listed earlier.

  4. Verify you installed the package by running:

    tanzu package installed get spring-boot-conventions --namespace tap-install

    For example:

    tanzu package installed get spring-boot-conventions -n tap-install
    | Retrieving installation details for spring-boot-conventions...
    NAME:                    spring-boot-conventions
    PACKAGE-VERSION:         1.6.13
    STATUS:                  Reconcile succeeded
    CONDITIONS:              [{ReconcileSucceeded True  }]

    Verify that STATUS is Reconcile succeeded

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