Install Tanzu Developer Portal

This topic tells you how to install Tanzu Developer Portal (formerly called Tanzu Application Platform GUI) from the Tanzu Application Platform package repository.


Follow the steps in this topic if you do not want to use a profile to install Tanzu Developer Portal. For more information about profiles, see Components and installation profiles.


Before installing Tanzu Developer Portal:

  • Complete all prerequisites to install Tanzu Application Platform. For more information, see the Tanzu Application Platform Prerequisites.
  • Create a Git repository for Tanzu Developer Portal software catalogs, with a token allowing read access. Supported Git infrastructure includes:
    • GitHub
    • GitLab
    • Azure DevOps
  • Install Tanzu Developer Portal Blank Catalog:
    1. Download the tap-gui-catalogs-latest folder in the Broadcom Support Portal.
    2. Extract Tanzu Developer Portal Blank Catalog to your Git repository. This serves as the configuration location for your organization’s Catalog inside Tanzu Developer Portal.


To install Tanzu Developer Portal on a compliant Kubernetes cluster:

  1. List version information for the package by running:

    tanzu package available list --namespace tap-install

    For example:

    $ tanzu package available list --namespace tap-install
    - Retrieving package versions for
      NAME                      VERSION     RELEASED-AT  1.0.1       2022-01-10T13:14:23Z
  2. (Optional) Make changes to the default installation settings by running:

    tanzu package available get --values-schema --namespace \

    Where VERSION-NUMBER is the number you discovered previously. For example, 1.0.1.

    For more information about values schema options, see the individual product documentation.

  3. Create tap-gui-values.yaml and paste in the following YAML:

    ingressEnabled: true
    ingressDomain: "INGRESS-DOMAIN"
          - type: url
            target: https://GIT-CATALOG-URL/catalog-info.yaml


    • INGRESS-DOMAIN is the subdomain for the host name that you point at the tanzu-shared-ingress service’s External IP address.
    • GIT-CATALOG-URL is the path to the catalog-info.yaml catalog definition file. It is from either the included Blank catalog (provided as an additional download named Blank Tanzu Developer Portal Catalog) or a Backstage-compliant catalog that you’ve already built and posted on the Git infrastructure specified in Adding Tanzu Developer Portal integrations.
  4. Install the package by running:

    tanzu package install tap-gui \
     --package \
     --version VERSION -n tap-install \
     --values-file tap-gui-values.yaml

    Where VERSION is the version that you want. For example, 1.0.1.

    For example:

    $ tanzu package install tap-gui --package --version 1.0.1 -n \
    tap-install --values-file tap-gui-values.yaml
    - Installing package ''
    | Getting package metadata for ''
    | Creating service account 'tap-gui-default-sa'
    | Creating cluster admin role 'tap-gui-default-cluster-role'
    | Creating cluster role binding 'tap-gui-default-cluster-rolebinding'
    | Creating secret 'tap-gui-default-values'
    - Creating package resource
    - Package install status: Reconciling
     Added installed package 'tap-gui' in namespace 'tap-install'
  5. Verify that the package installed by running:

    tanzu package installed get tap-gui -n tap-install

    For example:

    $ tanzu package installed get tap-gui -n tap-install
    | Retrieving installation details for cc...
    NAME:                    tap-gui
    PACKAGE-VERSION:         1.0.1
    STATUS:                  Reconcile succeeded
    CONDITIONS:              [{ReconcileSucceeded True  }]

    Verify that STATUS is Reconcile succeeded.

  6. To access Tanzu Developer Portal, use the service you exposed in the service_type field in the values file.

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